What’s blooming and good eating day.

Woke up to some refreshing coolness today!  The humidity is gone, thank goodness.  I had a protein drink and biked on out to the gym.

To ‘warm up,’ I ran 2 miles on the treadmill at 5.5 mph.  That way I could get all nice and sweaty before hitting the weights. 😳

Not a heavy duty workout today.

Exercise Set/rep/weight Muscle worked
Dumbbell pulloever 3 sets of 10 at 25# Back
Stationary Lunges 3 sets of 10 with 25# plate Legs
Dumbbell incline fly 3 sets of 8 with 20# DBs (40# total) Chest
Lying leg press 3 sets of 10 at 100# Legs
Horizontal cable woodchop 3 sets of 10 (each side) at 30# Abs
Face Pull 3 sets of 10 at 30# Shoulders
Triceps pulldown 3 sets of 15 at 30# Triceps

Then I hopped on the treadmill for another 1.25 miles.  Total of 3.25 miles of running today.  Then I biked home thinking of waffles all the time!

I made that apple topping again.  I also noticed that Foodbuzz has this apple topping recipe on the Healthbuzz home page!  Last week they had my deadlift video on there.  Cool.

Worked job #2 this morning.  I have to say I like this orthopedics account.  It is so interesting!  I am trying to decide whether to just get another part time job and do 2 part times, or try to work this one full time and give up job #1.    It’s hard to know if one company can keep you busy enough.  The nice thing about working from home is that I can pop from one job to another during the day without commuting.  Definite bonus there.

Lunch time!  I had a bigger than normal lunch today.  Love these baked clam strips:

The garden is going well.  A couple things will be blooming soon that aren’t yet.  The Scentimental bush that I talked about last week in the video with the buds is now popping out and I so wish we had smell-o-net so you could get a whiff of this plant.  It is heavenly!

The baby gaillardas have some tiny blooms on them.

Hopefully these will make it to next year and be bushy.

More snaps.  The nice thing about letting snapdragons reseed themselves is that the offspring is always a different color than the original, so it is a surprise each year.

Those of you on facebook already saw this shot, but this little guy has been hanging around all week.

I actually entered this shot in a contest just for kicks.  My garden is really dedicated to plants that butterflies and hummingbirds love.  Have not seen hummingbirds this year, but definitely more butterflies than last year.  Last year there was a lot of mosquito spraying, which probably killed a lot of butterflies.  Now they are coming back.

Did a little more work while John made me a latte and I had some dark chocolate:

Bottom’s up!  Fashion Friday going on with those earphones, too.

After I finished up for the day, I treated myself to some reading and a Pomtail – seltzer water mixed with a splash of pomegranate juice.

Then it was time for dinner!  I made up one of those quick stir fry dishes with broccoli, a bit of cooked rice, shrimp and stir fry sauce (ginger).  I love how it takes 10 minutes to make this.


The evening is cooling off already.  We are supposed to have a low of 47.  When the heat breaks around here, it doesn’t mess around.   I spent time out doing some weeding.  I really am doing great on project weed control this summer!  John read on the porch while I toiled.

Actually it wasn’t really toiling.  I may be weird, but I enjoy weeding.  It’s kind of cathartic.  You get in close and personal in the plants and the bed gets cleaned out.  I do enjoy it more when it is just maintenance weeding like I am doing and not the  “holy crap – how did all these weeds get here?” type of weeding.

Came in for the evening snack.  I did make up some strawberry jam, so I had to have some on toast.

Good stuff, I tell you.  One of the best things to learn in life is to enjoy the simple things, don’t you think?

Good eating day as well.  Funny how yesterday I was so snacky and today I had no urge at all.

Tomorrow will be a picture perfect day on tap, and you know that means a long bike ride!

10 thoughts on “What’s blooming and good eating day.

  1. April

    I like to lighten up a workout sometimes and focus more on form. It’s amazing how sore you get after those.

    I HATE weeding…wanna come over?

  2. Shelley B

    I love that you call a 2-mile run a warm up! That’s all I ran this morning, and I called it a day, lol!

    I agree with you about simple eating – things seem so much tastier when they are so basic.

    Have a great bike ride tomorrow and enjoy your cool weather…
    .-= Shelley B´s last blog ..Wednesday Workout Update =-.

  3. debby

    Oh I love that picture of your porch with the garden in front. Just lovely, and so peaceful. Have a great bike ride and eat some frozen yogurt for me (not that I ‘m not eating any myself LOL)
    .-= debby´s last blog ..This ‘n That =-.

  4. Fran

    I suggest you come over and weed my garden. I don’t like gardening at all. I have to do mine but I still haven’t found the energy to start it.

    I love your house and garden.

  5. Amy

    Have a great ride! And if you’re going to come help Fran with her weeding in Holland, can you pop down to Belgium and help me with mine?
    .-= Amy´s last blog ..Killer Stairs =-.

  6. Jody - Fit at 52

    Lori, I saw you had garden pics so I went to get another cup of coffee & enjoy “my garden” thru your pics! Beautiful! Your home is so cute & welcoming!

    Now if course I took a bite out of that bread too! 🙂

    Have a great one but by now, you are most likely bike riding!
    .-= Jody – Fit at 52´s last blog ..Saturday Funny =-.

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