Happy New Year’s Eve!! It’s been a nice quiet day. Very little work to do, but there may be some more tonight.
Since it was going to be 40 degrees out, I decided an outdoor run would be nice to do today. That meant waiting until it actually got up to 40! So breakfast it was!
Delicious protein waffles and apple cranberry topping. I used fresh cranberries instead of dried because we had them. Good choice.
The last Hot 100 update! Thanks Steve for hosting this challenge to keep us all in line the last part of the year!
- Maintain my weight. The scale is going back down again as I have been eating really well this week.
- No eggnog lattes until Thanksgiving day! This goal is done.
- Do the duathlon and at least 1 more 5K race before the end of the year. This goal is also done for the year.
- Do stretching exercises 4 days a week at least. Did 4 days.
- Visit one new blog each week that is participating in the Hot 100 Challenge and cheer them on. I’m still trying with this. I wish I could have gotten around to everyone!
- Do one no-added sugar day each week. Success!
Overall pretty pleased with the challenge. I do have some work to do on my weight, but there is always next year hahaha!
After doodling around for most of the morning, I fixed lunch.
I like baking the breaded shrimp in the toaster oven. After letting lunch settle for a while and watching Jeopardy, I decided to go out for my run. I did have an ulterior motive to this run. John went for a walk and then our paths criss-crossed so I could use this:
Expires today! I have had this coupon for over a year and never used it. Nothing like waiting until the last minute. After 3.5 miles, I had a scoop of apple pie ice cream.
Hooray! It tasted even better because it was free!
I was so sweaty, too. Good thing I didn’t wear the turtleneck. Then I ran the last 1/2 mile to home. I think one should always stop for ice cream in the middle of a run. 4 miles done for the last day of the year. Yay!
Now for a look at my personal goals for December.
- Keep an eye on my portions. I did okay with this. I certainly ate a lot on Christmas eve and Christmas. Probably not as good as I did the year before.
- Relax! I am very go-go-go and forget to just chill out. That means more reading and listening to music. I did read more and played more computer games LOL
- I will barbell squat 105 pounds with 6 reps by the end of the month. I am at 95 right now, so I should make it. Crap. I did 100 pounds for 6 reps. It was hard just adding the 5 pounds and getting 6 reps done, let alone 10. Not sure what I was thinking there. Although I am proud at squatting 100 pounds.
- Reflect on this past year. Done!
Now I need to make my ‘to-do’ list for 2011. No resolutions. Just things to do and work towards. No pressure. I’ll ponder that this weekend.
I am going to sign off early for the holiday. We don’t have much planned except trying to stay awake until midnight and watching movies. Maybe playing a few video games:
Have a safe and Happy New Year and see you on the flip side!
I love that you stopped for ice cream in the middle of a run!!! That is hysterical — talk about the ability to balance all your needs! Happy New Year!
Lori, honestly, you keep being an inspiration! I love the balance in your life (and I understand the need for relaxing, too, instead of just go-go-going).
Wishing you a FANTASTIC 2011!
.-= Pippa´s last blog ..hot 100 – it’s done! =-.
What’s better than free ice cream? Nothing!!!
.-= Andra Ruscoe´s last blog ..Nine Years Ago Today =-.
It’s such a pity that you ONLY got to 100 pounds on the squat. Slacker!
Seriously, that was one amazing accomplishment, especially considering where you were with respect to your injury earlier this year.
And go you for stopping in the middle of the run for ice cream! LOL But really, what else were you supposed to do–it was FREE?!
.-= cammy@tippytoediet´s last blog ..Out With The Old =-.
I’ve never heard of apple pie icecream, but it sounds delicious.
I admire what you have been able to do (losing the weight and becoming a runner). It really does inspire me to push harder. I loved running many moons ago and would be estatic if I could do it again someday. I have a long way to go before I can even try.
Best wishes for a super 2011!
.-= Tammy´s last blog ..Hot 100 Challenge Update – Week 14 =-.
Icecream in the middle of a run, WAY COOL!
I love how that yummy sounding ice cream came in the middle of a workout! Great job on your goals. Happy New Year!
.-= Karen´s last blog ..Hot 100 – Final Update =-.
I am impressed that you didn’t lose that coupon for a year! And I agree – breaking in the middle of a run for ice cream should be mandatory! Happy New Year, Lori!
.-= Shelley B´s last blog ..Wednesday Workout Update – Running WITH Earphones! =-.
I almost made this apple cranberry topping tonight for dinner! I keep drooling over it on your blog and I keep meaning to make it. I was going to make oatmeal pancakes with this topping and ended up making banana bread waffles for the family instead. They were super high calorie so I didn’t really even eat them!
You have maintained so well! You so rock, keep it up lady!
.-= Debbi Does Dinner Healthy´s last blog ..Macaroni & Cheese =-.
What a coincidence that your paths criss-crossed LOL LOL,,,, Happy New Year!!!!
.-= Ron´s last blog ..Merry Christmas =-.
Looks like a great day. Happy New Year Lori!!!
Happy New Year! I love the ice cream break in the middle of your run.
.-= Desert Agave´s last blog ..Back to Routine =-.
As always you made me smile and drool
Here’s to 2011 may it be your best yet!
.-= suzanne´s last blog ..Well work was busy! =-.
Thanks for all the inspiration all year. Happy New year Can’t wait to see what we can get done next year.Ps you deserve a little treat for that run
Happy New Year Lori! I have no doubt at all that you will be successful in those little things you want to work towards!
I love that you stopped for ice cream!! Lately I’ve been having cookies post workout- they seem like treats always taste better after working hard!
Happy New Year Lori! Love the way you look at 2011 goals which is sort of like me. Writing about that Monday.
I started 2011 with a run. Tomorrow is my normal outside day but rain is expected so ran today at 40 degrees.. which is cold for us & warm for you!
Have a great one & go on those squats! WOW! Hugs to Pixie & John!
.-= Jody – Fit at 53´s last blog ..Saturday Funny – New Years Edition =-.
Great job on the Hot 100!!!
.-= Leah´s last blog ..Weigh-In – Final Hot 100 Update =-.
I’m not a huge ice cream person, but that apple pie flavour looks SO GOOD.
Happy New Year Lori! Maybe 2011 will be the year we finally get to meet? xo
.-= Susan´s last blog ..Things I Learned in 2010 =-.
Happy 2011
.-= Jen´s last blog ..2011 =-.
Happy New Year, Lori. I’ve been away from blogland for awhile but it’s such a treat to come back and find you still going strong. I just love your blog and all the pictures….especially Pixie.
Looking forward to continuing to be inspired by you in 2011.
.-= Deb´s last blog ..Happy New Year and the Return of the Prodigal Blogger =-.
Happy New Year Lori!
Love the goals and I bet you’ll exceed your squat poundage. It’s all in the mind and you have a very strong one!!!
.-= April´s last blog ..Good bye 2010! =-.
What a great New Year’s! Video games was my hubs choice. I read a novel. And we totally use coupons that were expiring. Just wish ours had been for ice cream! Have a wonderful New Year. With those goals and check-in’s you are already off to a great start.
.-= Amanda @ BakingWithoutABox´s last blog ..Apple Rosemary Muffins & 2010 Lessons =-.
Happy New Year!! Best wishes in 2011!
.-= Alissa´s last blog ..2011 New Years Resolutions =-.
Great job Lori! I am always so impressed with you. You are really a steadfast example to us all.
Happy New Year Lori!
I don’t have NY resolutions but do have goals to work towards too. Goals sounds better than resolutions too
Hope this will be a great year for you.