Lifting and Nibbler visits.

Happy Flag Day!

Got some good sleep last night and feeling no after effects of the race yesterday. Of course, I would have felt it yesterday if there were problems. I drank a protein drink and biked to the gym:

Exercise Set/rep/weight Muscle worked
Barbell squat 3 sets of 8 with 55# bar Lower body
Chin ups 3 sets of 2 !! 1 set of 1 Upper body
Pliet Squats 3 sets of 10 with 35# dumbbell Lower body
Barbell chest press 3 sets of 12 at 45# Chest
Captain’s Chair 3 sets of 10 Abs
Standing straight arm pull down 3 sets of 10 at 50# Back
Reverse fly 3 sets of 10 with 12# DBs (24# total) Shoulders
Kickbacks 3 sets of 10 with 15# DBs (30# total) Triceps

Then I did 20 minutes on the stationary bike because it was supposed to rain later in the day and I didn’t know if I would get a ride in.  Then I biked home (redundant, no??)

I was hangry!  In the mood for protein waffles, but with a different topping.  I decided on bananas and chocolate fluff!

This was quite tasty, I have to say.  I almost never have a banana in its whole state.  Usually mashed and cooked into something.  Not sure why, but they do make me burp when I eat them straight up.  (Bet that’s a fact you didn’t need to know…)

Worked straight through to lunch.  Yesterday was pretty slow, but not today!  Took a break for lunch and made a tuna wrap with lemon pepper.

Don’t you love my snack bowl of Kashi.  Uh oh…  I had 2.  It’s in the house.

I have this like/dislike thing with tuna going on.  Not strong enough to be a love/hate relationship, which is why it comes in and out of my diet.  I like the protein in tuna, and I like that it gives me Omega 3s, and sometimes I enjoy the taste.  Then I decide I don’t like the taste, and I don’t like the smell, and I don’t care about my Omegas (I do take flax oil).  Then it goes away for a while.   Currently it just wavered back into the like after a hiatus.

Afternoon snackie with my latte:

Last of this chocolate.  Now I am sad.

Now that I got that first race out of the way, I can think about a few more.  The next one will be another 5K in July, which is sort of my race because it was my very first 5K 2 years ago.  I know I am going to do the duathlon again for sure in October, and I even convinced John to do it as well!

Now we are just working on increasing those bike distances to do the 100-mile ride.  We are hoping to do 70+ on Saturday.  I got my coolest of cycling jerseys and I need to take a picture of me in it.  I love it!

Dinner time was stir fry time.  Cooked chicken, broccoli, coconut oil and stir fry sauce.  Love those easy meals.

Blueberries representing!  It’s almost picking time.

Tonight involved more of this:

I need to name my snack monster.  I think Nibbler is in order.

Nice walk tonight and some cleaning to do!

Question: Do you have a food on the love/hate list?

18 thoughts on “Lifting and Nibbler visits.

  1. Shelley B

    My newest food that I’ve discovered I can’t have in the house is Horizon organic 1% chocolate milk – apparently it’s good for recovery after a workout, and I had a coupon for a free carton…but you know what? It’s chocolate milk…tasty, tasty chocolate milk! Um yeah, I’ll stick to my not so tasty protein shakes. 🙂
    .-= Shelley B´s last blog ..Friday Randomness =-.

  2. Tish

    We put our flag up in honor of the day, too. My love/hate is yogurt. Sometimes I’ll go on a kick with yogurt and sometimes it can sit in the fridge until the expiration is long past. Can’t wait to see your new bike duds. I can’t have the Kashi cereals in the house–my little hand starts dipping in way too often. LOL
    .-= Tish´s last blog ..AHA Moment =-.

  3. cammy@TippyToeDiet

    Tuna is the on again/off again for me, too. With the heat of summer, I’ll start eating it more (love it with fresh tomatoes!), but at some point my taste buds will say, “No, I don’t think so. Maybe next week or month.” 🙂
    .-= cammy@TippyToeDiet´s last blog ..Happy Trainaversary To Me! =-.

  4. Leah

    Greek yogurt? LOL It would be love/hate, because I’m still undecided on the issue. 🙂

    Great flag and glad to see it up. We have ours up daily, but I especially loved going around and seeing them everywhere.
    .-= Leah´s last blog ..Two Small Victories! =-.

  5. Fran

    I don’t eat fish except for tuna (but from a can) and 2 other kinds. I don’t like the smell of fish and the structure of some.

    Nice Saturday to look forward too.
    And running the 5K you’ve started with is special.

  6. Jo

    I love fish – most kinds – but if I eat too much of it I start to hate it (I think it might be the mercury?). I love tuna, but not on sandwiches. My favourite way to eat the canned kind is mixed with chickpeas, pepper, lots of lemon juice and flat leafed parsley on a bed of mixed lettuce. If I eat it with bread, it tastes like catfood to me (no offense to Pixie and moggies everywhere)…
    .-= Jo´s last blog ..Livening up a stir fry =-.

  7. debby

    I think my love/hate might be eggs. Although I never LOVE them. But I go through a lot of them sometimes, esp. when I am on a custard oats kick, or a baking kick, or even when I start adding egg whites to smoothies. But I actually don’t like eggs that much, although once in a while a scramble with a lot of stuff mixed in, or scrambled and added to ‘fried rice.’ Yeah, I guess you could say its a love/hate relationship LOL!
    .-= debby´s last blog ..Harro Everbody! =-.

  8. Fitcetera

    Salad is my like/dislike food. Currently it’s in the dislike category. Tuna is also on the list and that’s in the dislike column right now as well. I eat them together so maybe that’s why I’m not eating either at the moment. I do eat a lot of tilapia and shrimp but I never tire of either.
    Right now I’m in to the cooked food for both lunch & dinner.
    I can have cold cereal in the house but it has to be Muffets. That’s all I can handle.

    That chocolate looks so yummy and creamy. 😀

    Yes, we need to see the new jersey!

    Jo’s way of eating tuna is the way I love eating it too. Don’t know why, but I love the combo of tuna and chickpeas too. Weird.
    .-= Fitcetera´s last blog .. =-.

  9. Jody - Fit at 52

    Congrats on feeling good after the race & for that weight workout! Go Lori! And of course the food is so delicious looking! I stopped bringing Kashi cereal in the house. I was eating the higher protein one.. but just nibbled, like your nibbler, a bit too much on it. I stopped the granola one after my second box of it way back when. That one is way too good! 🙂

    I don’t really have a love/hate thing with any of the food I eat….
    .-= Jody – Fit at 52´s last blog ..1 Step Program – Weight Loss OR Weight Gain? =-.

  10. Biz

    I think tuna smells and tastes like ass, but I forget my hubby likes it! When its cold I make him a tuna noodle casserole and he’s happy!

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