Glad you all like my jersey! I purchased it from here. Woke up a little tired and puffy today. Had a protein drink and biked to the gym:
Exercise | Set/rep/weight | Muscle worked |
Stiff Legged deadlift | 3 sets of 10 with 65# bar | Lower body |
Chin ups | 2 sets of 2, 2 sets of 1 | Upper body |
Split squats | 3 sets of 10 (each leg) with 35# bar | Lower body |
Close-grip lat pulldown | 3 sets of 12 at 50# | Back |
Push ups | 3 sets of 10 | Chest |
Reverse Crunches | 3 sets of 12 | Abs |
Arnold Press | 3 sets of 12 with 10# DBs (20# total) | Shoulders |
Calf Raise | 3 sets of 10 at 110# | Calves |
Triceps pull down | 3 sets of 12 at 30# | Triceps |
Strength Training Move of the Week: Stiff-Legged Deadlift. This is one of my very favorites. Maybe because it is easier than a regular deadlift Actually, I really like how it works the hamstrings. With this exercise, it is important to keep the knees from being locked and hyperextended. Did you know it is very easy for women to hyperextend their knees? Bend from the hips and not from the waist because you want to use the legs and not the back for this. Also, you want to squeeze your butt at the top of the move, just for that little extra something. Note how I keep my head looking up during the move. I found that if I do not do that, then my my shoulders droop and my back rounds out. Funny how keeping your head up keeps your shoulders back.
Link to video
(I edited out the sound today to something better than the godawful stuff at the gym.) You can go lower down than this, too, but I find my back rounds too much when I do much lower, or I lock my knees. My form isn’t always perfect, but I really try. Also, this can be done with dumbbells.
John was out playing poker last night, so when he didn’t show up to meet me, I wasn’t too surprised and just texted him that I was biking my way to breakfast. He texted me back a bit later that he was on his way via car (I was about 1/2 way to bagels at this point), so we were able to meet up. I had a nice wheat bagel with maple walnut cream cheese:
I snarfed this down. I think I need to eat more on Wednesdays before I leave the house. I have a protein drink before going to the gym, but I think a strength workout plus a 14 mile bike ride needs more food. Even though half of that ride is after breakfast. I have noticed that every single Wednesday I am so hungry for breakfast that it sets up the rest of the day as a snacky day. Will experiment next week with this.
I ended up just putting my bike in the car and riding home with John because I was feeling a little tired and lazy.
Break from work for lunch. More tuna.
I laughed when I noticed where I had set the other can of tuna on the shelf after I opened up the package.
Note to self – it is extremely important that you remember there is only 1 can of tuna left. Do not eat any other cans…..
That cat food is what we call ‘kitty crack’ around here. Pixie gets 1/4 can a day of this junk, along with her Iams weight control/hairball dry food. She adores this stuff.
Had a slice of this apple yogurt cake that John made. It is very good.
I finished it before I even got my latte. Ooops. Nibbler is out in full force today.
Cause this happened before dinner:
This was up high and I even dragged a chair out to get some. Just being honest here. Today has been a challenge.
I had a hankering for grilled cheese for dinner. So, I made some using 1 oz of colby jack and 1 wedge of laughing cow. Then I added some sun-dried tomatoes for an adult version. I remember the old days of slathering butter on the bread and a boatload of cheese….. Now I sprayed a little ICBINB on the bread and used Pam to grill it.
I have to say that this was really good and a much healthier version of grilled cheese. The sun-dried tomato really gave it extra flavor. And it wasn’t greasy in my hands!
So tonight is a battle with Nibbler going on, I think. Wish me luck.
Question: What’s your favorite sandwich?
I love grilled cheese. Or banana, peanut butter and honey sandwiches! The best!
.-= Lisa´s last blog ..Weekend Report Card =-.
Love the video! I must admit I have a problem with keeping my spine nuetral- I tend to pick up my head to watch myself in the mirror! Bad, I know!
Nice workout, and you are too hard on yourself with feeling lazy for not riding the bike back home. You really do a lot, and to bike after is amazing.
Oh, and holding your head up is key to so many exercises! I am constantly trying/being reminded to do that, from squats to rows.
I cracked up at the tuna placement! We give our cats a tiny can of Iams wet cat food in the morning, as a reward for coming home. They split it, and it’s just enough to make them supremely happy.
Your adult grilled cheese sounds fantastic with the addition of the sun-dried tomatoes…must remember that!
And your wedding dress was a size 22? I guess you wouldn’t want to fit into it again, lol! It was fun to try, for mine.
.-= Shelley B´s last blog .."You Can’t Eat That" =-.
I sounds like a good day. I hope you got the munch monster under control. I’ve been fighting him off down here, too. One time when I was a new bride, and we lived paycheck to paycheck, I found a great price on tuna. It was only when I got it out to make my tuna casserole, that I began to wonder why there was a picture of a cat on the can!
