Happy Earth Day! The malt was quite good that John brought me last night. It was made with maple soft serve and malt powder! I am really sorry that I know how good that combo is….
I went to bed around 10 pm last night, hoping to get extra sleep, but I was up before 6! I just wonder if my body doesn’t need 8 hours?
Anyway, I got up early and started working so I could finish up early today if possible. Made a pot of coffee with some fresh roasted beans:
I am sorry that you cannot smell these. Then cooked up some protein waffles topped with a mix of pumpkin, honey, ricotta cheese and a few dried cranberries.
This was good, although I do like my topping to be a little moister. Yogurt works better for this instead of the ricotta, I think.
I imagine you all are curious as to how my herniated disk and lack of normal activity has affected the scale. I was curious as well. As you have seen on my blog, I am not restricting what I eat all that much. Not always for lack of trying, though. I am eating a little less, but still have my snacktacular days *yesterday, cough, cough*, just like normal. I thought my appetite was going down because of lower activity, but I think it was my prescription pain meds. Once I stopped those and switched to plain old ibuprofen, my regular appetite returned.
So here is the interesting thing. All of March, I did my normal hard workouts and lost 1 pound for the whole month. I have lost 2 pounds since I injured myself and barely moving. The irony of this is not lost on me. (Irony has been in my vocabulary a lot lately….). John said the weight loss gods have a sense of humor. I thought it was a fluke, but I weighed in 3 days in a row and the lower weight stayed. It can’t possibly be muscle atrophy in only 2 weeks, can it? I’ll take it, though! My cruise weight is all gone now – yay! I’ll be curious as to what happens over the next few weeks. I have not gone running in 14 days and no biking in 13 days (other than the stationary at the gym this week).
Lunch time! I forgot I had bought a cucumber this week, so that went onto the plate. With some tuna salad.
I decided on the pear after waffling between that and a kiwi. I almost had both LOL!
Got back to work and busted out all my lines to finish up early today. So, I had to make the afternoon lattes…..
Then I took a walk. Went a few slow blocks and enjoyed the sunshine!
Did a quick and easy stock dinner tonight.
I cooked the broccoli on the griddle pan to our new grill! That was pretty cool.
Stopped at the rental house to get the lawnmower and have John help me with a couple things, then back home to relax. I am snacking on some dates with nut butter tonight and a cup of tea while I write this post.
I don’t have anything earth-shattering (har har) to say about Earth Day. So instead, I will leave you with some photos I took today on my walk:
Very pretty flowers!!
Glad to see you’re up and moving around a bit – has the foam roller helped at all?
.-= Destination:Athlete´s last blog ..wimparoni and cheese =-.
I think it has helped some. At least I don’t think it hurts any. Well, I take that back – it does hurt LOL!
I dunno, I think I can smell the coffee from here!
Verrrry interesting about the weight loss!! I wonder if your body was just stuck at a plateau and needed a major shock to shake out of it? Honestly though, my body mystifies me on a daily basis. So hard to figure these things out!
Maple + malt sounds amazing.
.-= Susan´s last blog ..Cookie Monster =-.
Maybe it has been a plateau. Who knows, right? Still haven’t got it figure out after all this time LOL!
That is very interesting about the weight loss. I’ve been up a couple of pounds since I upped my jogging mileage in the last couple of months. I’ve been wondering if the muscles are holding water and it’s water weight. Regardless, I’m trying to drop those two pounds whether they are water or not.
Beautiful flowers! Bleeding hearts always remind me of my grandmother.
Weight loss is such a tricky thing. I can imagine how surprised you were to see a loss.
Love the new griddle pan!
Beautiful flower pics.
Glad you continue to improve.
.-= Kimberley´s last blog ..5K MS Walk and The 4/20 60 Minute Challenge =-.
I have a friend who loses weight when she gets injured because she says she thinks she is sub-consciously making better food choices *but* you make great choices all the time so yea, maybe your body is just responding to the rest.
When was the last time you took a total break from lifting, etc.?
I don’t think you could lose muscle that fast … I’d take it too! lol
I take a week off from lifting every 3 months to take a break. The last break I had was at the beginning of April/end of March.
Great flower pictures and interesting about the weight loss. Ah, the strange and unpredictable scale. I’m glad you are able to get out and about some. I think sunshine has healing powers
.-= roxie´s last blog ..A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Drycleaners =-.
