Hello blogosphere from busy-ville I slept good last night, so no ill effect from reintroducing caffeine. although I did wake up early, but I think that was due to my sleep mask falling off during the night. Since I was up early, I went out for a nice bike ride. Streets are somewhat quiet at 6:30 am. I have never ridden that early before. Usually it is 6:50 as the earliest. I did a 6.5 mil ride.
Pixie was waiting for me in the window when I got back. She is most awake in the mornings because that is when she gets her crack wet food.
Made up some protein waffles for breakfast. Cammy was talking about cottage cheese yesterday, which got me thinking about them. Highly suggestible I am.
Good stuff. I have to make sure to weigh out my coconut butter because I tend to want to put a lot on top.
I ate breakfast, started working and set John off on the road with some of the coconut flour cookies. It’s only for a couple days, though.
After a while of work, instead of my usual walk around the block, I hopped on the bike again and did another 6.5 miles. It felt great! It was windy for half the ride, which is always a good workout, although when I am by myself there is no one to whine to about the head wind 13.5 miles today. Miles add up quick. I know it seems like a lot, but that is really only an hour of exercise.
I had to make a quick lunch. I haven’t had a chance to make bread, so it was a sandwich thin to the rescue.
BBQ chicken sandwich with a red plum. I love the red plums, but I have to cut them up to eat them or I will get a juice stain on me. They are very juicy.
My barista is gone today, so I had to make myself a latte, which I paired with a coconut flour cookie.
See John? I made it all by myself!
At least the business wasn’t really busy today, so I could keep up with both that and my work.
My mother is actually a bachelorette this week as well since my dad is camping, so we decided to paint the town red!
My mom has not been to Wholy Crepe, so that was the destination. I had a pulled pork crepe with coleslaw tucked inside.
We saved room to split dessert. I talked mom into the lemon blueberry crepe.
So good!
And to make the night even more entertaining, it was a quick stop at the library. We sure know how to live it up
My books always reflect the multitude of things going on in my head at any given time. I got a cookbook, this training book, and an eating plan book. Guess I am thinking about food…
I still have to finish up work tonight, so my bachelorette time is over for now, but there is always tomorrow!
Question: Do you like plums?
Oh you wild and crazy ladies! Love your version of painting the town red – those crepes look delicious! Too bad I’m not closer as I’m a bachelorette, too, this week!
I love plums but I usually tend to not buy them since they are messy to eat and I like all my fruit to be work-friendly! I recently tried a pluot (plum & apricot hybrid) and that was really juicy and good.
All your meals look wonderful today. I’ll be living it up at the library later this week, living it up too!
I can’t remember the last time I had a plum. I’m putting them on my shopping list along with peaches because everyone is raving about how delicious they are this year.
I love plums! My aunts and grandma had plum trees. They were so good!
Cool that your Mom and you went out for dinner since you were both home alone
Crepes look very good.
I like plums but don’t buy them that often. Had some 2 weeks ago and they tasted very well.
OMG I LOVE the mom picture and the mental pic of you two painting the tizzown RED!!!
Looks like lots of fun! Oh and I’ve never thought of crepes as a main dish – they’re always known for with ice cream, fruit (usually sugared fruit) and whip of some sort here! EEK! I did see a recipe just yesterday that looked good & was thinking of showing it to DD17 – she loves to create and I thought she’d like it! Will have to show her your pics.
Love the pic of mom – sounds like my kind of fun, going to the library and I’d choose those kinds of books too, although I try to find some decent fiction too!
Glad you and your Momma got to hang out – I didn’t even know they had crepe places anymore – its so 70’s! And great job on the 13.5 bike miles!
Pixie looks kind of mad that you left her!
Fun times with mom – you go, you two! 
OK, I must search out your coconut flour cookie since I have coconut flour now!
I love sweet plums but I don’t have them that often. Hmmmmmmm!
I love plums, but only red ones that are red in the middle. I also cut them up to eat them.
Those crepes look amazing!
Nice job on the latte — I guess you can function without me! I’m glad I missed the wind-whining though.
haha Pixie is so adorable!
I’ve never actually eaten a plum…weird, I know.
Hi Lori, love John’s latte comment about the “you can function without me”!! Fun! Laughed out loud at Pixie’s wet food being crack! (In fact, that cracked me up…HA! sorry…bad joke…I’ve had caffeine myself this morning) Glad you and your Mom can hang out while the men are away! Have a good day!!!
I love to see Shane’s face in the window when I get home. It’s a warm feeling but sometimes makes me feel sad that I left him alone
The waffles…as always, look terrific.
Great job on the cycling. YOu’re going strong.
I’m hoping to try the protein pancakes tomorrow morning. Or maybe for supper.
But without plums, as I am not a fan. My parents have a plum tree and give away bags of them every year, but that may change since I told my dad how much he could charge for organic plums. LOL