Happy Monday! After taking Sunday off from all but a short walk, I was up to hit the gym this morning. Drank some protein and biked there. My legs felt pretty good, I have to say.
Exercise | Set/rep/weight | Muscle worked |
Barbell split squats | 3 sets of 8 with 55# bar | Lower body |
Chin ups | 2 sets of 2, 2 sets of 1 | Upper body |
Cable squat to row | 3 sets of 10 at 60# | Lower body and back |
Horizontal wood chop | 3 sets of 10 (each side) at 30# | Abs |
Flat chest fly | 3 sets of 10 with 20# DBs (40# total) | Chest |
Face pulls | 3 sets of 10 at 30# | Shoulders |
Good Mornings | 3 sets of 10 with 35# bar | Low back, hamstrings |
Triceps pull down | 3 sets of 15 at 30# | Triceps |
Then I biked home. I proceeded to have all kinds of problems cooking breakfast, including a cornstarch explosion in the kitchen.
Hungry Lori + no coffee Lori = big problems….
I also pulled my camera case out of the bike bag and it was covered with sunscreen, since my jar popped open and emptied its contents. You can believe I was filling the swear jar this morning.
Breakfast finally happened and I had my caffeine (my personal binky), so I was much better.
I did not even want to log into work after that start to the day. I have to say, my job is getting really, really stressful. They are implementing changes that interfere with production and then are cracking the whip for us to work harder with implied threats. It makes absolutely no sense. I really need to look harder for something else. I have become unhappy here. I think I would even work at Dunkin Donuts down the street about now. I miss being my own boss, too. But that is another whole scary proposition unto itself….
Lunch break and I wanted something refreshing.
Pumpkin protein smoothie! Made with 1/2 cup pumpkin, 30 g unflavored whey isolate, stevia, pumpkin pie spice, water and ice. It would be even better with milk!
The carrots were kind of lame, though. And didn’t I just have blueberries with breakfast? Oooops….
Pixie has been sleeping through the heat:
I still wanted a latte in the afternoon, though.
Plus a couple of dates and nut buttah:
My appetite still has not come back all the way from Saturday’s ride. I had a very hard time getting in enough calories that day because of the heat and how much water I was drinking. John and I joked about our respective water babies we were carrying around during the ride – which then evaporated to thin air. Anyway, yesterday and today my appetite has been less ravenous than usual. Guess Nibbler is on vacation?
Dinner time was some toaster oven roasted sweet potatoes, chicken and broccoli! I haven’t had broccoli in days.
I had thoughts of running today, but I think my legs needed one more day off from cardio, so we went for a 2 mile walk tonight instead.
Then I did want a snack, but I was craving more fruit. Delicious red pear – come to mama!
Off to relax!
Question: Does the heat affect your appetite?
Can i ask for your waffle recipe??
.-= suzanne´s last blog ..Todays walk! =-.
It’s here : http://findingradiance.com/recipes/breakfast/protein-pancakes/
Sorry the day didn’t start out so great and that work is sucking…boo to that!
I don’t think the heat affects my appetite that much. I still like to have my three meals and three snacks a day.
.-= Kimberley´s last blog ..Happy Father’s Day =-.
I’m so glad you took a picture of the cornstarch explosion–you couldn’t possibly remember just how bad it was. And the sun screen on your camera case–yuck. Good job for not diving into a bowl of ice cream for breakfast. Love your kitty. And, when I can trust myself not to eat the whole package, I’ve GOT to try your nut concoction. It look fabulous. Oh, and I think your Mr. Nibbler friend made his way to my neck of the woods (again) today. I had a real struggle with the peanut M&Ms that my granddaughter has for her potty training rewards. It was only the thought of not having them for her if she earned them that kept me away.
Peanut M&Ms do not come into the house for that reason.
The heat definitely affects my appetite. When I’m outside and it’s 90 + degrees, by the time I get back inside, it’s all I can do just to make it to the couch! I really like the idea of incorporating more healthy smoothies into meals, I think I could do that to cool off and to get some nutrition in. I like having foods that are literally colder (fresh berries, gazpacho, cheese) and that require little effort in the kitchen. I just posted a gazpacho recipe on the Structure House blog that’s pretty tasty.
Oh yes, the heat definitely affects my appetite. In the summer, I have trouble getting in *enough* calories (something I’d never thought I’d have a problem with!), but thank goodness for nuts. They can always be counted on to save the day.
