Thank you all so much for your comments on my Shape Magazine debut! If it inspired even just one person to never give up, that would make me so happy! It really is worth all the effort.
Since I didn’t post any food or other doin’s yesterday, I thought I would let you know how the first foray back to the iron went. Mornings are the hardest time for me right now. I am not sure why, but maybe I am just super stiff after the night of basically sleeping in one position. I cannot sleep on my stomach or side yet (my 2 normal sleep positions). So, I am pretty stiff and sore in the mornings, particularly my hip. I was a little limpy at the gym, which was noticed by people (I got sternly warned not to over do it ) There are certain moves that I cannot do currently, which include weighted squats, lunges, full dead lifts, and floor work like push ups and planks. Those hurt too much, plus I have a little weakness in my knee. No pull ups, either, as I have to jump up to the bar and drop off of it. Not chancing that yet. I am not going to risk reinjuring myself, so don’t worry about that. My body certainly does tell me, as well.
I rode the recumbent bike for 10 minutes to warm up. I was going about 7 miles an hour. This is my first cardio I have done in almost 2 weeks! It was a little sore, but not painful, so I was pretty happy. That means regular biking is not far off in the future!
The lifting:
- Straight-leg deadlift: 3 sets of 10 with 45# bar
- Arnold Press: 3 sets of 10 with 15# DBs
- YTWL: 3 sets of 4 (each letter) with 8# DBs
- Nosebreakers: 3 sets of 10 with 30# bar
- Bent over row: 3 sets of 8 with 25# DBs
- Barbell chest press: 3 sets of 10 with 55# bar
Then I did 10 more minutes on the recumbent bike. That was enough for a first try. It just felt so good to get back to it, even if it was light and somewhat limited. At 2 weeks out from the herniated disk, I think I am doing pretty well.
Now back to today! Breakfast was a fab combo of pumpkin custard oats topped with a few dried cranberries, toasted pecans, and maple cream.
Dang, that was a good bowl of oats.
I got to work early and fast today! Lots to do, so I put my head down and started busting out lines. I stopped for a babybel snack.
I am going to actually post yesterday’s lunch, because it was so good (today was yogurt and cereal combo, btw). I had seen some sweet omelets on the net, and I cannot remember the original blog this was on.
I mixed 1/2 scoop of strawberry protein powder with 2 liquid egg whites and 1 whole egg, plus some cinnamon and blended in the magic bullet. Then I cooked it like an omelet and sandwiched in a laughing cow wedge and blueberry sauce
D-licious. Who knew sweet eggs could be so good? Note to self: Spray pan with nonstick spray next time….
I finished up work early today, so I went over to the rental house and started some clean up. I am able to walk around without crutches now – yay! The closing should happen on this house on Monday, and you had better believe we are going out for a nice dinner to celebrate!
Came back to make some dinner. Everybody say ‘stir fry’!
I am liking the broccoli slaw. It’s fun and easy, plus it has some nice color. With precooked brown rice chicken and I had a 10 minute dinner. I had a kiwi, too, instead of strawberries so my dinner was color coordinated
Headed out to pick up a few things for the rental house:
Hopefully the last money I ever spend on this particular property…..
My sister was also in town tonight, so we met at Starbucks!
I had a tall skim latte:
Plus a bite of oatmeal cookie. These actually are really good.
Just to show I am not the only ham in the family:
13 years of marriage, people…. At least he bakes good bread
I also got a package today from the Ginger People – I won a drawing and they sent an amazing amount of stuff to me.
I am actually going to review this stuff because it is amazingly good and unusual!
Tomorrow is another lifting day and bagel time!
Question: Have you ever had a sweet egg dish?
So glad you are able to lift again! Take it easy so you don’t reinjure yourself. That care package you won looks really great. Can’t wait to read your review!
.-= Diane Fit to the Finish´s last blog ..One Common Maintenance Question =-.
It’s probably a good thing you’re only able to inch back into it as it will keep you from overdoing it the first time if you were able to do everything. Understand that? lol sometimes my brain just won’t work!
.-= John´s last blog ..I’m a Winner! =-.
Eggnog and I love it! Not sure I want to try sweet eggs. I did work at restaurant that sold jelly omelets so there must be people who like them.
Glad that you were able to work out today and have been able to be freed from the tyranny of crutches!!!
You seem much more chipper and upbeat. I can be so depressing to be out of the game…glad the worst is over.
.-= Kimberley´s last blog ..Mini Vacation =-.
Slow and Steady. I like the glimmer of hope for your bike rides in the future. Stay strong.
.-= Shelli Belly´s last blog ..Day 217 – I fit! …. =-.
