Tag Archives: oats

On the road again!

Okay, not on the road traveling per se – but the bikes are out!

And a note on the sweet potato muffins from earlier, I used the Spark recipe calculator to calculate nutritionals.  It’s pretty cool!

First off, though  – must get to the important breakfast stuff.  Banana custard oats topped with pecan butter and strawberry all fruit.

Delish!  I did a little less oats to see what would happen and it was kind of like pudding.  No running today because of the ride later.  And the blogger run day is on Sunday, btw… 😳

We decided to bike to lunch today, since it was going to be in the low to mid 40s!  Still a little brisk, but you all know if it is above 40, I’ll go.  I was a little worried for John because he has not been doing as much as I have during the winter, but he did pretty well 😀

Filling up the tires:

It was all road riding because the bike path is still covered in snow.  It’s 8 miles each way to get to Panera Bread, so a good ride!  I was hangry by the time we got there, though.  We had to stop a couple times for adjustments.  The first ride of the season doesn’t always go smoothly.

I had clam chowder and a tomato/mozzarella sammie:

Yum!  My date (also yum..):

Me with helmet head:

I so missed riding!  I run a lot now, but if you asked me to choose between running and biking, I would be pedaling away before you could even finish the sentence.    The ride home was a little harder as there was a bit of a head wind, and my sit bones were starting to get a little sore.  Did a lot of standing up for the last couple miles 🙂  Legs felt really good, though.  Total miles: 16, average of 12 mph.  Good first season ride!

I got a little chilled, so I needed a good warmup of a latte:

That’s cinnamon on top.

We were pretty lazy for the rest of the day.  Then it was time for dinner.  Still using up those potatoes!  I did one kind of like the other night, but it was a white potato with some laughing cow cheese and BBQ chicken.  Really good!

Did some grocery shopping tonight since we are going someplace farther away for bagels tomorrow.  Now I am ready to have some snacks and movie time!

Question:  Any good plans for this weekend?

Green eggs, Sam I am

The last day of my work week – yay!  I woke up this morning and decided I could not do the treadmill when the sidewalks were clear.  I had a banana and walnut butter for a pre run snack.

This was a tiny nanner!

Then I hit the road. It was colder than I was expecting outside.  I keep forgetting that the daily high for the day does not occur at 7 a.m. (duh).  It was about 25 when I went out.  Nice thing about the cold is that I don’t sweat as much as indoors.  I did a 5K loop twice around, so it ended up about 6.4 miles.  I was doing fine until the last 1/2 mile or so, and I really had to slog it out to finish.  I was tired by that point.  Not used to running outside anymore!  And no more bananas for a workout.  They make me burp!  What is up with that?

Since it was so cold out, I felt kind of fall inspired with my oats and brought out a can of pumpkin from the stash, plus another freezer stash item!

Cooked these up into pumpkin custard oats.  Topped with 1 tbsp of walnut butter.  I was so happy eating this breakfast.  I love food! :mrgreen:

Confession time – remember how I said we had an embarrassing amount of oat products?  Here is the shelf! 😳

I have had a chill all day.  Can’t seem to get rid of it even after a warm breakfast, hot shower, and being dressed in a sweatshirt and turtleneck today!

I experimented with lunch.  I wanted warmth – so a wrap was out.  I decided to put some broccoli in the magic bullet with an egg and some egg whites and blend it up.  Then I used the GT express to make omelets out of it, with some laughing cow tucked inside.  Check it out – green eggs!

Should have saved this for St. Patty’s Day……

So, the cereal box in the house experiment has turned into a big fail.  I snacked on that a lot today.  And it was Kashi, so my tummy is paying me back for that.  I was okay with the box in the house until I actually opened it.  D’oh!

Another FAQ, since this ingredient is in Kashi:

I saw flax seeds in your store and know I can sprinkle them on oatmeal and just about everything else. I take it you are supposed to grind them first? What’s the difference between golden and brown flax seeds (and others)? Do you have any recommendations for a newbie just starting out with flax?

Flax really needs to be ground for your body to digest it, otherwise it just passes on through.  There seems to be conflicting views on whether there really is much difference between golden and brown flax, but brown is the most easy to find in stores.  Both kinds will give you Omega 3 and alpha linoleic acid.  Just buy it whole and grind it in a coffee grinder.  Once ground, it is best to store in the fridge.  Flax is the basis for the 1-minute muffin, too!