.-= cammy@TippyToeDiet´s last blog ..The Joys of Summer =-.
What a mess with the corn starch- hate it when things like that happen. Looks like your camera turned out ok though and made it through the sunscreen mess! I know what you mean about being frustrated with your job- I’m there too! Let’s start a business.
.-= Alissa´s last blog ..Saturday =-.
I’m there – let’s run a virtual coffee shop!
The heat does affect my appetite, and also, when I am hungry, I tend toward a lot a fruit…crackers, bars and nuts lose a lot of appeal.
What a mess in your kitchen! Doesn’t that always seem to happen when your blood sugar is low and you just need.to.get.something.to.eat – now?!? You with the camera bag/lotion…this morning Linda pulled out her HRM strap in front of me and it was covered with lotion! Monday, all around.
Hope your job situ improves soon. I am going through a bit of that myself, and it’s stressful and NOT FUN.
.-= Shelley B´s last blog ..The Scale Means Nothing… =-.
Pixie has the right idea!
The heat definitely affects my appetite. I’m not as hungry and I just can’t bring myself to eat soups. I bought stuff for chili but still haven’t made it. By the way, I scrolled back and just saw your cheat day post – we were on the same wavelength! Hope you have a great night!
.-= Diane Fit to the Finish´s last blog ..Any Benefit to Cheat Days? =-.
the hotter it gets the more I find myself eating fruit. yum!
I wish the heat affected my appetite. I am always hungry.
.-= Carly´s last blog ..The Other Side of the Finish Line =-.
sorry, Lori but LOL and OMG at your start to the day. Your description just set me to laughing.
Pixie couldn’t be any cuter if she tried and lol at Steve’s comment.
The hotter it gets the less I want to eat for sure. That’s when I actually just want to drink a protein shake or three for the day. And lots of water.
Hope your Tuesday is a lot less stressful! Coffee for starters, eh? LOTS of coffee!
.-= Fitcetera´s last blog .. =-.
Yes! I eat a lot more salads and veggies during the summer. I just don’t want to cook or eat hot food.
.-= Lisa´s last blog ..Weekend Report Card =-.
Monday, Monday – often like that on Mondays, isn’t it? Hope the rest of the week is uneventful and calm!
.-= Amy´s last blog ..Phase 1 Halfway Done! =-.
I’m sorry about the cornstarch spill and especially about work. If you need to get away, you can come here and make me smoothies and bagels while I recover! LOL We have bike paths here and everything!
Yes, heat affects my appetite as in I don’t have one. I just want to drink (water) all day. Summer’s always been my easiest time to lose weight.
I need to find myself some good pears today. I’m packing fruit for the hospital. I don’t know why. I’ll be in Pittsburgh and they have a few grocery stores down there! LOL
.-= Lynn Haraldson-Bering´s last blog ..Grammy Has A New Potty Chair =-.
After that morn start AND no coffee, I might have taken the Pixie way… such a cute pic!!! I want to sleep as good as that!
I am with you gals on working for yourself. I need to get back to work due to money issues but dealing with the crap of it is so hard on my mind.. meaning the political stuff & bosses that don’t care at all…. I like that virtual coffee shop!
.-= Jody – Fit at 52´s last blog ..Weight Loss Plateaus =-.
PS: Forgot to ask you how you made the sweet potatoes in the toaster oven. I know, sounds stupid but I am not a cook!
.-= Jody – Fit at 52´s last blog ..Weight Loss Plateaus =-.
Roasted sweet potatoes are easy. I just slice into 1/8-1/4 inch slices. Spray with cooking spray and sprinkle on seasoning. I bake in the toaster oven at 400 for 15 minutes, flip and do another 15 minutes. You can go longer if you want to get them a little crisper.
LOVE the explosion photo! Sorry you had to clean the mess, but what a great shot that will surely bring you memories for a long time.
The heat affects me in that fruit, yogurt and salads sound much better this time of year than they do in the cold weather. I have and easier time getting fruits and veggies in during this time. Of course, less desire for hot coffee all day makes that part easier. I drink TONS more water.
Left you an award today. Have a nice day!
.-= Leah´s last blog ..Beautiful Blogger Award =-.
I don’t think the weather has too much impact on my diet unless I’m outside in the sun for a long time, then I get kind of sick to my stomach and don’t feel like eating for awhile. I’ve been battling the heat with homemade ice cream!
Hope you find a more suitable job soon!
.-= Ang´s last blog ..Fiesta chicken! =-.