Glad to hear you are easing into things and getting back to exercise
My nighttime snack of late is 1/2 scoop BSN protein powder (cinnamon or vanilla) blended in a blender w/ 1/2 c. egg whites (sometimes a splash of almond-milk too) and cooked very slowly like an omelet. I top it with a light drizzle of SF syrup and it reminds me of flan.
Glad to hear your back in the gym!
.-= Ron´s last blog ..Where did the weekend go? =-.
I’m so happy you’re feeling better and made it back to the gym. I’m sure you’re looking forward to getting out on that bike soon now that the weather is getting nice.
I hope the closing goes smoothly and will raise a glass in celebration when you close. It was such a relief when we sold our rental property.
Sweet eggs don’t sound appealing to me but I won’t know until I try them, right.
So glad to hear you were able to do some lifting, you’re on your way back!
I never had sweet eggs before.
.-= Fran´s last blog ..A day in my life: Sunday April 18th 2010 =-.
Yay! You got back to the gym! That must have felt good…
.-= Amy´s last blog ..Tempo Tuesday =-.
Good upper body workout! Glad you are able to do something at the gym – the rest will come. Yay for recumbent bikes!!!
What a great idea to use the broccoli slaw in stir-fry – I will have to remember that. Love stir fry but I’m not always up to all of the veggie chopping that goes with it.
Crossing my fingers for a smooth closing on your rental!
.-= Shelley B´s last blog ..Dow Live Earth Run For Water 6K – Recap! =-.
got my copy of the mag yesterday.
.-= Miz´s last blog ..Earthday 2010–MizFit style. =-.
So thrilled that you got a workout in Lori! That must have felt soooooooooooo good! Glad you listened to the bod & did not overdo. No crutches too!
Yahoo on the rental property! Another good thing & clear the mind of one more thing!
Your sis & hubby are so dang cute!
I will have a pic coming up next week of the coolie I found on my meet with the friends trip.. WOW!!!! Loved it!
.-= Jody – Fit at 52´s last blog ..Lists to Achieve Success =-.
Those are some great eats! I love the look of the blueberry sauce!
It sounds like that was a lot of gym work for someone recovering from a herniated disc. Be careful.
Glad to see you’re back at it though. You must be feeling better.
.-= Joanne´s last blog ..Canyon Ranch Vegan Cookies =-.
your custard oats look so good! what a great workout
i am sure you have inspired much more that just one person with your shape interview!
.-= kalli@fitandfortysomething´s last blog ..I Could Get the Bug =-.
Ohyay, I am happy 1) you are walking without crutches and 2) you had a pain-free gym sesh! I trust that you don’t want to extend this injury any more than need be, so I won’t give you any stern warnings
Agree with the oatmeal cookie at Starbucks. I think the cookies are the same at all locations, and they are all damn tasty.
My mouth got itchy just looking at those kiwis
.-= Susan´s last blog ..Cookie Monster =-.
Congrats on the magazine! Wow! Also, congrats on the 13 years of marriage
.-= Michelle @ Find Your Balance´s last blog ..2 things that really work: Japanese breakfast, Indian dessert =-.
Hmmmm…sweet eggs do NOT appeal to me, though I don’t doubt that they taste good! That broccoli slaw stir fry is right up my alley, though…
.-= Jenn @ Watch My Butt Shrink!´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday: What I Want =-.
Hey girlie! I just caught up on your blog a bit and let me say, I am SOOOO sorry about your injury. If there’s one thing I can empathize with, it’s that! Chronic pain is so, so awful and I know how hard it is when you’re suddenly ripped away from activity! It’s a huge and very scary eye-opener. I’m glad that you’re starting to return to gentle activity, though! That’s wonderful
And congrats on the Shape article! That’s so inspiring 
.-= Anne´s last blog ..Remember Me?? =-.
You sound verrrry verrry happy to be back in the gym. Congrats! And on the Shape mag too — can’t wait to read it. Going to pick it up on the newstands. Hope you continue to recuperate fast.
.-= Ishmael´s last blog ..Biking and Birds =-.
Regarding the sweet eggs. That is interesting to me because I notice that certain things seem to do well together. Like, the protein pancakes are just egg whites and protein (cottage cheese) with a little grain-oatmeal. The popovers I make (did I get the first recipe from you) are also cottage cheese and egg whites with a little grain. This is just taking it one step further, which is a very good thing, I think. Aren’t souffle’s also mostly egg whites? And sponge cake has a lot of egg whites too I think…
I don’t really like eggs. Just not a fan. Wish I was. But I do love those mini cheese wheels.