Dinner time was more experimenting.  I cooked up a sweet potato (and saved half for another day).  Topped it with some cooked chicken, BBQ sauce, and cabot reduced fat cheddar.

This was good!  Sounds funny, but it was a nice mix of flavors.  I have gotten in some good superfoods today.


News around the internets:

Interesting post on good food versus bad at Healthy Foodie

Added some handmade soap to my Open Sky store.

** Important Food Recall – If you eat vegetarian meat analogs or use dip mixes, please check the FDA website here for product recalls on these products**


Question: Are you ready for spring?

Flashback Friday – The 24W edition.

Friday!  Yay!  Had a nice day off just puttering around and doing things 😀  Started off the day with a good gym work out:

Walked 1 mile on the hamster wheel, then did my lifting:

  • Chin ups:  2 sets of 2, 1 set of 1 (and a lame attempt at 2)
  • Barbell split squats:  3 sets of 8 at 65#

Super set:

  • Barbell incline chest press:  3 sets of 8 at 55#
  • Lunges with bar:  3 sets of 8 with 35# bar

Super sets:

Super set:

  • Dumbbell pliet squat:  3 sets of 10 with 40# DB
  • Dumbbell pull over:  3 sets of 10 with 20# DB

Then I did an interval workout on the stationary bike.  Felt good!  I worked the weights harder today as I am taking a scheduled lifting break next week (which I do every couple of months or so).

I was all set for grains this morning for brekkie!  I actually did that work out fasted to see what would happen (nothing).  I was hangry, though.  I made some banana custard oats with a whole egg today:

Topped with some raw honey and PB.  Yum!  This raw honey has some bee pollen in it too, which was interesting.

I was able to get up to all kinds of stuff with not having to work.  I made some maple coconut pecan butter (like a liquid praline 😯  )

and got some slow cooker stew started for dinner.

Flashback Friday:  I was flipping through some old photo albums last week and I saw some photos that just made me freak out a little.  When I think about how my mind’s view of myself has changed, these photos looks so alien to me.

Here I am at my heaviest weight in 2002, standing in front of our first home (John was probably at his heaviest, too).

I loved that house and the garden I put in the back.

And then this photo, a few months later.  I know I probably had a bulky sweatshirt or sweater on under this, but the jacket (24W) is almost bulging:

Same smile though :mrgreen:

These 2 photos make me laugh a little because the first one is little head on big body, the second is big head on little body 😀  More and more the 2nd picture is becoming the norm in my head.  It’s just taken a couple years for that to happen.

Which leads me to this FAQ question set:

Do you track calories or record your food intake at all? (besides what you record on your blog) Yes, I use Dailyplate or Fitday to record what I eat.  I have been experimenting with not recording food a few days a week as an experiment, but I will probably always have some sort of tracking going on.  It’s kind of a habit now.

DO you try to stay within a calorie range? Try would be the applicable word here 😀  I can lose weight if I can get my calories down to 1500, but that is really hard for me.  Maintaining is around 1900-2100 most days, depending on activity.

Best advice for someone who wants to lose weight? If I could say something to the old me in that photo, it would be that it is never too late to start, and it isn’t impossible, and it doesn’t mean you have to give everything up or become a social outcast to change your eating habits.  Start small, as all the little changes add up to big results over time.   And that it takes time.  Patience is so important, especially when you have a lot to lose.  It takes a long time, but that’s okay.  But probably the most important thing is to speak kindly to yourself.  Never, ever talk down to yourself because you are worth so much more than the weight on the outside.  Positive talk leads to positive self-worth.

I went out and did some consignment browsing today, but didn’t find anything I wanted to buy.  I did bring home snacks for John and I.

There were a few snacks today.  Not a good day as far as following my ‘no extra snacking’ thing I was trying to implement.  This is really hard!  I am craving bread type of things for some reason.

The stew I put in the slow cooker turned out awesome!  The stew meat was local grass fed meat from the smokehouse and it was really, really tender.  With some biscuits!

All day of cooking and 20 minutes of eating. 🙂

All in all, a nice day and to know that I also have Saturday off feels like a real treat!  We are taking my folks out for breakfast if the weather is okay.  Think I will save my run for the afternoon.

QuestionWhat is one thing that you would tell  your past self if you could?

Balanced day and bring on the questions!

