Woke up to an early quiet morning today. Foggy out. It was cold, too! Around 49 degrees.
I puttered around for a bit before deciding on what to have for breakfast:
Warm apple topping on waffles! Tasty! I was making plans to go to the farmer’s market when John got up. He had breakfast and decided to bike with me to the market, but then keep going to the lake. He wanted a long ride today. It was really hard not to go with him, I have to say. I need to save my legs for 62 miles tomorrow!
Market finds:
I got a squash, some roasted coffee, and some apples. Then biked home. I nice and easy 12 miles. My legs feel so awesome! I tapered well this week and did not do any lifting and I feel super strong and fresh.
I was hungry when I got home and proceeded to have toast with jam and nut butter.
I am going to eat more today to make sure I have good glycogen stores for tomorrow (yeah, that’s it )
The garden is still getting new blooms. The giant clematis that ate Cleveland is still going:
Along with those funky little after blooms:
The sedum has colored up.
What I find most interesting about this sedum is how much the flies like it. I get the bees, but the flies?
This is my side shade garden, which I don’t show too many pictures of, for some reason.
Color pop on the flowering tobacco:
One single, full bloom on the scentimental rose.
I am oscillating between being very nervous and looking forward to the ride tomorrow. I had to take a picture of myself and I can see the nerves:
The big difference is that I need to finish the whole thing. Like with any race we do versus going out for a run. If you go for a run and it doesn’t feel good or whatever, you can stop. When it’s a race or some other event, either you finish or you don’t. I won’t get my relaxed cupcake break tomorrow. If you think about it between 9:30 and 10:00 a.m. Eastern time on Sunday, send power thoughts for my legs. That’s about the time I will be doing the 5 mile climb. I have 2 coconut waters to take, plus some energy bars and fruit. I don’t know what there will be at the designated rest stops, but I am sure gatorade will be there and I don’t drink that, so I have my trusty coconut water!
I might also bring along one of these:
Whole wheat pumpkin scones! Recipe to be posted on Tuesday. I had one of these with my latte this afternoon, topped with some icing. Carb loading – gotta love it
We watched a movie with Pixie:
and then it was time for dinner. I wanted a good amount of protein, so I stir fried 4 oz of chicken with broccoli and ginger sauce.
While I was out taking some garden shots after dinner, I heard that unmistakable “whoosh” of a hot air balloon. There was a launch earlier in the evening and one drifted right by our house:
Not sure where it ended up, but it is right over the river in this picture, so I imagine it wasn’t there.
I’ll be hitting the hay early tonight. Be back on Sunday evening with a Century Ride recap!