Finished! My summer goal complete. No peloton, no lead out train, just me in my own private break away doing 100 miles.

Let’s ride, shall we? I was up early to get an early start on the ride. I did my standard fuel of banana custard oats with jam and coconut butter.

What a pretty day, right? One of the reasons I chose to go for it today. Since John has decided he didn’t need to do 100 miles again this year (smart guy), not to mention that his bike is out of commission right now, I just wanted to finish it out. I packed up my bike bag and got ready to roll.

I left at 8:00 a.m.
Went north first and it was a good start other than a pretty stiff head wind, which was going to annoy me a few times today. I passed through farm country:


Hi Bessie, thanks for the milk and butter 
The traffic was heavier than I would have liked, and this road is 55 mph. Most of the time there is a really wide shoulder, but I got to where it was more narrow. It was starting to bother me. I stopped at mile 17 for a pear.

This road looks peaceful, but the traffic was heavy. I think a lot of people were going up to Whitehall to launch their boats.

The road got curvier up ahead, and I decided to turn around since the traffic was bothering me. I was extra conscious of safety today being out by myself.
At mile 25, I stopped for another fruit fillup and to text John with my whereabouts.

Red plum!

I was making good time and feeling strong in the morning. Mile 35 was time for some more fuel. Approximately 5 miles from home.

I wanted more frequent smaller 100-200 calorie fuel ups today as that seems to be what works the best. I ate 2 medjool dates here.
I rolled in to home for a lunch stop at mile 40.5. Average speed for the first 40 miles was 13.6 mph. I could have eaten out, but figured I would just go home. This was Heritage Days weekend and look what was going by the house just as I got home.

Parade! They must have known I was doing 100 miles. How nice of them
I love bagpipes.

After chugging a bunch of water, I made a quick lunch. Baked potato with laughing cow and ground pork with BBQ sauce – and my 4th serving of fruit for the day.

It felt good to get a real meal in. Snacks are good and all, but sometimes you just want more. I also had a couple handfuls of cashews. I was home for about 45 minutes or so, then I headed back out after a 2nd application of sunscreen. Now I had the tailwind, and that was nice! I was noticing the hills a bit in my quads at this point. I stopped at mile 51 for refreshment – halfway done:

Coconut water love. I need them to sponsor me.

It was feeling pretty warm today. Even though the temps were in the low 80s, it was sunny with a capital S! And it was around 1:30 during this time. John was actually coming down to Saratoga on his scooter to meet me after giving me an hour head start. He passed me after I had been on the road about an hour. I was surprised to see him, but it was a nice surprise when he pulled off the side of the road in front of me. I forgot to take his picture. I felt secure knowing that he was only going to be a few miles in front of me.
I was really feeling good. I felt well prepared for this ride and it was going by fast! I was surprised at how far along I was by the time I arrived to cupcakes! Mile 62. John was already in town, so I texted him to let him know I was there and I got my snack.

I had a large iced coffee with a macaroon. I definitely like the pistachio one better, but they were out.

Also on board – a peanut butter cupcake! This was really good. The frosting was not super sweet or really heavy like peanut butter frosting can be.
My body was loving the instant carb hit from these. I think I had burned 1800 calories by this point or so. I actually was a little sad when I finished these because I wasn’t ready to be done LOL.
This was maybe a half hour break or so? I lathered up with sunscreen again. Then, John walked me out to the bike and said the most horrible thing to me. He said “So everything okay and no flats?” Nooooo!!!! I knew he jinxed me.
I knew the next 20 miles were going to be really tough. It was right into the headwind and I had already done 60 miles on the day. And it was tough. And then at mile 70, there was this:

Yep. I noticed I was getting a bit of a shimmy while riding (and not in my hips…) and checked my tire. Not completely flat, but really soft. That meant a slow leak. I had thought about trying to keep it pumped up and keep going, but then I decided to just change it. Cause I am a rockstar and don’t need anyone to do it for me! I had 2 people stop and ask me if I needed help, both of which when I was pretty much done and just adjusting the chain.
Now – I can change my tube, but it does take me a while. That was more what bothered me than anything else was losing about 25 minutes with all that messing around. I had texted John to update him, but I didn’t need him to come rescue me.
Back on the road and I had to stop 5 miles later at mile 75 for another dried fruit hit. Pineapple and dates.

That 25 minute stop used up some of my calorie stores. I love the dried fruit, although I probably consumed some chain grease as well because my hands were dirty.
My original plan was to not stop at home for the rest of the ride, but I wanted to get another spare tube and properly fill up this tire. I have a Schwinn portable pump, which actually doesn’t work the best. John has a Pocket Rocket pump (Yes, please commence to laugh and snicker, because I am always making jokes about it),which I meant to take, but forgot. So I swung by home.
This was mile 85.5. Home pit stop meant dropping my bike lock, saving about a pound in my bag, plus grabbing another coconut water! And a pointless potty stop. I was just sweating it out before anything got to my bladder today, and I drank *a lot*.

It was about 5:15 at this point. I really needed some pep talk to get out there and finish. I knew it was just a little over an hour left.
I have to admit that I struggled for the next 10 miles. I was tired in funny places, like my wrists and my shoulders. My legs felt pretty good. I was also mentally fatigued. That is really the hardest thing on the long rides. I was losing some sharpness. I would hit bumps that normally I would miss because my reaction time was delayed. And the last bit seemed to go on for-ever!
I stopped at mile 95 at a real wall. I got off the bike and ate this granola bar.

I really just wanted to be done. I didn’t want to go any further, yet I was so close. And I wanted some real food! I had seen some candy in the road, something like M&Ms, and there was a thought to stop and eat it. 5-second rule, right? Only who knows how long it was there. That set off a giggling fit, so I knew I was really tired 
My quads ached when I stopped riding, so that was impetus enough to keep going. I was so close. The next couple of miles seemed interminably long. Then when I was 3 miles from home and on the last bit, I got energized again. I started pedaling faster to get home. I watched the odometer roll over 100 miles and with a half mile to go, then I thought “Hmmmm…. I should just keep going a little more to make it 101 miles.” Was I insane?? I think so. Obviously I reeled it in and just stopped.

I made it!

That, my friends, is delirium. So, so glad to be done. It was tough. I physically could have gone further, but I was toast mentally. I started the day at 8 a.m. and finished at about 6:40 p.m. Not bad, really, with breaks and a flat tire change.
Ride stats:
Distance: 100.6 miles (161 km)
Ride time: 7 hours 30 minutes
Average speed 13.4 mph
Top speed: 27.4 mph
Calories burned: 3100

I took the most fabulous shower and then we went out to dinner.
I do actually clean up fairly well:

Then we hit up Olive Garden for a bigass pasta dinner! I told the server I wanted a lot of water and this is what he brought me:

He said I sounded really serious LOL!
After scarfing bread sticks and salad, I had a big plate of ravioli:

Then I came home and ate M&Ms while watching the Tour.
Yay – I am done! It felt good, but after doing this twice – no more. I don’t need to be riding 100 miles again. 40 to 50 miles is plenty long enough.
So much more I could say, but this post is long enough for now. Thanks for reading!