I am not a perfect eater. If I was, I would likely be 15 pounds lighter and maintaining at *that* weight instead of where I have been maintaining.
I have portion sizes down pat. Meals are easy for me. I rarely overeat at mealtimes. Snacks have to be planned in or I will pacman my way through the pantry. Even when I do plan snacks, things can go awry. This is usually due to stress or hormones. When both of those beams cross, it spells doom.
There are 2 times of day that are hard for me. Mid morning I can get pretty snacky (which is true hunger) and the time between cooking dinner and eating dinner. Dinner time especially is the hardest. Since I am getting things out of the pantry, I will grab a few nuts, crackers, a handful of cereal, etc., and nibble These add up fast.
Sometimes I get food amnesia and forget to record it. Even if *I* don’t write it down, my body doesn’t know that. It’s not like my body says “Wait, if she didn’t write it, don’t store any of those calories”. Don’t we wish it were like that?
Working at home has its challenges, and a big one is the food. Of course, I do control the food that comes into the house. (Or mostly, since John is part of the household and can bring in whatever he wants. ). We don’t bring in a bunch of junk food and things like that, but that doesn’t stop me from overeating stuff in the pantry.
Like nuts:
Sometimes I am okay with nuts. I was for a while, but then I got snacky on them and this week they were not bought at the store. Off to the dungeon you go, nuts. Sorry.
This can really be a red light food for me. John eats a lot of cereal, so we buy it. Again, sometimes I am fine having it around. Other times I will get a small bowl of it like this. Doesn’t seem so bad until I have done that 4 or 5 times. That’s a serving and a half.
One of John’s favorite snacks is chocolate chips.
This is his bowl by his computer. Who walks up and snags some chips out of his bowl? That would be me.
I took this picture and John was thinking I was going to make some comment about his snacking habits on the blog LOL! Nope, just my habits.
Interestingly, I have yet to have an issue with dried pineapple.
I love this stuff, too. However, the most I can eat is 2 rings, and usually I just eat one. Why this food is different than some others, I don’t know, but I am okay with that.
I know I have mentioned before that when there is a food in the house that I start having a problem with, I get it away from mouth eye level and it goes up here:
That doesn’t completely stop me from getting stuff, but I would say it is about 90% effective. I forget about things up there, too, which is good.
I don’t take a snapshot of all these snacks during the day. So I hope that no one thinks I eat perfectly all the time. I don’t have it all figured out and struggle with this sometimes. Just puttin’ that out there.