** Non US residents are now able to enter the gummy vitamin giveaway!**
Hey! I decided to let myself sleep until 7 am this morning. And let me tell you, my upper body is s.o.r.e. from yesterday’s workout! It think it was the incline hammer curls that really did it. My upper body has not felt this sore in months! (Yay, though, it’s a good sore).
I needed some good protein repair for brekkie, so that means the protein waffles!
That white blob on there? I made some homemade fluff. It was easy and not something I really need to know how to make, know what I mean?
Got to work straight away so I could finish up early as today is my dad’s birthday (happy b-day poppa!) and we were going out to dinner.
Lunch time was a chicken sandwich for more protein. This was made with BBQ sauce (from my Open Sky shop) and Laughing Cow.
This was a really good sammie! Plus a delicious red pear. Lots of fruit eating today.
Nibbles with the latte.
I finished up work early and decided to try my hand (feet) at running again. I walked down to the track. I almost chickened out. I went one lap around walking, then I jogged the 2nd lap. It felt really weird and lop-sided. Kind of like Quasimodo, although John said I just looked slow and a little hunched forward (thanks…).
My inner eye was turned so far inwards to assess myself that diamonds could have been dropping out of the sky and I wouldn’t have noticed! I was concentrating really hard because running with a weak leg certainly feels odd. I kept waiting for it to give out. It only did that a little bit once, but I just had to hop skip to catch it. So, I alternated walking a lap and running a lap 4 times. That meant I ran a total of 1 mile today! Long way to go, but I now have a starting point to work with. I am shooting to run a 5K race in 3 weeks if all progresses okay. John is hoping for a PR at that race. Today he did 5K in 26:33 – he is Speedy Gonzalez!
So – out to dinner at Golden Corral. How many of you have been there? If you haven’t, it’s a huge buffet like Ponderosa or Stuckey’s and the like. We haven’t been there in a few years. Not really the best place to try to eat sensibly (although you can). I still can have real issues with buffet eating. That was where my dad wanted to eat, so off we went!
I channeled my inner Rosie and walked through the doors.
My plan was to allow myself all the veggies and fruit I wanted, some lean protein and 1 dessert item. No rolls/bread and no junk lettuce. This was round one:
That’s clam chowder, about 160 calories for that bowl according to the website. The brussel sprouts were lame. I was excited to see them, but I think they were frozen because they were mushy, so I didn’t eat them. Not like my good roasted ones! 1 piece of fried okra just to see what it was like. M’eh.
The fruit plate along side:
Then I went for more fruit and veggies:
That was one limp asparagus stalk. Ick! I was glad to see some nice options here. I almost got some fish, but I should quit kidding myself that I am going to like it. I wish there was some shrimp or some other kind of seafood protein on the buffet. No other corporate meat allowed, so I was lean on protein tonight.
Happy birthday to dad!
He actually winked for this picture, but I just missed it and he looks annoyed
My dessert:
I am extremely pleased at how I ate. I stuck to my plan for a change! I did eat more than normal, but it was all pretty good stuff.
Golden Corral: 0
Lori: 1
Question: How do you handle buffets?
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Well Lori – when I was obese I LOVED buffets because they were cheap and I could eat all the cookies and soft serve ice cream I wanted to!
But now, like you – I limit myself greatly and decide in advance what I’m going to eat. I rarely go to buffets now.
Love that picture of your dad!
.-= Diane Fit to the Finish´s last blog ..One Of The Big Three In My Journey =-.
Glad you were able to get your running program started again!
I actually like going to buffets, because I can have a bite or two of a few foods I don’t normally have these days. (Hello, mashed potatoes, I’ve missed you.) I’ve only been to Golden Corral a few times, and both times they had lots of decent fruits/raw veggies and grilled chicken. Most of the cooked veggies looked pretty sad. The desserts all looked spectacular, though!
I usually go for a cookie and a small square of one of the cakes.
.-= cammy@TippyToeDiet´s last blog ..Shaper Shoes: Remarkable…or a Rip-off? =-.
I avoid buffets as much as possible! When I go, I always end up eating too much. I rather get a meal at a sit down restaurant where I know I can take home my left-overs for the next day.
Good job sticking to your plan!
.-= Kim Zepp´s last blog ..7:48 =-.
Sad that the veggies were so meh at GC – you did the best you could considering what you had to work with, but I’ll bet that restaurant won’t be making your list in the future. Glad your dad had a happy birthday!
Wow – to go from no running to a 5K in 3 weeks shows how fit you are overall! Good job getting back to it – I’m sure you weren’t as lopsided as you felt, lol!