.-= Tish´s last blog ..AHA Moment =-.
Love tuna melts on whole wheat, or tunarritos (tuna in a wheat wrap), with sliced or chopped tomato. I’ll eat dozens of those before the summer is over.
I’m really bummed that I didn’t invent the “head up” move for controlling back curl. I guess I’ll revoke my patent application.
.-= cammy@TippyToeDiet´s last blog ..Slip Slidin’ Away =-.
Love the music! Remember there’s 3 cans of tuna left…
Appreciate the video, as always! I am a bit barbell-shy with my workouts at the gym because ours are a bit difficult to set up/switch. My favourite sandwich = tons of veggies & hummus.
.-= Run Sarah´s last blog ..Countdown is On =-.
The apple yogurt cake looks and sounds yummy!
I’ll have to try it on grilled cheese!!!
I love grilled cheese, too. I really like it with tomato soup.
Since you’ve mentioned the Laughing Cow so much, when I spotted it in the store, I decided to buy some to try this week.
.-= Kim Zepp´s last blog ..Weekly Workout Update – June 11, 2010 =-.
I’ve never met a sandwich that I didn’t love, but my favorite is probably a BLT with avocado. Great video….
.-= roxie´s last blog ..Running The Numbers: Part The Fourth =-.
Lori – please don’t ever eat the cat food! LOL! Thanks for the pointers on the deadlifts – I have a hard time with my back so those kinds of moves make me nervous.
.-= Diane Fit to the Finish´s last blog ..Is There Really Bad Food? =-.
My favorite way to make grilled cheese used to be King’s Hawaiian bread, monterey jack cheese, and thinly sliced tomatoes. Oh my that was a taste treat in the summertime. I might just have one this summer!
I buy that kitty crack by the caseload at Costco. My old cat thinks she’s in heaven now, getting 1/2 can per day. For years she only got dry food. (BTW, that’s why I haven’t shown a picture of her. She is kind of pitiful looking now.)
.-= debby´s last blog ..Noah and Me and Fried Rice =-.
Lately turkey lunchmeat with swiss cheese on a 100% whole wheat “bun” (skinny little thing 100-cal or something) and mustard only. It’s about 200 calories for this and I eat one almost every day lately.
Please promise you’ll fess up if you accidentally open the cat food when wanting to make tuna…please? Please? We’ll laugh WITH you and not AT you, promise.
That’s something I would do…. good thing I don’t have cats!
.-= Leah´s last blog ..Two Small Victories! =-.
Great workout! I still love a good turkey and cheese sandwich. Grilled tuna is a close second!
The tuna and cat food cracked me up!
.-= Kat´s last blog ..Quick updates – Vtrim and Loretta’s Spring Challenge =-.
Your food pics look delicious as always.. I think I would have to move that cat food away from the tuna….. just incase… i was in a hurry and wasn’t paying attention… of course, im sure the smell would alert me lol
.-= Ron´s last blog ..As Planned =-.
I love stiff legged deadlifts!!!!! I did them this morn.. like you, I keep me head up as well but I don’t go up quite as far as you as I am doing them strictly for the hams/butt & I do that squeeze too! Sometimes I put my toes on 2 10 pound weight plates & that gives this move a really cool feel & stretch! I really like the toes up version! Great workout for you!
OK, I want a piece of that apple yogurt cake!
.-= Jody – Fit at 52´s last blog ..Exercises & Form Help =-.
I love that adult grilled cheese! I actually have some sun dried tomatoes in my pantry right now…
.-= Beth @ Beth’s Journey to Thin´s last blog ..Sweet Potato Black Bean Burgers =-.
The apple yogurt cake looks yummy. I think I like tuna sandwiches the best. I don’t really like tuna so I don’t have them very often but they sure are good when I have them!
.-= Weijourn´s last blog ..Flexibility: FAIL! =-.
i love stiff legged deadlifts… of my favs too! they really lift your butt
.-= kalli@fitandfortysomething´s last blog ..Rest Week =-.
Great workout Lori. Think it’s a good idea to experiment with a bigger breakfast on Wednesday.
I’m leaving for Belgium tomorrow for a week. No internet access there so won’t be reading your blog next week. I’ll catch up next weekend. Take care and till then.
Ruebens are my favorite sandwich. Gluten free bread isn’t right for them though.
.-= Ang´s last blog ..Fiesta chicken! =-.
Oooh that sandwich looks good, I love the combo of crunchy outside with gooey inside! Some artichoke hearts would be good in that…I must try!
And the cake, I’m definitely checking that recipe out!
have a great day!
.-= Bernadette´s last blog ..Score!! =-.