Supporting my team! I do the dots with the head of a pin dipped in nail polish.
Too bad it didn’t work. Broncos – the only home team to lose this weekend. In a way it’s better than facing the Patriots in Foxborough next week. I just hope the Packers beat the Seahawks. Good thing we aren’t hosting the Super Bowl this year
On the home improvement front: The foyer is finished.
Back in the day (that is our realtor in the shot):
Last week the wallpaper was finished and this week I got the wall and most of the trim painted. Some around the window will have to wait until warmer weather when I can open the windows, as well as painting the radiators, which can’t really happen while they are in use
The color is Golden Mushroom by Olympic. It is the same color as the upper part of the wall in the dining room so that it gives some cohesion when you look from the living room into the rest of the house:
Now we move to the upstairs! I think the next room is the middle guest bedroom. We will be having an overnight guest in the spring, so that room needs to get finished and decorated for that.
I also did some work on a dresser I bought a couple weeks ago for $50.
I used Restore-A-Finish on it and it looks better, although still a little sun faded.
I forgot to put that drawer back in before taking the picture LOL. The Restore-A Finish took all the scratches out really well. Or covered them up, I shoud say. No so good on the fading, but for now it will do without stripping the whole piece. This is a waterfall style dresser probably from around 1930s or so. John is actually going to appropriate this for himself LOL! I got the bigger of the 2 closets in the master bedroom, so I will give him this dresser. Now I need to find another one.
Getting ready for the spiralizer to arrive tomorrow. I tried doing a zucchini with a veggie peeler and used it as noodles:
It was pretty good. Way better than using spaghetti squash, IMHO. I just dipped the strips in boiling water for about a minute to get hot and that was it.
I guess getting the spiralizer will be the excitement for the week now that my football season is over.