Man, did yesterday go quick or what? Aren’t Mondays supposed to drag on and on? I can’t believe it is Tuesday already (and that is mostly over).
John has agreed to be on video playing the new piano at the end of the year, like the promise I made to have myself playing guitar. Are you ready for both? John is much better at piano than I am at guitar, even with his down time. Maybe I could get into a red dress and lay across the back of the piano for the video as well.
I chose to get up and eat before exercise this morning. I love the freedom of that. I keep half expecting to get an email from my work saying they changed their mind about my raise LOL!
Breakfast was the 1-minute muffin (applesauce version) topped with a serving of peanut flour.
Did I tell you that I found 2# bags of peanut flour online at ? The price is higher per pound than Trader Joes, but the shipping is just $4.95 per order, so if you get other things it can be a good deal. I also got my coconut flour there.
After a morning of work, then I did an 8-mile bike ride and showered up before lunch. As much as I love the trainer, I am getting very tired of being inside. Do you hear me, nature?? I’m calling you out on this supposed spring!
Lunch was a BBQ pork sandwich with 4 strawberries.
That pile is only 4 strawberries. I think they were grown on Planet Gargantua and shipped here to earth.
Pixie is enjoying the sun. We moved this bench over to this big window and she has loved it ever since. It’s her new throne.
Sometimes you never know what you are going to see when you look out the window, such as what clip-clopped by today:
Not sure where he was going, but it looked like a relaxing ride – right down main street!
I relaxed with one of these:
Plus some unpictured cashews
I wanted a bit of a lighter dinner tonight, so I decided on an omelet. I saute my broccoli in coconut oil before making the omelet because it just won’t get cooked enough for me otherwise. I hate raw broccoli, but I love it cooked. Weird, eh?
I forgot to add the laughing cow wedge when I cooked it, so I just spread it on top. It’s all good.
Tonight the plan is to get some soldering stuff for our plumbing on the half bath. Which is always an excuse to go out for coffee! Like I really need an excuse…
Question: Is there a veggie you only eat raw or cooked?
I’ve never been in a horse-drawn buggy! What a fun thing. They have them in downtown Portland in the summertime sometimes.
I have a hard time eating cooked spinach. I’d rather eat a spinach salad than cooked. Ick.
I am okay with cooked spinach if it is lightly sauteed. My tummy is bothered a bit by raw spinach. I tried the green smoothies and figured out it was the spinach that bothered me.
You should TOTALLY do the red-dress-vamp on the piano! Just surprise John with that – how fun! Looking forward to the concert at the end of the year.
What the random buggy. I love it. I just thought long and hard about something I will only eat raw or cooked, but I think I like everything either way–even onions!
Oh.. wait, potatoes!
Ewww – raw potato LOL! Does anyone eat those raw?
LOL @ Planet Gargantua!!!
I agree with Shelley – definitely channel your Michelle Pfiefer in Fabulous Baker Boys for the piano vid!
I’m not a fan of raw broccoli, either!
I have to admit i like broccoli and cauliflower cooked but not so much raw!
I think the red dress plus a martini glass would be awesome on top of the piano
I love the view from your window. A surprise from day to day. Looking forward to the concert video. The red dress sounds perfect.
So now I’m looking forward to you draped across the piano in a red dress as much as I am to hearing John play!
Please, please, please wear a red dress and drape yourself over the piano!!! That would be magnificent!
Nice horse and buggy…so quaint.
I prefer broccoli, cauliflower and carrots cooked…but I love raw green beans dipped in hummus.
lori, can you believe i have yet to try peanut flour? i really want to though
gosh about that veggie……i guess i would say i can only eat brussel sprouts cooked! hope you have a great wednesday 
Hee, hee! I only eat broccoli raw! Same with cauliflower and cabbage. I love them both raw, but cooked? No. Way.
What a cool, unexpected site outside your window today! I have always liked the idea of a horse-drawn carriage ride through the snow.. but I hate cold, so that kind of kills the idea!
