Happy Monday! This is the last day of my 4-day weekend, sigh. There were a lot of great comments on yesterday’s post, so click here if you haven’t read it. Guess we just never know until time passes whether the weight will stay off. I think the important thing is to not become complacent.
Anyway, no gym for me today because I wanted to ride! Not going to strength train on a heavy riding day. I fueled up with some protein pancakes and cafe au lait.
I added 1 tsp of coconut oil to the batter to help slow down the digestion on this meal a little bit. Then I showered and got ready to ride. On days of a long ride, here is what I do. First thing when I get up, I drink 2 big glasses of water. First thing before I do anything else. That way my body will rehydrate what it needs and get rid of the rest before I hit the trails. Then I eat a good breakfast and let that settle for a while. Sometimes I will have a snack if the ride is a little later in the morning, like I did today – which was a homemade granola bar.
I rode solo today, so there are some very important things that get packed into my bike bags:
Tire repair items. This includes the wrench if I need to remove the back tire, the tire lifters on the left (forget the real name of these, but they wedge the tire out), a spare tube, and a CO2 cartridge and nozzle. These things are always in my front bag.
My back bag contains these items:
Okay, the helmet goes on my head, but these include sunscreen, a bottle of hand sanitizer, pain reliever, phone (very important when going alone), 2 water bottles, one of which is in my bottle cage, and a map (because I was taking a new route).
Also extremely important:
Not necessary things I bring include snacks, my camera, a brush, and a cap.
Today’s ride was to Lake George, but I went a different route, which was mostly off the path:
I was a little nervous, as the shoulder was kind of narrow for a chunk of the ride, but there was not much traffic. I went this way to add miles onto the trip while going to the lake and because we thought it would be more flat (not). Had a snack after mile 15:
I moved away from that trailer there as it had horse poo in it and was fragrant It was the only pull off spot, though, because of a guard rail. This trail went up the lake on the non tourist side, so I got to see some beautiful houses and the accompanying views that they have:
Sigh… gotta start buying lottery tickets!
Reached the village after 21 miles.
Beautiful day, although there was a pretty stiff head wind, which you can see with the waves. Americade is just getting started, which is a motorcycle haven. I had forgotten about it.
I was the only thing on 2 wheels not powered by an engine. Lake George gets really loud during Americade.
I had lunch of a half sandwich and a vegan tomato soup which tasted like a rich marinara sauce. So good!
Plus a packed granola bar:
The view from my table:
(see the wind?). After lunch, I looked at some of the landscaping:
Aliums in bloom:
Then I decided to head home, as there was some thought of rain in the forecast for later in the afternoon. I decided to take the path back instead of the way I came. It was like the Emerald City.
Isn’t that crazy green? Took a breather after 30 miles:
34 miles done. Okay, who didn’t see this coming?
This was Angel food cake yogurt topped with raspberries. Swooooonnnn! I almost fell out of my chair it was so good. Surprisingly, I did not finish this. That has never happened before, but it seemed like a bigger portion than normal and my lunch actually stuck pretty well.
After that rest, I headed home. Is it possible to have a love affair with a pair of shoes?
If so, I am having one with my clip shoes. I adore them.
Ride stats:
Total miles: 40.1
Top speed: 25.7 mph
Avg speed: 11.4 mph
Ride time: 3:40 hours (not including breaks)
Calories burned: 1180
I felt great after this ride. Not really that tired, even though the hills themselves were tiring. No walking up any hill today! Woo Hoo!
I munched some cashews while dinner cooked:
John grilled some chicken and caramelized some onions for dinner, so I decided to spread some laughing cow on top of the chicken and top with the onions.
So freaking good. These were vidalia onions, too. I wonder if I would like plain old onions caramelized or not.
What a great way to cap off my extended weekend. Back to the grind tomorrow, though. At least until I win that lottery
Cupcake snack calling my name right now……
The “after lunch landscape photo” (with the water, hills, blue sky and clouds) is BEAUTIFUL! I’d love to be there.
Looks like you had a wonderful solo bike ride.
.-= Kim Zepp´s last blog ..Tomorrow’s Race and Weekly Update =-.
I love all the scenery pics. Especially the Emerald City path. Just gorgeous.
What a fun day! Great job on 40 miles. You are a machine!
Lunch and dinner looked really great too. I don’t think I have met a caramelized onion that I didn’t love.
.-= Kimberley´s last blog ..My Week Update # 12 and Week #23 Goals =-.
