Locks of Love and Lattes!

Happy Saturday!  Thanks for all the guest post offers!  If you want to get them to me by Friday – that would be great.  I might actually save some and run them after we get back 🙂

Got some good sleep last night – yay!  Gym doesn’t open til 8, so I could lounge around in bed for a bit, which was nice.  Then I got up and ate a balance bar before heading out to run!  I couldn’t resist wearing my new Sauconys! :mrgreen:  They are comfie.  I hit the treadmill for 6 miles again today.  Had an interesting comment from a woman who was walk/jogging next to me for a while.  I was in the locker room and she came in and said “I don’t know how you can run for so long without your knees bothering you.”

I don’t know why my knees are fine running.  I have chondromalacia, and my knees sound like rice krispies – but they never hurt.  Maybe because I don’t run all that fast.  Maybe it’s the biking or the strength training.  I talked with my sister about it, and she had read that if you start running later in life, you have less knee problems than those that run starting from a young age.   Interesting.

Came home to protein waffles!

I had to consciously slow down eating these, because I wanted to wolf them down.

My sister,Colleen, has been growing her hair for a long time.  She decided to get it cut and donate the hair.  She asked her girls if she should donate to women or children, and they voted for the children who had cancer.  That means Locks of Love.  They basically provide wigs to children who have lost their hair due to chemotherapy treatments.  When donating hair, it must be 10 inches or longer.  Colleen called around to a few salons to make sure they knew how to properly cut the hair for the program and made an appointment for today and asked me to come take pictures!  Here she is with the long hair:

Now her hair is measured with the rubber bands.

This stylist made it so he could cut the required length, but leave some length to work a cut with – rather than just putting the hair in a ponytail and hacking it off.

Snip, snip

Colleen and her finished ‘do!  Sophisticated and shexsy!

Of course, sisters have to have coffee!  We headed out to Fortunate Cup and had a couple of lattes.  This is a picture of her latte, as it was prettier than mine.

Plus a scone.  Yum.

We are the twinsies now!

I think she secretly wants to be me anyway….. :mrgreen:

28 thoughts on “Locks of Love and Lattes!

  1. Karyn

    I need to get my hair cut but, for me going for a hair cut is like going to the dentist for some people. Only once or twice in my life have I had a good cut. And I am afraid to go to a higher priced salon to still come out with a crappy cut.

    Do you think the dentist could do a good cut? 🙂
    .-= Karyn´s last blog ..Learning to fly… =-.

  2. Marisa (Loser for Life)

    So nice of your sister to do that! Her new “do” looks great!

    And so does that scone -yum!

    Lori, I wanted to remember to say THANK YOU for your advice on running. Such sound advice and I am going to try and play around with my eats before the run and keep up with the lower body weights to see if it helps my endurance. Thanks!!!
    .-= Marisa (Loser for Life)´s last blog ..The Pizza Solution =-.

  3. Shelley B

    Funny, before I read that I was thinking that you two look so much alike now! What a great thing for her to do – and her new haircut looks great!

    Interesting about the running later in life/less knee problems…score one for us slow starters?
    .-= Shelley B´s last blog ..Book Winner Plus Friday Randomness =-.

  4. PTG1002

    How incredibly cool of your sister to donate her hair – that’s so wonderful!!

    I have had 4 knee surgeries and also have “rice krispy” knees…my husband actually refuses to go up stairs after me because they’re so noisy. When I was heavier, running always hurt my knees – but I think it was also due to not having the right shoewear. Once I got good shoes, ran slow, took my time, and did some strength training…voila! No knee pain. (You’d think as a PT I would have figured this out sooner…LOL)
    .-= PTG1002´s last blog ..A blog award?? Awww…thanks! =-.

  5. Jane

    Definitely twinsies! That scone looks amazingly decadent. I’m drooling on the keyboard.

    I’m due for a hair cut before I start my new job. I don’t think my hair’s quite long enough to donate, but maybe I should measure to be sure.
    .-= Jane´s last blog ..A Good Start! =-.

  6. sophia

    Ohmigosh, you guys look SO much alike. A gorgeous pair indeed!
    I chopped off my hair a few months ago, and I’m waiting for it to grow out. Sorry, but I won’t be hacking it off anytime soon!

  7. Jody - Fit at 52

    I said it before & I will say it again.. you two look so much alike!!!!!!! Now, even more & what a great cause, Locks of Love!!!!

    I have not had too many probs with me knees either. I started jogging in my mid to late 20’s. I notice if I let my shoes go too long, my knees tell me! Also, now that I am older, I have to be careful with my HIIT. My feet keep getting worse with them being flat, wide & with bunions. This stuff just gets worse with age! Anyway, I do go pretty fats with my HIIT but if I go as fast I as really can at the high end, my stride changes & bothers my knees so I have had to drop the highest HIIT speed down just a bit but believe me, I still am going pretty fast! 🙂 I also wear inserts for my flat feet in my jogging shoes.
    .-= Jody – Fit at 52´s last blog ..What I Do on Sunday =-.

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