Happy Hump Day! And Happy Love Your Body Day! Two great days, if you ask me
Hump Day started off with a bagel! We ended up driving instead of biking as John needed to get an early start on his day and it was actually drizzly in town when we got there. I had a warm cup of Adirondack blend coffee and my wheat bagel:
When we got back from breakfast, I took my umbrella and went on a 2 mile walk to get in some activity.
Lunch time included a sugarless 1 minute muffin topped with peanut flour and blueberry jam. I actually like to split this and toast it to get a better texture than just microwaving it.
So, it is Love Your Body Day. Why just a day? How about every single day. Dump the negative body image and down talk!
Sometimes when you are very overweight, such as me and 100 pounds of extra weight, there is the assumption that when you lose weight you will look like a model. Like the reward of all of that hard, hard work will be perfection. That is sort of the dream image you put in your head. However, that reality doesn’t happen too often. Nobody really tells you about what your body looks like after having been overweight for so long, not to mention being older, and just the shape of what the body is underneath to begin with.
John said that at times I am hard on my body as far as what I see. He is correct. I am working really hard to change that view. So – I proclaim my body is awesome! While I may not fit any TV model of thinness or beauty – my body does so much for me and I appreciate it exactly as it is with every individual thing that makes it unique to me. Of course, that doesn’t mean I won’t work hard to keep progressing, but if I had to stop exactly here forever – I am okay with that and proud to be me.
I worry a lot more about my young nieces and how they are going to view themselves as they become more self aware. As an adult, I understand how we are manipulated by the media with airbrushing and the selection of the 2% of the population “Hollywood body type” for us to hold ourselves up to. Do they understand this? I don’t know. And of course, it is most important to note that this is not just directed at women, but men, too!
Okay, that made me thirsty for an almond milk latte:
And some candy corn:
I was kind of snacky today (thank you, wheat). I had to have the candy corn go up high today as I was nibbling on it a lot.
Today seemed to drag on with work. I actually was productive, but it just seemed to take forever! I was glad for dinner to roll around. I managed to snack on tortilla chips while cooking dinner, too, just to be honest here.
That’s some pork on the plate. Bad lighting, too. Must get out light box.
Posting a bit early tonight I am going to a talk the the library about Jane MCcrea, who lived in our little town. We live in a very historic area.
Pink item of the day: My earbuds!
Great post! I need to be MUCH BETTER about loving my body. I am so hard on myself. So critical. And my boyfriend said the same thing John said to you. He tells me to stop being so hard on myself. It’s so hard.
It is hard. Takes a long time to undo years of damage.
Well said. I want to be better. I just spent most of my life hating my body. It’s hard to change the voice.
Love this post, Lori! Ever since I did my “Mirror Challenge”, I have been looking at my body in a whole new way. I’m definitely being much kinder to myself! Glad you are feeling proud of your body, too!
Oh and…CANDY CORN!!!! Almost bought some today, but thought I should just live vicariously through you for now. Halloween Day…I’m getting all over those guys!
Shush…if you tell people that they won’t turn into tall thin models upon losing 100 pounds, they won’t want to do it!!! Yeah, that was a real shocker, discovering that the body hiding under all those pounds was not model-perfect (or twenty-something, lol!). It has been a challenge for me to like the body I have now – which I do, don’t get me wrong, but sometimes, what I think I look like and what I actually look like are in two different stratospheres.
We bought a bag of candy corn over the weekend. It lasted 24 hours.
Oh, me too. When we lose pounds, aren’t the wrinkles and grey hairs supposed to melt away too? Dang, that didn’t happen to me. But as you say in your post, I really love how my body works. I’m at my strongest and most flexible of my entire life. I can do cool stuff at the gym.
LOL at Shelley’s candy corn story. I don’t think that’s the kind of grains we should be encouraging, is it?
I’m getting more and more content with the body I’ve been given. The fact that I can actually put that crazy swimsuit on and parade outside in it has to count for something, doesn’t it?
You know what makes me the saddest about the whole body image thing? Is that when I was a child and in my teens and had a healthy body and a nice shape, that I never appreciated it. We are all so brainwashed to think there is something wrong with our bodies and that is tragic.
I’m totally with Amy on this. Damn I looked good when I was a teenager and in my early twenties. Back then I took it for granted. I’m working on loving my body and I have to say that after 4 days of low carb it feels more and more like my body again. I’m feeling very very good at the moment.
I think I should be glad that candy corn can’t be bought here
I’m wondering if there’s a calendar with every special day on it. These days it seems it’s a special day every day. Would be fun to see all those days listed for an entire year
You’ve asked if Bella could get on the table herself: yes she can. She jumps on the chair and from that on the table. When she was a pup and was with my Mom for a day, my Mom left her alone for about 15 minutes and when she came back Bella was standing on the table and ate all the cookies that were on the table
She’s such a crazy but wonderful dog, she makes me smile every day.
One of these years I need to get an espresso machine so I can try my hand at almond milk lattes. They always look so delicious!
I thought of you last night at Wal-Mart last night when I saw a huge display of candy corn
I managed to skip buying any, but I DID buy candy corn flavored popcorn. We made some when we got home, and unfortunately, it did NOT taste like candy corn 
I agree with you. I watch Biggest Loser and people always look fantastic at the “end” of their journey there. But they lose weight so rapidly their skin doesn’t even have a chance to keep up. But that’s something they never discuss on the show and I feel like they should. It “keeps it real.” But I suppose that show is staged in many aspects anyway.
Everyone is harder on themselves than anyone else would be. It definitely takes a conscious effort to think positive all the time.
Love this post Lori & love your attitude about you, weight loss, your bod & how no matter what, you love it! I think we are all hard on ourselves. I have a bad hormone stage right now & it does not matter what I do, nothing will budge. It really frustrates me but I am just trying to still be OK with it.
OK, I want some candy corn & a bagel!
I avoid having the candy corn in my house for the most part. I literally can eat it until I get a stomach ache. Not because I can’t stop but because I don’t want too
If I am honest, I will say I appreciate my body and all that it does for me on a daily basis. The very act of being from day to day really is miraculous if you think about it. But love it? Nope. Not there yet. And especially not right now.
Love this! When I’m feeling out of sorts over my post-weight loss “leftovers”, I can always work my way out of it with a simple reminder to just be grateful the damned thing works so well. (And looks especially good today in a particular pair of jeans, if I do say so myself. :))
A great day!
I seem to have days when I love my body and days I don’t. The days I exercise and feel strong and my good days, but my mood is easily spoiled if I go shop for clothes.
I really hate the idea of my two small nieces developing body-related uncertainties but it’s difficult to see how they could completely avoid it in today’s society. I also noticed how interested my 5-year-old niece was when we talked about our bodies and extra pounds with my mother and sister last spring. Now I’ve decided to be very careful about how I talk about my body when they are around.
I’m really curious about candy corn now. Where can I get some when I have a chance to travel to US the next time?
Where can you find candy corn? My house! LOL! Most stores have it, but it is harder to find once fall is over.
I agree that every day should be love your body day! But now I really want a bagel.
This post is a great reminder to be kind to ourselves and love ourselves right where we are! I lost nearly 50 pounds and even at my happy weight there are still things I don’t like about my body. I think that will always be the case but I don’t hate my body which is a biggy!
HI Lori. I LOVE this post. Yay you for silencing that inner critic and lovin’ yourself the way you are!!!! You are a role model for us all. Happy Thursday!