We had a great couple of days. The weather was really rainy on Christmas Eve, though. I kept thinking that if it was snow, it would have been a blizzard and we wouldn’t have been able to have dinner!
I had a surprising amount of work to do on the Eve and I was intermixing that with getting ready for hosting dinner.
Icing tasty mini cinnamon roll cookies:
John cooking up eggnog
I just love his face in this picture. <3
I got out great grandmother’s china and set the table.
Quick selfie while I was still all cleaned up and unhurried
All loved ones started arriving and we got dinner on the serving table.
We had a chicken cordon bleu casserole, baked macaroni and cheese, vegetable tian, roasted carrots, biscuits, green bean casserole (for my dad).
After eating, we had the usual music by John.
It looks like a supernova exploded behind his head – not sure what happened there LOL!
Here is a tiny blip of his playing.
Then it was time for present opening and lot of mess Since our gas fireplace is not functional right now, we had to substitute:
I recieved a game I have been wanting for a long time (Ticket to Ride) and we got down to business with that while having dessert!
My sister also set up the dessert tray with our cookie swap:
She is talented. Colleen made these adorable cookies, too:
John and I had a quiet Christmas day before heading on down to Saratoga for more games and cookies! I am starting to wear out on the cookies LOL!
I received some very thoughtful gifts this year.
The paper star lanterns I was eyeing:
My annual cupcake ornament from my mom:
The Aeropress – pretty excited to try this one:
John got me a PS3 game.
Games are my guilty pleasure.
A very enjoyable couple of days, I have to say. The first of many Christmases at Radiance Manor. I hope all of you had a wonderful few days as well!