Thanks for all your input on my to goal or not to goal post from yesterday!  I am always looking for ways to challenge myself, and without any specific events or anything to train for right now, it seems as good a time as any to see what I can do with the scale.  Nothing may happen, but I am willing to give it a try.  I do know that if it doesn’t really want to move, or I find it too hard – I am okay with where I am.  😀

Started off the day with a pre-run snack!

I need to make my own and quit with the bars.  (Yeah, I know I keep saying that…).   Today was run day at the gym.  I am glad I lifted light yesterday, because my legs felt nice and fresh today.  The goal was 5 miles or whatever I felt like doing after that, which turned into 6!  I had covered up the electronics after mile 1 and just listened to my tunes (Hot Club of Detroit).  When I uncovered, it was just about 6 miles, so I finished it out.  Going at a slower pace (for me) really helps the longer runs.  I do between 5.5 and 5.8 mph for the longer runs.


I was totally ready for breakfast!  Banana custard oats and cafe au lait:

Topped with PB&J!

Got right to work this morning.  Busy, busy.  And watching the snow start to fall.  We are predicted to get a good amount of snow over the next couple of days of 8 to 16 inches (could they maybe have narrowed that down a bit??).  Regardless, there will be some shoveling happening tomorrow.  Not sure if that will affect bagel Wednesday or not 👿

Lunch break of greek yogurt, hemp plus granola and strawberries!

Yum! Today was really a yummy food day.  Or maybe it was the long run that made everything taste extra good.

My own personal barista made me  latte, which I paired with an Attune bar.  I really think the raspberry ones are my favorite.

I finished up work right at dinner time, which was nice.  Most evenings I have about 1/2 hour or so left by dinner time, so this was a happy thing.  Needing to eat up those potatoes!  I also had thawed out some ground beef.  We purchase our meat from a local smokehouse, and they do not have any lean mixes, just straight up 80/20.  So, ground beef is a little rare (hardeehar) around here.   I cooked it up and mixed it with some barbeque sauce (addiction alert!) and topped a baked potato with it.  Really, really good:

Overall, I did quite well with the eating today.  I had extra calories because of the run x2:

and I balanced my meals and snacks pretty well.  And fairly clean. Tonight will be some stretching and working on a strength training workout for tomorrow (if I can make it to the gym!)

FAQ time: Okay – I am going to do another round of FAQs as there are a lot of new readers.  So please, ask me anything in the comments or email me at javaqueen01 (at) yahoo.com.  I am going to use these to compile an FAQ page, along with the ones I did before.  Long overdue for that….

Don’t forget about the 15% off coupon at OpenSky for the Olympics promotion!  It expires on the 23rd.  I have some new nut butter in my shop, too.

Question:  Are you seeing any snow?

Custard Oats primer

I cannot take credit for the custard oats idea  I read about them on Susan’s blog and Tay’s blog.

Basically, it’s just oats with an egg whisked in.  Takes about 5 minutes.  Pretty simple, eh?  This is my version. Yesterday’s oats were a pumpkin custard.


  • 1/4 cup of liquid egg whites
  • 1/2 cup of canned pumpkin (from my precious stash)
  • 40 grams of rolled oats
  • 1 tsp brown sugar
  • pumpkin pie spice (a lot!)

In a small pot, bring 1 cup of water to a boil and add the oats, brown sugar, and spice:

Reduce heat and cook for a couple minutes.  This part always smells so good with the spices.  My arm starts to look pretty tasty at this point as I am waiting for the oats to cook…..

Then I add the pumpkin:

It takes a bit to mix this in, then I cook for a minute.  Sometimes it takes a little longer if the pumpkin came from the fridge.

Then comes the egg whites.  Drizzle very slowly while stirring fast with the other hand,as you want the egg whites incorporated and not in solid chunks:

Not only do these taste good, but you can work on coordination at the same time! Once they are all in, cook for another 30 seconds or so and you will see the oats puff up a bit and get creamy.

Pour into a bowl and top as you wish!  My favorites for the pumpkin oats are toasted pecans and cranberry sauce, but this will do:

See how creamy and fluffy these are?  It makes the bowl full, and as a volume eater, you know I love that!

Calories: The pumpkin oats without toppings:  235 calories


I have also done these with a mashed banana instead of pumpkin.  Just add the well-mashed banana to the boiling water.  No sugar necessary with this one, as the banana gets absorbed into the oats and sweetens them.

