I am glad you all like the lifting move of the week. It’s fun to do and keeps the blog from getting boring, you know?
Today is a scheduled run day for me, but I decided not to do it in the morning because it looked like it was threatening rain and I didn’t want to go to the gym and treadmill it. So, it was breakfast time! I was concerned that the day would start off bad because of this:
(mmmm…. waffle runoff…..)
But they turned out fine. Protein waffles with the yummy banana/maple syrup topping (recipe).
I started work early. Excited to finish up early to start my 4-day weekend. Yay! Busy, too. Busy days go by fast, though! Soon enough, it was time for lunch. This was supposed to be an egg sandwich, but the bread John made got moldy (that’s what happens with homemade sometimes). So I had the egg/laughing cow/hot sauce by itself:
This new bottle of hot sauce has one of those tiny shaker holes on it. Not gonna work for me, so I just unscrewed the lid and poured.
John has been the foodie king lately. He made up some of what he calls chocolate chip protein power cookies, which uses brown rice protein powder in them. I’ll see if I can’t get the recipe from him. They were pretty good –
Especially with my latte
I finished up work and decided to go out for the run. It was cloudy the entire day except for the 1/2 hour I was outside and running. I was so incredibly sweaty because of the sun and humidity. Nothing like running at 4:30 pm, right? My leg did pretty well, although my knee had a sharp pain around 2.5 miles and I thought I would have to stop, but it subsided into a bit of an ache so I finished out 3 miles. That was weird. Felt stronger, though. No galloping run this time, so the 5K race next week will be a go.
I decided to flex my post run power a little since I was wearing my trisuit to run in:
Loose skin on the bottom, nice bicep on top! Flexing actually helps pull up the loose skin. Wish I could go around all Arnold all the time LOL! John said he was married to a lifting geek…..
Cooked up some BBQ shrimp for dinner. Need a trip to the smokehouse – we are out of chicken!!
Had a babybel with it (that white thing) because the shrimp was only 2.5 oz and we ran out of that, too.
Sweet tooth satisfaction:
Homemade chocolate fluff.
I decided I wanted to start my weekend off with a library trip, and John said he would meet me for yogurt afterwards, but then I decided to bike instead of drive! A pseudo brick in the making! I have to say that I was pretty tired, though. I could feel my right leg pulling the clips of my shoes more. That’s how you get lopsided thighs
I picked up this book, and had some pistachio frozen yogurt.
Total bike time: 13 miles. Put the run and the bike a little closer together and it would have been an official brick. I can’t wait for the duathlon this fall! Burned a lot of calories today and ate okay, too (little snacky). Weekend has officially started – woohoo!!
Have a few nice flowers for the Friday blooming series tomorrow!
Nice muscles, lady! Your arms look great, and I’m glad to see Triscuit make an appearance.
You will do great with the 5K – I am so jealous that you have races available to run this time of year!
.-= Shelley B´s last blog ..Wednesday Workout Update – And Garmin Advice Needed, Por Favor! =-.
Hey Lori–You look absolutely fabulous. One of the best pics of you I have seen. That BBQ shrimp looks fantastic too. Thanks for the idea. And your weights posting are part of what is making me push myself to do more lifting and increase weights. I did 3 planks the other day, one regular and two side planks.
And frozen yogurt. Love in a bowl…
.-= debby´s last blog ..How Much Can I Blog in 30 Minutes? =-.
Thank you
I love to think women lift more because of what I post. Strong women are awesome!
Love the frozen yogurt. A big bowl like this one is only around 150 calories – it’s a lot of yogurt (but the only size for the flavored ones).
Your arms look awesome Lori! Pistacho froyo sounds awesome – I need to try that flavour!
.-= Run Sarah´s last blog ..Blue skies =-.
Cute. I feel like a voyeur sometimes peeking in on what you’re eating and how your exercising and even what you’re reading! It’s like a Realiity Blog. Real Lori! I like the picture too. I flex my arms all the time to check out the state of the muscles on top and the wobble underneath.
That’s funny we both did the same workout today. I ran 10k and biked 20m. Also my knee is bothering me too
Nice bicep!
It’s Friday, 9 am my time so that means it’s your birthday (here it is for sure).
I wish you a sunny and great day together with John.
So its now officially the birthday?
A 40 yo woman who is still thrown off by timezones in a bigbadway.
.-= Miz´s last blog ..Companies MizFit loves: Thrivnp. =-.
Bday is Saturday. Friday is my normal day off, but taking Sun and Mon off for me time!
I hope you’ve got a permit for those guns!!!
I love it.
Ohhh, I’ve had some messy situations with my waffle maker. Sometimes when I do my protein waffles off 1/3 cup measurements, I can fit it all in for one waffle, and sometimes it spills over everywhere and I shed a tear for lost waffle batter.
.-= Susan´s last blog ..A Waffleless Wednesday =-.
Glad I am not the only one who takes the tops off of hot sauce – and since I am the only one in the house who uses them (um, I may have 10 open bottles at the moment!) it doesn’t matter that they pour!
Happy Friday – look at your guns!!
Hi Lori! Today was my first day over here so I have to throw you a mini-parade of success!!! Congrats! All of those pictures made me want to eat more than work out, but it might be because I’m HUNGRY (even hungrier now, nom nom nom)
Have a great birthday and it’s nice to “meet you”! And before I forget, your blogger.com blog has your outdated blog listed so I went there first; love the new site!!!
.-= Kirsten (results not typical girl)´s last blog ..freaky friday guest post: visualizing your weight loss.. =-.
Nice arms!!
.-= Lisa´s last blog ..The Naked Post =-.
you look awesome girl! enjoy your 4 dayer!
.-= kalli@fitandfortysomething´s last blog ..Thursday Check up =-.
You are a monster!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Running, biking & all you needed was the swim for a triathalon! You look awesome!!!!
OK, I have to admit I am ready for a mini meal right now & that waffle, cookie & whatever is under that choc. fluff is calling me!!!
What is under that choc. fluff????
Hey, you should rent out Jonh to cook for all us bad cooks! Course, with the homemade breads & such, I may not be OK.. a pun on my yesterday post!
Have a super bday weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
.-= Jody – Fit at 52´s last blog ..Cinnamon & Sugar Puff Cookies with Protein =-.
That’s a chocolate graham cracker under there. Makes a great snack!
Go biceps!
Have a great birthday weekend! That yogurt is such a pretty color, btw!
.-= Ang´s last blog ..Fiesta chicken! =-.
It’s always such a relief when the running pains mysteriously disappear on a run! Looks like you had a nice day even if it did begin with waffle run-off! Happy Birthday!
.-= Tina @ Gotta Run Now´s last blog ..Check-up vs. 10 Mile Run =-.
I always get waffle run-out. They don’t look pretty but they’re good.Although yours look perfect! Love the idea of banana maple syrup. Holy Yum!
Great bi’s Lori! I flex like that and get a little “hump” but if anyone squeezes it, I can’t maintain the flex. Odd because I’m not ticklish, but can’t stand my flexed muscles to be touched.
Pistachio Fro-Yo?! OMG! You do know how to pick some good eats!
.-= Joanne´s last blog ..Grilled Salmon with Lemon Caper Sauce =-.
Looking good! Hope you have a happy birthday weekend!
.-= cammy@TippyToeDiet´s last blog ..Salad Dressing: Dip or Sprinkle? =-.
Lifting geek – I love it!