.-= Shelley B´s last blog ..Two Years!!! =-.
Good for you! It’s hard not to be in the driver’s seat when it comes to choosing the restaurant. But, I guess the birthday boy should be allowed to make the call. I’ve been know to eat a bowl of my own (healthy and OP) soup before going out to eat just so I wouldn’t fall victim to the siren call of all those “foreign” (to my plan) foods. You did an awesome job by having a plan in place and sticking to it. Nice running, too. I hope to be able to run 5k in about three weeks, at the end of my C25k, but no way I’m ready for a race.
.-= Tish´s last blog ..I did it! =-.
Happy Birthday to your dad!
Great job on the running…and you are right, John is a Speedy Gonzalez.
I can handle the buffet when I am in a healthy eating frame of mind. The one we usually go to is a Chinese buffet and I will have a cold plate of vegetables, shrimp, olives, hard boiled eggs and crab salad. Then I will have some hot vegetables, usually broccoli and green beans. Then I move onto fruit. I put on my blinders and only see the healthy choices.
Please note I am not always in a healthy eating frame of mind.
You did a fantastic job with your choices.
.-= Kimberley´s last blog ..My Week Update # 9 and Week #20 Goals =-.
Great job at the buffet. I usually make the same kind of choices that you do – start with the veg and leanest protein. I usually prefer to have a carby thing rather than an actual dessert.
Congrats on your running today. I’m glad you are recovering from your injury. It must really be frustrating to have to think about moving your leg! Good job, you.
.-= roxie´s last blog ..Just a Bit Of Gratitude =-.
The only time I’ve hit a buffet is when I wasn’t eating healthy. so of course I went to town! Not sure how I’ll handle it now but figure pretty well but not perfect
Congrats on getting some running in today!
Happy birthday to you Dad and congrats on your first run!
I avoid buffets because they really are the bottom of the barrel in terms of food quality. I do like Sweet Tomatoes which is a salad buffet restaurant with homemade soup, my friends and I do lunch there sometimes. There stuff is always very fresh. I have a huge plate of salad (all raw veggies with a bit of feta cheese and some pickles), the Joan’s Broccoli Madness is my favorite. I sample two soups, have a piece of cornbread and and chocolate frozen yogurt for dessert. It really is a nice, healthy lunch for an occasional treat.
.-= Andra´s last blog ..Alive Expo =-.
Mmmmm, Andra made me want to go to a Sweet Tomatoes! Otherwise, I am no good at buffets. I need to analyze this a bit more, but I think I have a problem with ‘free’ food–buffets, and food in the breakroom.
Man, you are a fighting machine! I am so impressed at your determination to return to normal!
.-= debby´s last blog ..A Couple O’ Smart Moves =-.
Happy Birthday to your Dad. Great job at the buffet. I absolutely love your protein waffles, thank you so much for sharing the recipe on your blog. We have them almost every weekend now. I have one in the freezer for this week…:-)
.-= Kat´s last blog ..Loretta’s Spring Challenge -update =-.
You’re welcome!
Good for you – those buffets are a minefield and not easy at all to negotiate! You did good!
.-= Amy´s last blog ..Quick update! =-.
I love me some Rosie (shocking I realize :))
and this post.
your dads face.
for some reason it spoke REAMS AND VOLUMES TO ME.
there’s a post right there…
.-= Miz´s last blog ..No excuses! The personal stuff. =-.
Congrats on the jog and the weight workout from yesterday. I love me those incline hammer AND DB curls!
I do them on the cable too!
Sounds like you did good, buffet style. I don’t do buffets.. kind of a waste of money for me.. I am too picky! BUT, it was your dad’s bday!!! His choice! Now, what was he thinking in that pic???
Hope you keep getting better so you can do your 5k!
.-= Jody – Fit at 52´s last blog ..Best Chocolate Choices; Chocolate Rasberry Pound Cake =-.
I think I’ve seen those Golden Corrals but have never eaten in one. We don’t have them around here.
Your dad looks amused.
Good job on the running. A 5k endeavor is good goal and it certainly doesn’t have to be fast, just work on crossing the finish line. That leg is coming along – be careful though.
Don’t you love being sore? I love post workout soreness. It really gives me a feeling of accomplishment.
.-= Joanne´s last blog ..Tasty Recipes and Giveaway =-.
Yes, being sore hurts in a good way!
Good job at the buffet! I haven’t been to a buffet since going gluten free. Too risky!
.-= Ang´s last blog ..Fiesta chicken! =-.
