Biking and chilaxin’

Woke up to the most gorgeous morning, although it was very chilly. We hit an overnight low of 43 – can you believe that? 😯

I wanted something warm and toasty, so I made protein waffles and topped with an apple cranberry topping.

It was good enough that I am going to write down the recipe and post it next week!

I was cold waiting for coffee to brew.  See my short hairs?

Very short!  Now I might start growing it out again….

Even though the low was 43, the day was about as picture perfect as it could be, so we decided to bike up to the lake.  We went a different route.

First up is a little bike maintenance:

Some nice scenery on this road:

Date snack!

I had 2.  Isn’t this a pretty little church?

This route had some seriously hard hills! After 23 miles, we arrived at the village and were ready for lunch!

As we love to do at Lake George, we stopped at Taste of India.  I think they have another location, but this one is right on the edge of the Lake and is sort of the casual beach type place.  We had a coupon for buy one/get one, too!  John ordered a Mango shake to try:

It was really interesting.  Not like a lassi, because there was no yogurt in it.  I swear there was condensed milk or coconut milk in it.  Good, but quite sweet!

My choice was aloo gobi.  Aloo means potato.  This dish is a potato caulifower dish that is yummy!  Maybe gobi means cauliflower?

It is a drier type of Indian dish and not fatty, which is a good thing 😀

John had paneer palak, which is cheese and spinach dish:

Paneer is sort of a cheese curd/cottage cheese type thing.  It does not have a strong flavor and it is firm and does not melt.  It’s quite good.

Served with rice and some puri – which was basically fried!

Think we will stick with naan or roti bread.

After lunch, we strolled around town.  Gotta love the wax museum:

I wondered where Frankenstein was, but then I saw him!

Wandering around the street.  Guess that is what monsters do around here.

We headed over to Shepards Park to have a sit and enjoy the beautiful weather.  Relaxing in an Adirondack chair:

The lake was a bit chilly for swimming, but there were some people in the water.  Lots of sunbathers, though.

It was so wonderful to sit and enjoy.  It almost seemed like a September day, not the end of July!  Mid 70s and perfect.  I really do appreciate living around here.

It was time to head home, but we decided to take the regular bike path back home.  The trip there was nice, but the shoulder wasn’t really wide enough for comfort.

You all know what is on the way home, right?

Honey almond yogurt with marshmallow topping.  Yum!  I was feeling very strong on the ride home.  Funny how it takes me 20 miles to really get going.  I don’t know what is up with that, but it is kind of funny.  Just when John starts to get tired, I get moving.

Finished up the last 7 miles to home:

Ride stats:

Mileage: 39.3 miles

Average speed:  12.7 mph

Top speed:  28.1 mph (hills – wheeee!!!!)

Calories burned: 1208 (sweet).

What a wonderful day!  I feel a little tired right now.  Pixie is laying in my lap as I am writing this post.  She is in full cooler weather lap mode!  We have more chair sitting and relaxing in store tonight. 😀

Hope you are all having an awesome weekend as well!

18 thoughts on “Biking and chilaxin’

  1. Andra

    Gobi does indeed mean cauliflower. Punjabi Gobi (Cauliflower with cumin and ginger) is one of my favorite Indian dishes. Yum, I lurve Indian food! Very cute haircut, I love having my hair short but it grows out so fast.
    .-= Andra´s last blog ..No-Weigh Friday =-.

  2. Kim Zepp

    Looks like a wonderful day! And again – I love the ice cream stop. Hmmm, I’ll have to remember to reward myself with some after my run tomorrow. 🙂

  3. Destination:Athlete

    OMG. That apple/cranberry topping makes my mouth water!!! I can’t wait till you post the recipe, because your protein waffles are already a top winner in my household!

    GOOD FOR YOU on that huge bike ride – you guys are awesome!!
    .-= Destination:Athlete´s last blog ..mishmashy Tuesday =-.

  4. Sharon

    I am so envious of your gorgeous weather. It is just so hot and dry here in East Tennessee.

    Have been reading your blog for awhile now and so enjoy your pics, both the food and your bike rides. Also enjoy the garden shots. I thought of you when I posted today because my daily picture was of a hibiscus and I could NOT remember what it was. Knew you’d know right off. Thank goodness, someone commented quickly and identified it.

    Thanks for the time you spend taking the pictures and writing your blog.
    .-= Sharon´s last blog ..Normal Saturday Routine =-.

  5. Ishmael

    Do you have a special bike seat? I usually just toodle to and from work on my bike and the seat is fine, but I’d like to do longer rides on weekends. I recently did 24 miles and my posterior was KILLING me when I finally got off the bike. Maybe I need a puffier seat?
    .-= Ishmael´s last blog ..Obesegens =-.

    1. Lori Post author

      No special seat. It is a bit wider, the original that comes with the bike. I wear padded shorts, but really it is just consistency in riding and your sit bones will get used to it. Mine never hurt anymore except for when we hit 95 miles on our 100-mile ride. Guess that is where my threshold is now LOL!

  6. debby

    I would have been SOOO disappointed if you hadn’t stopped for yogurt! Our local place is finally going to have my favorite ‘original tart’ tomorrow. I plan to go (hopefully after a big workout and swim.)

    What a wonderful day. I think you might convert me to Indian food yet!
    .-= debby´s last blog ..Food Fabulous and Flops =-.

    1. Lori Post author

      I went for so many years thinking I didn’t like Indian food. Who knew? I just needed to try it. It doesn’t have to be hot spicy (although I do like that), but it is very flavorful with all the other spices used.

  7. Jody - Fit at 52

    I just love seeing the scenery & views you have there! With so many buildings & high density living in my area, I love to see the openess there! At least we are having cooler weather here too for us. In the 70’s & perfect! That yogurt looks pretty darn good too! YUM!
    .-= Jody – Fit at 52´s last blog ..Guess Who &amp What Came to Visit! =-.

  8. Kimberley

    Great haircut! The apples and cranberries look really tasty.

    What a perfectly lovely day! I love Indian food too, but we don’t go out for it anymore as I don’t know if there is gluten in the sauces.

    Now I buy some sauces that I know are thickened with corn starch and make my own. I also found a great recipe for sweet potato aloo gobi on the ‘net.

    That yogurt looks so scrumptious. Perfect end to the big ride!
    .-= Kimberley´s last blog ..Rotten Lemons =-.

  9. Fran

    Everytime I see a bike ride you and John took I’m a bit jealous of the delicious food and the beautiful places you visit. You live in such a beautiful area!

    I can understand why this has been a perfect day for you.

  10. Roxie

    I love everything about this post from the haircut, to the yogurt, the Indian food (yummy!) and the scenery. I’m like you – it takes me a good ten miles to get warmed up – although I don’t have nearly your mileage or stamina.

    I can’t believe it was that cool in the morning. We are heading to CO next week – overnight lows in the 30s!
    .-= Roxie´s last blog ..Staying In The Solution =-.

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