I was excited to get up to ride this morning. I think I have an addiction to biking or something. I had to wear a backpack with spare tube, pump, tools, etc, which I don’t like, but that’s the case until the racks arrive. I fueled up with a Zone bar:
Then I hit the road while John was still sleeping. I went south down the main road, which has a nice wide bike lane.
The other nice thing is that the bridge connecting this road with another main road is closed, so there was almost no traffic going through, which is awesome. It’s fairly flat, so I was booking along and pretty excited at how fast I was going. Turned around after 11 miles and straight into a head wind. D’oh! That was a tough slog home. I stopped to take a few pictures:
I am smiling before coffee. Who knew?
22 miles in the books in 1:30. Not too shabby! I was famished when I got home. I was thinking I was going to go 15, but ended doing an extra 7. Probably should have brought at least some coconut water, as the Zone bar didn’t quite get me through to the end.
Nomf!! It almost looks like yin and yang, doesn’t it? But that is PB and J in a nutshell anyway.
Loooooong workday today. It’s one of the 10-hour days, which is basically Mon-Thurs right now. I am so glad I don’t have a commute, although I guess my ride this morning could qualify for that. I almost felt guilty about going for a long ride this morning because I should get right to work, but then realized that is crazy. Nothing comes before me and my health.
Lunch break!
Ahhhh…. the excitement of tuna.
I had a dictator today that drove me crazy. He was eating while dictating, which a lot of doctors do, but he was totally chomping on food and talking with his mouth stuffed full and lipsmacking. And it was over several different reports. I was so grossed out after the 3rd one. Sometimes the doctors forget there is actually someone on the other end of these things. One MT told a story about how the doc forgot to turn off the recorder and took it into the bathroom. Ewwww…..
Had to take a break!
I also had a couple Dove promises that got snarfed before I remembered to take a picture.
Dinner was all about the fast today. I did a quick microwave scrambled egg with laughing cow on a bun.
Hot sauce destined to be on the sammie! Dinner ready in 10 minutes, ate in 5.
Made a fun snack. I had the homemade fluff, which I put on a graham cracker and used one of those torch lighters to toast my fluff and sprinkled on a few chips.
Outstanding. S’mores without the smoke.
I apologize on being behind on blogs. These long days are temporary, thank goodness. Back to work after this, but probably only for another hour or so.
Lifting move of the week tomorrow. Can’t believe Wed is coming up so fast!