What my 1500 calories looks like today

Thanks for the comments on the porch!  I love home improvement.  Helen commented that I should flip houses.  I actually did that and still would be if the market was really viable.  I did 2 houses.  The first one was really a restoration.  I bought bank owned properties and fixed them up.  Lots of work and I really enjoyed it, but then the banking and housing marked crashed.  I held the second property as a rental (not planned) and finally sold it 2 years ago.  I would love to be able to flip again, but it’s too hard to get financing right now.  I could post a few pictures some time of the before and afters – especially the first house.

Anyhoo, I thought I might give a 1500 calorie day example today, since that is my plan for the month.  I seem to get a lot of emails asking me about calories and exactly how many I eat.  This is just what works for me in weight loss mode without being too hungry.  Keep in mind I am 44 and only 5’2″, so what works for me might not work for you (be it more or less).

Breakfast was my protein waffles with blueberries.

With my coffee and almond milk on the side, this breakfast comes to 350 calories.  Normally I eat a bigger breakfast, but I did not work out this morning.

Lunch – Baked potato (5.6 oz) topped with laughing cow and ground turkey (3 oz) with BBQ sauce.

Lunch comes in at 390 calories.

Afternoon snack – you know I love it!  Plus a pluot.

165 calories.  Note to self – buy more pluots.

Dinner – Egg/eggwhite omelet with cheese, broccoli sauteed in coconut oil, pear.

Hot sauce optional, but recommended  :mrgreen:  Calories for dinner – 365

Evening snack – This is being taken with me to tutoring tonight.

Calories – 240

Total for the day = 1510

Of course, this is an estimate because I don’t weigh my produce.  Other stuff yes, but not fruits and veggies.  I do round the numbers as well.  Good enough for government work, though.

Exercise today was walking.  And now, I am off for tutoring tonight (with snack!).

18 thoughts on “What my 1500 calories looks like today

  1. debby

    That’s a nice day of food. Similar to how I eat and count (when I’m counting…) I would do just fine if I didn’t venture into 10% land so often…

  2. Helen

    Yes please on the before and after photos! If I had the money I’d hire you to come do some stuff for me 😉

    Whyyyyyyy does your 1500 calories look so good and filling but when I try to stay at 1500 I just feel grumpy and cheated. Whyyyyyyyy?

  3. Lori Post author

    Well, I can feel cheated, too, especially if I see what John eats. Even when he is watching his calories, he gets more than me – which makes me quite grumpy.

    I will post some before and after pics of my flip next week. I think they are on another computer!

  4. Jody - Fit at 54

    Your food looks good! 🙂 People always ask me about my food but I am so BORING & definitely does not look pretty like yours so I really don’t want to show – my food is ugly but tastes good to me! 🙂

    I have to check out that bar!!!!!!

  5. Ali @ Peaches and Football

    Your calories are right around where I am shooting for and I like the comparison because it gives me new food ideas! 🙂

    My parents flipped a house this Spring and I wish they’d taken before pics because it looked so cute when it was all over.

  6. Joanne

    On your long bike rides you must eat more since you probably burn 1500 cals.

    I always find if I try to shoot for a limit in my calories, I automatically want to eat more. Must be a rebellious mind. Tell me I can’t and I will.

  7. Alissa

    That waffle with the blueberries…always looks so good to me! I made a cheesecake with a blueberry topping and it looked just like your blueberries. I thought of you when I made it and was pretty proud of myself. 🙂

  8. suzanne

    Lovely day of food!
    Being only 5′ 0″ I usually eat between 1200 to 1500. Satisfies me and doesn’t make the scale go up 🙂
    I always love what you make. Especially your waffles!

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