Okay – March starts tomorrow and that really means spring is coming! You wouldn’t think so with the amount of snow we had since Friday. Here I am standing by a snow bank on the side of the house:
That would be about 4 feet high. Our bobsled chute:
It is very hard to see to get out of the driveway.
We have a big overhang of snow on our garage, which will fall off sometime today. It just froze this way.
Yes, I am still married to him…
Today is a rainy sleet mess, but at least we don’t have to shovel it!
I chose not to go to the gym today to run on the treadmill. I thought about it while drinking up some protein.
Just not feeling the run,though; part of which is some nagging knee pain that I think might be related to my old back injury. So, I stayed home and rode on the trainer for 10 miles. Good enough!
Time for breakfast! I made up a bunch of the magic rolls yesterday so we can eat them this week. John really likes them. I had an egg sammie with laughing cow. Skipped the hot sauce in the a.m., though.
Since it is the last day of February, time to do a review. Here is the assessment of my goals for this month:
1. Continue with weight loss efforts. Did really well here. I lost 3 pounds, which is the last of the Christmas weight. Woo Hoo! Like I said, 1 week to put on, 2 months to take off.
2. Experiment with some eating protocols. Just for fun. I might try doing a couple low carb days just to see what they are like. Or more likely paleo/primal type eating. I incorporated some lower carb days each week. Really more of a sugar and grain free approach with higher fat. This was a surprising hit for me. I will discuss more below.
3. Be more productive with my down time. Down time is great, but I don’t need to spend it all on the computer or playing games. That means reading more books, going out for events, etc. Success here. John and I went to a couple of concerts and I read voraciously this month. Not to mention the new half bath we are putting in.
4. Do more recipe cooking and not just meal assembly. Another success! Some of the cooking involved Chicken chili, Chicken with balsamic tomatoes, Magic Rolls, Coconut Curry Chicken.
5. Clean the house for 15 minutes each day a la Fly Lady. I was doing really well with this, then about mid month I started slacking off, especially when we started working on the renovation. Oops.
A good month overall. Tomorrow reboots with some new monthly objectives.
I was ready for a circular lunch today. I needed fiber, so I did a 1-minute muffin (pumpkin) topped with some coconut butter.
Tasty. I am wanting to do a cream cheese frosting on this thing again. That always goes well with pumpkin.
So let’s talk some numbers and some fat. Regarding doing the lower carb stuff during last month, this took me quite a bit out of my comfort zone. Not so much having less carbs, because we all do that from time to time just naturally. It was the fat.
Since I was keeping carbs at 100 and my protein requirement that I personally like is around 100 g – that left a lot of calories left over that I needed to eat. So that meant fat. Like butter, coconut butter, nuts (started to get out of hand with these), 2% milk. I even moved to some half and half in my coffee. I found out my body really likes the fat. It kept me full. In fact, I had to make sure I ate enough on some days. It was such a great feeling to not have that nibbling urge. I only had 1 day during February where I just out and out ate – and that was last week when I had some stress and just ate a lot of chocolate chips and nuts and granola. The other day I ate a whole bunch of food was Superbowl Sunday. Nuff said on that one. 😳
Anyway, there was a little bit of paranoia on my part that I would gain weight from eating all the fat, even though my calories were in check. Still old prejudices there, although they are leaving. I averaged 1704 calories per day during the month of February. And less exercise than normal. Now, I only did lower carb 3 to 4 days a week and my normal eating on the other days. But overall, my whole monthly diet consisted of 40% fat. On the lower carb days, it was as much as 65%. And I still lost 3 pounds.
An experimental study of 1, but interesting nonetheless. I was able to get in at least 20 grams of fiber on lower carb days, so not too low. The not having cravings for sweets or just eating was the ultimate bonus in my book.
I could talk about this more, but I am sure many of you are like this:
Now back to regularly scheduled programming – afternoon snackage!
Fairly busy with work today, which is a great way to start out the week. That latte kept me full until dinner (thank you 2% milk). Dinner was something different. I stopped at the smokehouse yesterday to load up on meat for the freezer. Sometimes you never know what kind of meats they will have. They had cube steaks yesterday. So I cooked one up to put atop some butter lettuce. Topped with greek dressing and feta cheese.
This was really good. I think I like the butter lettuce mix better than the spring mix I normally get. I am not a big fan of the radicchio in it.
Tonight is the rest of the work and then a pumpkin snack:
Yeah, I recycled this picture for you LOL!
Question: What kind of salad mix is your favorite?