Good job at the buffet I usually just end up eating to much so try to just avoid. Hey I finally got the May Shape magazine yesterday I couldn’t stop smiling flipping through the pages looking for your story *SOOOOOOO COOOOOLLLLLLL* *big big smile*. Happy Birthday to your dad!!! Way to go on the running. I’m sore as heck today too not sure what I did so much different. But sore never feels to bad to me.
.-= Dawn´s last blog ..Here I am =-.
Wow, you deserve a medal for self-control. I can never to hit the salad bar when I’m at Golden Corral that’s why I try to stay away. I’m a sucker for the sliders.
Great job Lori.
I’ve just finsihed reading “Food Rules” by Michael Pollan and loved the rule about staying away from corporate protein.
.-= paula´s last blog ..Toot!! Toot!!! Literally =-.
I think you did a wonderful job at the buffet! You had a plan going in, and you stuck to it. That’s the way to go!!!
When I used to eat like a crazy person, I loved a buffet. I would pile up my plate with fatty foods, then eat at least two desserts. Once I started running and eating with intention, I found that buffet food is not good/tasty at all (for the most part). I have trained myself to believe that most buffet food is processed/frozen. I don’t want to “waste” my calories on food that isn’t both healthy and delicious! When I do have to eat at a buffet, I fix one plate: veggies and a grilled meat…no bread, no calorie laden dessert.
.-= Paige (Two Runners And A Brown Dog)´s last blog ..Hi-lights! =-.
Ive definitely been to the Golden Coral before when I used to live in Albany, NY several years ago. I’m wondering if that’s where you live
They don’t have those in the city. All I can remember from the buffet is some absolutely delicious warm bread w/ some amazing butter they have on the tables as “appetizers” I suppose. I remember it being amazing. Great job on not succumbing to temptation & keeping it healthy. Happy birthday to your pops!!
.-= Mabelle @ Eat, Move & Live´s last blog ..So far yet so Close =-.
North of Albany by about an hour or so.
happy bday to your dad! great plan for the buffer- i will use your advice next time for sure…..great job on the weights i am sore today too!
.-= kalli@fitandfortysomething´s last blog ..Clif Family Fun =-.
I think of golden food when I think of the Golden Corral…fried stuff, breaded stuff, buttery stuff, baked goods. That is why I shouldn’t go to the Golden Corral (when I am in the US, that is!). Some of your commenters mentioned Sweet Tomatoes…that is a better choice for me – harder to succumb to “golden food” there!
Your dad looks like a sweetheart
.-= Ex Yo-Yo Debbie´s last blog ..No Day But Today (152 lbs) =-.
I have always thought of GC as the super ick, but your plates look yummy.
The only buffet hubby & I will go to is a Mongolian BBQ buffet and I can eat as much veggies and healthy protein as I care to – I avoid the “special sauces” and stick with ginger or garlic water and white wine for flavoring. They also have a small salad bar and plenty of fresh oranges and grapes (plus watermelon in the summer). I love them! My parents used to take me to Cici’s when I was younger – that’s just trouble waiting to happen!
Happy bday to your poppa!!
.-= Heidi´s last blog ..Flashback for Momma =-.
Incline hammer curls get me every single time. Which is a good thing I suppose, but makes it difficult to open heavy doors for a couple days
I’ve never heard of Golden Corral before, but we used to go to Ponderosa all the time when I was a kid. Now I always take a tour of the buffet first and grab a small plate to start off with (like physically, a small circumference plate) that way I don’t have a mountain of food when I return to the table. And I always wait 5 minutes before deciding if I need another trip. Desserts at buffets are too hard to pass up though – I like your method for it!
.-= Susan´s last blog ..Reebok Easy Tone the Easy Way Out? =-.
OMG, I haven’t thought of Pondarosa in years! Luckily, we only have a crappy Chinese buffet near us – although my Mom and I do go to Sweet Tomatoes which we love – you just have to be careful of all the bread options there!
Happy Birthday to your Pappa!
We hardly ever go to buffet places, since there’s not one near our house. The kids would probably love to go to one sometime. I do love Indian food buffet, though, and there’s one just near enough work for an occasional treat but not regular feeding, thank goodness.
.-= Pubsgal´s last blog ..Weekly Update, 5/19/10 =-.
The best way for me to handle a buffet is to avoid it.
You did an amazing job at Golden Coral….not sure why, but I like to go there about once a month or so…. and I sitll want to hit the Chinese buffet every month or so too….. and of course I don’t eat like you did at Golden Corral, and I always regret it the next day, because I eat to much and the food is not that good. So why do I continue to go there ?????????
.-= Ron´s last blog ..I’m speechless =-.