I made it through yesterday! I had one more date last night because I was hungry, but fine otherwise. I don’t know how people who weigh more than I do eat less food than 1500 calories. Maybe I will just need to get used to it again. It’s been so long in maintenance where I do just the balancing. I have really forgotten what it is like to be in true losing mode and not just dinking around mode. Know what I mean? But I can do anything for a week.
I got more good sleep last night to the tune of 7.5 hours. Yay! I had breakfast first because I wanted to run a bit later outside. I made up some pumpkin custard oats topped with pecans, honey fluff, and crystallized ginger.
That’s what I’m talking about! Yum! I love how the fluff gets all melty.
I worked and let brekkie settle, then set out for an outdoor run. It was 39 degrees and not windy, so all in all a good run scenario. I did 3 miles at a nice steady pace. It was feeling good and easy. The last 2 or 3 runs I have had have felt very different from all of the ones since I herniated my disk, which has been about 8 months now. I feel like I have turned a corner and am getting my running mojo back. I have accepted the fact that I likely have permanent numbness in my knee and that my thigh may feel tight forever, but I am getting pretty used to that. It was the running ease – relatively speaking- that was missing, and I have felt that the last couple of runs.
I am feeling good enough about it that I am seriously thinking about a half marathon next year. Maybe.
Lunch time! I just flopped an egg scramble on a pita with laughing cow and hot sauce.
There was no room for the pear on my plate, so it was on the side.
This was a dry pear… booooo….
Goal check! These were the goals set out for November:
- Lose weight this month. I am not putting a number on how much to lose, just some. I lost 1 pound this month, too bad I gained 4 in October LOL! I actually had lost more, but this was the post Tday weigh in.
- Do a turkey trot on Thanksgiving. I took part in a virtual turkey trot hosted by Alissa and did 5 miles!
- Organize my bedroom closet (scary!). I have pictures of this. I did pretty well on neatening it up, but need to purge more and keep it that way (the hard part).
- No eggnog until Thanksgiving (latte or otherwise). I made it to Tday without the nog!
Looking at that, I feel pretty good overall. I will post some December goals tomorrow.
Afternoon snack time! Homemade eggnog latte. If you missed the earlier post, here is John’s lightened up eggnog recipe!
The banana is pictured here for blog space sake, but I didn’t eat it until about an hour after the latte.
John won football picks *again*. I am going to have to get a 3rd job to pay for all these dinners unless I start winning some weeks around here! Stupid Colts. For those that wonder, John and I do have our own separate checking accounts, although the business account pays for most of our living expenses. It just makes life easier that way. Maybe that is why we are still married after 14 years?
So his choice was Pizzeria Uno. I perused the nutritional info and noticed a most annoying thing. They gave the calories for a serving size, and then noted that 2 servings came with each meal. WTF? Serve me one portion or give me the tally for the whole plate thankyouverymuch.
Anyhoo, I just went for a basic tonight. House salad with grilled chicken and blueberry pomegranate dressing- which was 2 servings. Shall I count lettuce leaves to get my single serving? Actually, I ate both portions since it was about 400 calories with the dressing, of which I used one.
Rainy evening in tonight. Here we thought the tree was safe from Pixie. Doesn’t she look all “who me?” in this photo:
Now she says, “How did that ornament get on the floor?”
She likes shiny sparkly things like her owner does…
Tonight’s evening snack/dessert. Attunes! I haven’t gotten these in a while.
Have a great night!
Calorie Breakdown: Breakfast: 489, Lunch: 330, Snack (latte and nana): 221, dinner: 410, evening snack: 90. Total: 1540