As I proceed to demolish our bathroom, I was thinking about how weight loss and renovation are very similar.
First, you can think of remodeling versus renovating. Remodeling is losing a little bit of weight or starting a lifting program to get that little bit ready for summer. Kind of like painting the walls in one of your rooms or getting a new couch to freshen up.
Then there is renovation. A full room remodel, which involves tearing down and building back up. A serious task that takes a long time. Perhaps even daunting. At first you look at the big picture and think “Wow – there is a lot of work to be done here.” Like me at 250 pounds
Then you think about what you need to do and what approach to take. Keep the floors? New floors? Tear out the tub? Refinish the tub? It’s all about personal style. Weight loss would be What plan do I follow? Should I do low carb, low fat, running, walking?
Then there is the actual start of the project. You get your tools and go. Once you start demo, there is no going back. Weight loss: Tomorrow is the day. I am starting this Monday. I am joining WW. Now that I have paid for X program, I had better do it.
At first it is exciting and change is big. Whee! I am on a new diet plan, it’s exciting! Fast results the first week, it’s so awesome!
Then you reach that stage where things get ugly before it starts to get better. And you realize that it’s going to be a long while before things get back to normal. I hate this. I just want to eat X. This is taking forever and I want the weight to be gone now!
Real progress starts to happen and you feel excited again. Wow, compliments from my friends and coworkers keeps me motivated.
Then you hit a bump you weren’t expecting (hello uneven floors) and have to change the plan. Hmmm… I have plateaued. What I was doing isn’t working. Maybe time to change up the exercise or how I am eating?
As you near the end, you can see the finish line, but little things seem to keep popping up and taking longer than you expected. Will I ever get to goal? Why is this last 10 pounds taking so long?!?! Come on!
Then when you finish your project and are so pleased with the results and proud of all the work you did. And you love just being in the room and using it. Woo Hoo! I hit goal! I love what I see in the mirror. Being active is great! I love these new smaller clothes. Shopping is fun again!
It is a complete change in life to lose weight. You must do the full renovation to have permanent lifestyle changes to not only get the weight off, but keep it off.