Calories:  Banana oats without toppings: 260 with a small (6-7 inch) banana.

Mardi Gras and the Oz

Happy Mardi Gras!  Thanks for all of your comments on the ‘normal‘ thing yesterday.  John doesn’t always understand where I am coming from with body image, so it’s nice to know I am not crazy! :mrgreen:

I woke up pretty early this morning and headed off to the gym to get my run in.  5.5 miles and a ton of sweat later and I was ready for breakfast!

Banana custard oats.  Topped with peach jam and almond butter.  Delish!  I’ll explain custard oats later this week.

Did a lot of work this morning.  Trying to be extra productive with all that is going on today.

Superfood lunch!

Greek yogurt, agave nectar, pumpkin, cinnamon, dried cranberries, and rice krispies (okay, not a superfood).

My folks came over and watched the Dr. Oz show today.  It was so weird knowing I was there.  And seeing my face a few times (dork alert!!).  Surreal.  I was smiling all the time.  I was just so happy to be a small part of all that!
I can’t believe they are able to hide all of those cameras and edit out the bloopers.  Merrill really was so inspiring wasn’t she? (and the others!).

And Richard Simmons – my very favorite things he said were about knowing your self worth.  They left out a big chunk of his interview, though, and the part that I had liked the most about never knowing who you would inspire each day.  Maybe it is online?

Happy Mardi Gras!

Each year John and I cook a Mardi Gras dinner.

Tonight’s dinner featured some chicken and andouille gumbo with brown rice:

Shrimp poboys (baked breaded shrimp)

Cornbread and fruit for goodness.  This was my sensibly portioned plate.


Then came some fun – tiny bead thrower:

Simpsons Monopoly!

Bananas Foster for dessert!  We even did a flambe and didn’t burn the house down…. phew:

I had a small portion:

I was extremely pleased at my eating today.  This was one of those times where I had the plan and followed through on it!  Yay!  I enjoyed every bite and am sitting here satisfied and not full.

What a great time.  We love to host dinner parties. 😀

Now I need to relax some.  Another busy day in store.  Have a great one!

I am normal

Happy Monday!  Waving ‘hi’ to all the new readers – there have been a ton over the past week!

It felt really good to hit the gym today.  I did a power lifting workout!

  • Chin ups:  2 sets of 2, 1 set of 1
  • Squats:  3 sets of 8 with 85# barbell


  • Stationary lunge:  3 sets of 8 with 20# DBs
  • Lat pull down:  3 sets of 8 at 60#



  • Decline sit ups: 3 sets of 10 (hard!!)
  • Dumbbell pliet squat:  3 sets of 10
  • Lower back extension:  3 sets of 10 at 100#

Then I rode the stationary bike for 30 minutes.  My legs were pretty tired, so no running today.

I was pretty hungry for a filling breakfast, so I made pumpkin custard oats!

With the egg whites added, it was just like pumpkin pie with oats!  Nom, nom.

So, when I referenced the other day about how meeting all of the 100+ pound losers last week, I ended up learning something I was not expecting.  I am normal!

We all walk around with the baggage of our entire lives, and that is what colors our view of ourselves.  I cannot erase the fact that I grew up overweight or spent the majority of my adult life as an overweight person.  That is who I was and when I think of myself, that is part of the package.

It really struck me in the lobby of the hotel when we were waiting to go to the taping that you couldn’t even tell that anyone had been morbidly obese just by looking at them.  We all looked like regular anypeople.  I’m not sure what I was expecting.  Maybe because I feel like I have a neon sign above me that says I lost 100 pounds that I assume others will know that about me when they see me.  Even a perfect stranger.  How weird is that?  Even during the taping, it was so hard to look at everyone and really believe they looked like their before pictures at any time, and yet the proof was right there.  After we had gotten moved to the 2nd hotel after taping, I was in the lobby changing into boots to brave the snow.  There was a woman there who asked what we were all there for.  I explained about it, and she said I looked great and you wouldn’t know it.  That really, really made me look differently about myself.  I look normal!

Maybe now I will be able to see that for myself.

I’ll skip over lunch and the snack and present to you my hughjass salad for dinner!

Typical BBQ sauce chicken (told you I was on a kick) with feta and almonds.  I really love that combo.  You can almost see the 3 clementines I had with dinner, too, on the side.  Also note it is getting lighter near dinner time, so the lighting will be improving for pictures – yay!

