Did you all remember to change your clocks? It actually made me sleep a little bit later, but not by much. Started off Sunday and the beginning of the work week with the glorious bagel!
Trail mix with cream cheese. I decided not to bring my own cream cheese/protein powder mix today and just have a carbier (new word alert!) breakfast for my rest day. I need today’s rest.
I need to learn how to rest and relax like Pixie does. She has it down pat.
Slow work day today. That means a little exploring on Facebook today
Doubled up on protein for lunch with greek yogurt, a little PP, strawberries and my choco protein granola.
Did you know it is Pi Day today (3/14 – get it)?
Last year, we went out for pie. This year, John decided to make a pie to celebrate. John is a total whiz at math, and has an undergraduate degree in mathematics. He double majored in music and math. He is Mr. Smartypants. His contribution to Pi day:
An apple cranberry pie. The crust was a graham cracker crust that he made using apple juice concentrate instead of butter. I think the crust needs a little tweaking, but that has some good potential! Went well with my latte…
I am really hungry today. Sometimes that happens on Sundays to me after I have a hard week of exercise. I am trying really hard not to snack, but I did eat some peanuts and crackers while cooking dinner, which was….
Now I have chicken cooked up for meals this week. I still have to do some work tonight. Blah. Evening snack will be a pear, or possibly some cottage cheese.
Question: Are you good at math?
I am actually pretty good at math – I went to a high school that’s always ranked very high in science & math (it was actually harder to get into my high school than it was to get into my college!). I know PI out to the 9th digit (required for our calculus & differential equations math classes) which is really sad, and our high school cheer actually uses PI as part of our main cheer. LOL
The pie looks super yummy too!
.-= PTG´s last blog ..nothing =-.
Okay, that is really funny about the cheer LOL.
Your choco granola looks REALLY good with those strawberries.
I’m not good at math.
.-= April´s last blog ..Caution: =-.
I was so bad at math in school that the teacher just gave up on me. Because of that, I always hated it and had a real mental block when it came to anything with numbers. Thank heavens for calculators. LOL
I hate those hungry days and had one yesterday. I know that I probably didn’t eat enough for the amount of running I did, plus I didn’t sleep well the night before. What I needed was a nap, but I wanted FOOD!
I’m pretty good at math but have forgot a lot of formulas and crap over the years that every now and again I could use.
.-= John´s last blog ..Running Slow is Hard =-.
I can add, subtract, multiply and divide. That is it. I am sure I did all the fancy stuff when I was in high school, but that was many years ago.
Pi day is too funny!
Your breakfast looks super. Today my BF and I went out for breakfast and I had eggs Benedict san English muffins. Goodbye gluten! Next time I will skip the home fries and get tomato slices.
The pie John made looks lovely. You are blessed to have such a wonderful husband.
Pixie sure does know how to relax.
.-= Kimberley´s last blog ..The "Perfect 10" Challenge – Final Update =-.
I am extremely lucky to have John. I really lucked out in the husband department.
I am terrible at math – it just does not make much sense to me. My younger son is a math major and my older son is an EE major – lots of math. I don’t know where they get it from!
.-= Shelley B´s last blog ..Friday Randomness =-.
Yum, I need to get myself a REAL bagel!
I STINK at math. Royally! And have been known to still, at times, count on my fingers! Duh
.-= Marisa (Loser for Life)´s last blog ..Flashback Friday! =-.
Oh yes, I know it’s pi day. Made an apple pi to celebrate. House full of engr dorks, that’s what you get.
Happy pi day to you too! Math was my strong subject. I majored in engineering, and came very close to taking a minor in math, but didn’t just due to time and finances. I LOVE math. Total numbers geek here!
That pie looks delish!
.-= Josie´s last blog ..Workout Pledge =-.
Hee! I don’t really have time to read blogs tonight, but I love pi day, so I had to stop by when I saw your title. I’m pretty good at math and I like it, but my sister has a PhD in math, so I called today to wish her happy pi day!
.-= Jane´s last blog ..Good Day Of Exercise And Community =-.
I like math! Never heard of pi day though. Are you sure it isn’t just a holiday that math whiz’s made up so they could eat another pie??? Haha. John’s pie looks quite yummy.
.-= debby´s last blog ..Decision! =-.
Happy Pi day! We had the protein waffles with blueberry sauce again this morning and I think they may become a new tradition for us. John loved them and says they seem just like “normal” waffles. Thanks so much for sharing your recipes.
.-= Kat´s last blog ..Weekend update =-.
I am officially old as I got up at the same time even WITH the springing forward.