Any idea what the stats are on your 1-minute muffin. Sounds like a great idea and I love the nutty taste of flax meal!
I suppose I could never think of eating a brussel sprout raw, but I sure do love them steamed and roasted! And I love cooked carrots with cinnamon, but am not a huge fan of those served raw either. They’re tolerable, but not my favorite.
For the applesauce or pumpkin versions here (no toppings:
the stats are
195 calories, 13.5 grams of fat, 10 g of carbs, 8.5 g of fiber, 12 g of protein
Ha ha, you really caused a stir with your red dress comment. I don’t like raw broccoli except in that chopped broccoli salad, which I love. So I guess I like raw broccoli. Oh well. Yeah, I agree with HEidi–no raw brussel sprouts.
Yeay, glad your working at home is working out! Pixie would have missed you, even with the bench in the sun.
Hmmm, veggies. No raw Brussels sprouts, I’m not a big fan of raw cauliflower either. I prefer raw celery and carrots to cooked, though, unless they’re in a soup or stew.
Lady in red! That’s what we want to see.
I don’t eat raw broccoli either, in fact I don’t know anyone who does.
What I don’t like raw is cauliflower or Brussels sprouts or green beans.
What I do like raw are carrots, peppers, cucumber (which I never use cooked).
Im a misfit. I love me some raw broccoli too…)
only raw.
(points upward toward Fran
I like raw broccoli better than cooked, if it’s cooked it has to be only very lightly steamed. I love that crunch! And yes, the red dress for the piano a la Fabulous Baker Boys is a must.
Ms. queen Pixie – love it!!!
And that horse & buggy! WOW! Brings back memories of when I live in Delaware & the Amish would drive their horse drawn carriages down our street & sell produce & eggs & stuff!
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm, raw vs. cooked… I prefer cooked broccoli BUT if raw, I have to dunk it in salsa or something like that.. same with cauliflower!
The weather was great this morning. But still too cold for the bike unless you have the right gear. The local club had a ride last night. Good Luck! Too cold for us..brrrr.
Veggie raw or cooked? hmmm….I prefer broccoli cooked. It tends to upset my stomach if I eat it raw.
Sometimes I think working from home would be so great. I’d love to be able to putt around etc.
I much prefer cooked broccoli than raw – but it still has to be crisp/tender. turns out my mom overcooked veggies to death when I was younger so I never learned to like them . . . until my 30s!
My cat loves to sit in the window! She wouldn’t know what to do if a horse and buggy went by! I have randomly seen people on riding lawn mowers driving down the street. lol
Veggies…hmm. Brussel sprouts are one I won’t eat raw. Also parsnips, celery (which I don’t love cooked either but it’s an improvement), and cauliflower.
Yowza that is one big omelet! Tasty. Hmmm… thinks it needs some bacon.
“get into a red dress and lay across the back of the piano for the video as well”
YES! That would be great. Looking forward to the Youtube debut.
You live in such a pretty location. I just love the small town feel and charm of it. I’d move to a place like that in a heartbeat.
I’m making those magic rolls this weekend! I’ve been eye-balling them on your blog and I’m ready to try them. Nom nom.
Carriage rides are a lot of fun although a little smelly.
I much prefer cooked broccoli although I will eat it raw.
One veggie I will NOT eat raw but love cooked? Kale. I hate raw kale, but if it’s steamed or made into kale chips, I’m ALL over it. The only veggie I can even make my husband eat is kale in chip form!
Carrots! I have to eat them raw. The taste changes when they are cooked.
At first, I thought you were crazy for eating broccoli omelets.. So I tried it.. YUMMY! Its one of the only breakfasts I eat now lol.
How do you get your laughing cow so spreadable without breaking your eggs? Do you set it by your stove while cooking?
Have you tried the weight watchers cream cheese and swiss wedges? They have less calories and fat than even normal light cream cheeses! Their wedges are only 30 calories instead of the 35 in laughing cow.. And is MUCH cheaper to boot. Just a thought