I finished up work early because we were so busy today.  I ended going shopping tonight and came home empty handed.  Don’t you hate it when you have a mission for something very specific and can’t find it anywhere?  That was me.  I did, however, come home with this:

And I came home to the smell of gumbo.  John started cooking that in preparation for our Mardi Gras dinner tomorrow.  Everyone got their beads??

Question:  Do you think you see yourself as others do?

Liftin and return to normalcy?

Okay now – how long has it been since you have seen a post like this?  A few weeks?  It has been a crazy ride, and it’s not quite over yet.  You’ll have to stay tuned to see what is up next week :mrgreen:  I swear I need another vacation.  Thank you all so very much for your comments the last few days.  They mean the world to me!

I got right down to business at the gym this morning with a great strength training workout:

  • Chin ups: 2 sets of 2, 1 set of 1.
  • Stiff-legged deadlifts:  3 sets of 8 with 70 pound barbell
  • Cable squat to row:  3 sets of 8 at 50 pounds
  • Barbell chest press: 3 sets of 8 at 55 pounds
  • YTWL:  3 sets with 10 pound DBs
  • Reverse lunge with bar: 3 sets of 8 with 35# bar
  • Overhead french press: 3 sets of 10 with 10# DBs

The chin ups were harder today as I am now starting from a lower box, so my arms are now pretty much straight and I am having to a full pull up.  I feel this through my sides big time!  Also note I did an isolation exercise today for the triceps just for the heck of it!  Hit the treadmill for a little walk/run combo after that and came home.

I was hungry and ready for custard oats!

This bowl had:

  • 40 grams oats
  • 1 small mashed banana
  • 1/4 cup egg whites
  • 1 tbsp almond butter
  • cinnamon
  • 1 tablespoon Polaner all fruit (blackberry)

Tasty.  This is my new bowl I bought for myself in Mexico!  The bottom is stamped “lead free.”  Isn’t that comforting…..

Normally Friday’s are the start of my weekend, but I didn’t work on Wednesday (obviously) and rather than take more PTO, I switched days to work today.  Hard to motivate myself, though!

Lunch was a sandwich made with John’s homemade oat bread.  He is quite the baker!  I used cooked chicken, some laughing cow cheese, and BBQ sauce.

Open-faced or half sandwiches when using homemade bread.  The breads are really, really good – but the real deal, so to cut down on some calories – I just have 1 slice.

Afternoon snacking may have included some of this:

John won the Superbowl fantasy picks, so I had to buy the last dinner of the season.  He chose Panera Bread.  I tried 2 new items today:

The pesto vegetable soup and the mozzarella and tomato panini.  The soup was good, although it was really chock full of veggies, so I couldn’t quite finish it (not fond of wax beans).  The sammie was really, really good.  Fresh basil and a mix of sundried and regular tomatoes.

Panini sandwiches are so good!  Not much on tap for tomorrow.  John and I don’t really do much for Valentine’s Day and hardly ever exchange gifts. As long as we tell each other “I love you” everyday, that’s enough for me (along with an occasional flower bouquet!)

OpenSky is offering free shipping on orders over $25 for a limited time, so you can pick up a panini press there if you want!

Question:  Any Valentine plans?

Lifting and drizzly!

Slept quite well last night.  I started taking 5-HTP before bed, which is like serotonin.  If I remember to take it every night, I should be able to see if this helps me sleep!

Monday morning at the gym.  It was not too busy for whatever reason.  Monday’s are usually pretty crowded.  Lifting workout:

  • Dumbbell pliet squats:  3 sets of 10 with 35# dumbbell
  • Wide grip lat pulldown:  3 sets of 10 at 60 pounds
  • Alternating lunges with bar:  3 sets of 10 with 35# bar
  • Horizontal cable wood chop:  3 sets of 10 at 30#
  • YTWL:  3 sets of 10 with 10# dumbbells
  • Chin ups:  3 sets of 2

Note I did the chinups last because someone parked themselves on the squat cage for quite a while.  It was hard doing these last!  I also banged my knees on the bar on the first chin up, because I forgot to move it back onto the pegs as the person using it did not do that.   Ouchie!

Then I treadmilled for a while.  I walked a mile and jogged for 2 miles.