I have had a long weekend too I have been off work since Thursday. Looks like you had a wonderful ride, and that picture does look like Emerald City. I spent my last day off doing a boot camp workout.. but didn’t even compare to your 40 miles on the bike. You are awesome!
.-= julie´s last blog ..A BOOT CAM-BUTT KICKIN’ =-.
You are such an adventurer! I love that you pack tire-changing tools and such…I would only pack my cell phone, to call someone to come get me if my bike had a flat. No idea how to change a tire at all! That ride looked pretty spectacular, especially Emerald City!
And way to go on not finishing the yogurt – nice intuitive eating! With frozen yogurt, I might hear my body saying “enough” but would I stop? Hmmm. Probably not, lol!
Glad you had such a nice end to your birthday weekend.
.-= Shelley B´s last blog ..Things That Keep Me on My Toes…Plus Mini Weekend Wrap up =-.
Lori I’m so jealous that you are able to ride in such beautiful environment. I really, reallly love it!
Great bike ride!
Oh what a wonderful adventure! And you cracked me up with your ” Okay, who didn’t see this coming?” Yes indeedy I did see that coming. And I am shocked and jealous that you were able to leave some of it.
.-= debby´s last blog ..Salad Season has Officially Arrived! =-.
Great ride – but what a lot of equipment you have to bring. Better safe than sorry!
.-= Amy´s last blog ..Back in the Saddle & Big Plans! =-.
YES!! **pumps fist in the air**
look at that.
my cardio is done already.
Thanks so much.
.-= Miz´s last blog ..New Two Fit Chicks podcast. =-.
Lori that looks like a beautiful ride and what a great way to get your exercise done. I’m catching up with blogs now and will exercise in about an hour!
.-= Diane Fit to the Finish´s last blog ..How Do You Define It? =-.
40 miles, that’s amazing! Beautiful scenery to ride by. Looks like a great place!
.-= Alissa´s last blog ..Month Ends- New Begins =-.
I agree with everyone else…gorgeous scenery!!
.-= April´s last blog ..Nail health =-.
You are making me miss my bike! I haven’t been able to ride it while home because of a broken chain… and now I have to wait until the end of July to get it in Toronto!! I will just live vicariously through your biking adventures, mmkay?
I’ve been eating vidalia onions lately too. They’re SO good.
.-= Susan´s last blog ..Homemade Scones and an Awkward Flashback =-.
Lori, you plan & prepare…. great & lots of good info for bike riders OR even us runners too! You had it all going!
Those pics were absolutey amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much for sharing! You sure live in a beautiful area!
Of course, the food looked good too!
.-= Jody – Fit at 52´s last blog ..Can You Define Yourself? =-.
Love the ride re-cap. I ride, but have never learned any repair skills. If I ride alone, though, I always take my phone! You’re my riding hero, I aspire to clip on shoes, 40 mile rides, and repair kits.
what a fabulous way to end your 4 days off Lori! What a ride and the pics are gorgeous. How great that you did it all by yourself-you are tough…….
What a great ride, Lori! Terrific day! I don’t pack those repair tools in my bike bag because I wouldn’t know how to use any of them. The phone comes w/ me so I can call my “maintenance” guy
if anything should happen. But I prefer to ride with someone – I’m such a nervous rider.
Such yummy eats. Beautiful weather. Good exercise. What a day!
.-= Joanne´s last blog ..Layered Sunday Salad Bowl =-.
So glad you brought your camera with you on the ride! Enjoyed the lake views and green trail!
.-= Tina @ Gotta Run Now´s last blog ..Check-up vs. 10 Mile Run =-.
What a scenic ride!! Glad it was nice weather.
.-= Lisa´s last blog ..Why Losing Weight is Healthy =-.
I really *really* need to get a road ID. I keep an expired driver’s license, but it’s entirely possible the serial killer would take my bag before he disposed of my body down the ravine.
Great ride! I’m hoping for one this afternoon (rain, rain, go away!), although mine won’t be as long or as gorgeous.
.-= cammy@TippyToeDiet´s last blog ..What Are You Proud Of? =-.
What a beautiful green road to bike along!! A great adventure to be sure.
.-= Leah´s last blog ..All In Good Time =-.
You have some great scenery on your rides! I just started wearing my helmet all the time this year. Other than that I don’t take anything else with me on my rides. Looking to get a tire change bag though as I have been unlucky that way this year!
Wow, what a gorgeous place you have to ride!
.-= Deb´s last blog ..Close But No Cigar =-.