I love that I loatheth the math and yet was the only one in my fam/group of friends who remembered Pi Day!
.-= Miz´s last blog ..Yep. Testing the mobile blogging again… =-.
That’s funny! I’d never thought of March 14 as “Pi day”! I’m better off thinking of it as a number rather than “pie” day. (Too many other days have been pie days for me, unfortunately!)
.-= Ex Yo-Yo Debbie´s last blog ..Fall From Grace (151 lbs) =-.
Pixie sure does know how to do it! Love that!
I was up with the time change Sunday & felt tired but wanted to try to get the bod adjusted to it! Still feeling it!
That Pi graphic is soooooooooooo funny! Wow on John! Opposite ends with music & math… well, may similar too but all that scientific with the creative. Man, why do some people have some many talents!
OK, that pie looked good to me!
.-= Jody – Fit at 52´s last blog ..Write Your Own End Chapter; Giveaway Info =-.
He’s Mr. Smartypants AND he knows how to bake! Wow!
And that cartoon is hilarious and SO TRUE! haha.
All the best!
.-= Heather´s last blog ..Is This Why The Chinese Are Thin? =-.
Oh man! I wish I’d known about pie day. Is it coincidence that I was craving some chocolate pie? hmmmmmm……
Today I did remember to “Beware The Ides of March!”
Thanks for the words of encouragement on my blog. I think I’m going to go for it and if I’m not ready by the end of summer then it’s ok. It doesn’t hurt (well, not too much anyway) to train at least.
You’ve run and done tris and races and lifted weights. How does training for an endurance event mesh with weight lifting? I would assume that you do runs on the off days of ST but on the off days aren’t you supposed to be recovering from the ST? Am I overthinking this?
Love the bagel and Pixie is so cute!
.-= Kelly´s last blog ..Weekly Workouts =-.
Weight lifting and training go hand in hand. You need to build strength for endurance, particularly something like a triathlon. I pretty much trained 3 days a week with lifting (as I still do). I take 1 week off every 2 or 3 months. I normally do runs on opposite days of lifting, just because running is so much harder on the legs. I would do my bike training on lifting days. I think you need to build up to that, though. I wouldn’t do that much training right out of the gait.
That kind of pi works for me.
Wish I was a math wiz. I need a calculator to add 2 + 2
.-= Joanne´s last blog ..Grain Mustard, Caraway Seed and Beer Bread =-.
I am a math teacher though I was NOT too good at math in my teen years. I love teaching it though!
Happy Pi Day
.-= kalli@fitandfortysomething´s last blog ..New Food =-.
Strawberries and chocolate – such a happy, happy combo!
I’m glad to see you on Facebook. I just friend requested you
.-= Heidi´s last blog ..bloggers on tv =-.
Not good at math – too much premenopausal brain fuzz activity! I do know what you mean about having one of those days where you just seem starving all day – I used to get them when training for the half marathons with the really long longer runs on Sundays – i would be starving all day afterwards!
.-= Amy´s last blog ..Hey Big Spender! =-.
I am terrible at math! I have to use it at work so I’m getting a little better at it though. It’s much easier when you have practical applications. Yummy looking pie!
.-= Alissa´s last blog ..Weekend =-.
I’m good at math up until geometry. Everything is downhill from there. People assume I’m into math because I’m an accountant but honestly accounting has very little to do with math.
.-= Ang´s last blog ..Weary of winter but loving chai lattes! =-.
My oldest daughter is a math major and she was so happy about pi day! I am good at math and enjoy working problems with the kids.
.-= Diane Fit to the Finish´s last blog ..Thoughts on Airplane Seating =-.
Oh I think I need to celebrate pi day a little more!
.-= Simply Life´s last blog ..Vegetable and Barley Soup =-.
Despite scoring A’s in my college algebra and statistics classes, I am woefully inept at anything beyond the basics now. I do like reading about math theory though, for some strange reason.
.-= cammy@TippyToeDiet´s last blog ..Spring is Springing and So Should We =-.
Dammit, I missed Pi Day! The veins in the back of my left hand are actually in the shape of the Pi symbol. I always say it’s because I’m a born mathematician…
Who just happened to study English
.-= Susan´s last blog ..Out of Hibernation =-.
Loved the Pi cartoon.
I’m pretty good at math, never struggled in that area. My husband is a math/science guy and he’s in fits that the kids didn’t know their mulitiplication tables by 2nd grade like him….they are past those years now, but not the “genius” that he is.
Never thought of celebrating Pi Day. You guys sure get a lot of fun out of life. I love it!