I was thinking pumpkin during the last part of the workout 😀  Decided to do quick cook steel cut oats with 1/2 cup of pumpkin, pumpkin pie spice and egg whites stirred in:

Topped with jam and toasted pecans.  It was so good on a day like today:

Rainy and dreary!  Blech.  It’s pretty warm, though – at least the upper 40s.  The ground is frozen though, so there is no where for the rain to go!

I had cooked chicken ready to go for lunch and decided on a curry chicken pita:

  • 2 oz of chicken chopped
  • 1/2 of a small granny smith apple chopped
  • 1 tablespoon of sliced almonds
  • 1 tablespoon of light mayo
  • curry powder.

Mixed all up and placed in a Josef’s pita with some lettuce.  Tasty!

Work has been very busy!  It makes me even more ready for vacation.  I will talk tomorrow about what my strategy is for eating and the cruise tomorrow.  Was going to do that today, but got swamped and I still have to go run errands tonight!

Break time was more wonderful things for a chilly rainy day:

Dark chocolate mint Attune bar:

90 calories of dark chocolate goodness.

John got called for jury duty today, and he ended up sitting on the the jury!  Last one picked, too.  He decided to go ahead and do it because the case is only supposed to be 3 days long and won’t interfere with our vacay!  It’s been weird to be alone all day with him gone.

I made a quick stirfry of broccoli, a small potato, 1 egg, feta cheese and some coconut oil with seasoning.  It was pretty good!

One of those messy dinners 😀

Off to run errands!

Question:  What is your dreary day comfort?

Running and custard x2

Midweek time!  Sometimes I cannot believe how fast time goes by, can you?  Today was run day at the gym.  I have decided that I won’t do speed work on the days that I run longer and do that on lifting days with brief runs.  I think that will be easier on the legs.

So, I treadmilled (hey, I can make it a verb, right?) it for 6 miles today.  It’s funny how I remember last year when doing 5Ks – it felt so far to get to 3 miles, and now that is half way through today’s run and it was pretty easy (the first 3 miles, that is).  You can build up runing pretty fast when you work at it 😀  I have a long way to go to think about doing a 1/2 marathon.

Came home and made some custard oats.  I have seen these floating around the internet and decided to give them a try since I had egg whites on hand.  I was thinking the egg would scramble as soon as it hit the oats, but it didn’t!

  • 40 grams oats
  • 56 grams egg whites (1/4 cup)
  • cinnamon
  • 1 mashed banana

I mashed the banana and added it to the pot and brought 1 cup of water to a boil.  I added the oats and cinnamon, then whisked the egg whites in very slowly.  These kind of fluffed up and thickened like pudding:

Very nice.  The egg seemed to mute the banana flavor, but the banana was also not as ripe as I usually like them.  I do like the egg white better than protein powder in oats.

Speaking of protein powder, I will be doing a post on protein powders and how we use them in a day or so to kind of answer all the recent questions in one fell swoop.  😀

Lunch consisted of the last of the whole wheat crust pizza (I added feta) and a fabulous pear.

Worked fast again today, even with a latte break in there! (unpictured).  I love being able to finish by dinner time.  I had a hankering for a big stir fry for dinner, so I chopped up a carrot, a bunch of broccoli and some chicken and stirfried in a bit of coconut oil with teriyaki sauce and a couple tablespoons of hot sauce (yeah, baby!).

Yum.  That was a fun experiment with the fresh broccoli this week.  Bunch broccoli was on sale for $1 a pound, so I had gotten some.  Looks like broccoli is in season according to this chart that Steve pointed out today. Normally I buy frozen baby broccoli florets, as I prefer the florets only.

Played it old school tonight with a game of scrabble!

John always, always wins.  Always….. sigh.

We had an extra player, though:

Pixie was in charge of the letter tiles.  She wasn’t all that helpful 😛

I started the day with custard, so I decided to end the day with custard!  This is a quick and easy pumpkin custard snack:

  • 1/2 cup canned pumpkin
  • cinnamon
  • 1 tsp agave nectar (could use honey or brown sugar)
  • 1/4 cup egg whites.

Mix really well and put into a microwave safe dish or silicone muffin cup.  Cook for about 2 minutes in the microwave until it puffs up and is uniform in color.  Top as you would like – I used dried cranberries.  For a more pie-like dessert, put a gingersnap or a graham cracker on the bottom of the dish before cooking.

This post was all about the food today LOL.   Don’t forget the giveaway tomorrow!  The post will be up in the morning some time.

Question:  Favorite board game?