Hey Lori! I was wondering if you had noticed a difference in your weight. At 2 weeks it’s not atrophy, and you have been getting around a bit. You also eat well and I think that helps, you are giving the body basics of what it needs in good proportions and without a lot processed stuff. Add that to being injured (the pain killer pound I call it) and i think that the weight loss is not too unexpected. Do not under estimate the effect of being injured on your overall metabolism. I have come to think that being injured or sick burns a few more calories. Not many, but enough. I also think that if your body needs to repair and heal that a little bit of extra protein carbs and fats are going to be gladly used instead of stored and converted. I have no scientific evidence, just countless injuries and 11 surgeries. You’ve been at this for a while, I think your body and you have good handle on it. Trust yourself!
.-= Sarah´s last blog ..Thighs =-.
Seeing your fresh roasted coffee makes me anxious to get home. I made a batch just before I left that is waiting on me. It sure is hard to find good coffee on the road.
.-= South Beach Steve´s last blog ..Just My Observations – What Do You Think? =-.
In my most humble opinion……(clear throat) *cough*……I think you have lost some muscle AAaaand the fact that it may be some water weight you’ve lost as you know your retain water for muscle recovery right? And your not taxing your muscles now to retain that water?? Anyway just a thought……..((HUGS) Either way your doing GREAT!
I love the pictures of all the flowers. So pretty.
And I must say that your cup of coffee is a work of art. Wow!
I hope your back gets to feeling better soon. But it looks like the down time is agreeing with you and the scale! Isn’t that weird how things work?
Take care of you.
Look at that big, fat bee!
I love your griddle and grill and I LOVE the smell of coffee.
The weight thing is hard to figure out sometimes.
.-= Fitcetera´s last blog .. =-.
Oh so not so long ago … so much for my theory! lol
That is fascinating about the weight loss. Do you think that you were subconsciously hyper-vigilant after the injury because you were so worried about gaining weight? On the other hand, both of us have said many times that you can lose weight without exercise.
I will say that when I am really pushing myself to lose a pound or two, I will allow myself to back off the exercise. Its like its too hard for me to concentrate on both things at once.
Snacktacular–best new word I’ve heard in a long time.
I love violets and bleeding hearts.
.-= debby´s last blog ..What’s it All About, Anyway? =-.
I don’t know about being hypervigilant. I really am not consuming few enough calories to warrant a larger loss, but who knows?
I agree that increasing exercise does not mean the scale will go down, and maybe that just is what is happening here.
Its so nice to see the spring time flowers. I can’t wait for spring to reveal itself here in Alaska. We had clouds, rain, sleat, snow, hail, sun and rainbows today.
.-= Shelli Belly´s last blog ..Day 224 – Anti-Jared Challenge =-.
That’s good news you’ve lost some, maybe because your body comes to rest? I don’t know but it’s better than not being able to move and gain.
I love the flowers, my garden is getting more beautiful every day too, don’t you just love Spring
Nice pics! And good news with the weight loss – I bet it has something to do with water balance in your body – don’t the muscles hold water when we do a lot of exercise?
.-= Amy´s last blog ..Tempo Tuesday =-.
hello new grillpan thing! I covet you!!
Im also wondering about the foam roller. have you tried it yet? is it helping you at all?
.-= Miz´s last blog ..MizFit, NASCAR, & The Ellen Show. =-.
I have been using the roller every night. It hurts, I will have to say, but it sure feels good when I’m done! I don’t know if it helps or not, I would like to think so, since I spent money on it
Who cares about the whys or hows at least it was a negative 2 and not a positive 2
I love photographing flowers. They are so interesting and turn out even more interesting in the photos. The photo seems to reveal things that you don’t see with the naked eye. Great pics!
.-= Joanne´s last blog ..Canyon Ranch Vegan Cookies =-.
Congrats on the loss of the cruise pounds.
Oh, those weight loss gods and the scale conspire to make us crazy, huh? It’s like when you workout hard all week and eat right and show a gain and then binge and be a slug and drop a few pounds. I think it’s a delayed reaction result. Last week shows up on the scale this week and this week’s effort will be reflected next week.
Enjoy the weekend. I’m heading to VT tonight. I’m hoping things aren’t so brown and the trees are in bloom. I want to take some pictures.
sometimes when i do not do any workouts and just walk i lose weight and when i work out like crazy i do not……muscle loss? who knows but i will take it!
happy friday
.-= kalli@fitandfortysomething´s last blog ..I Could Get the Bug =-.
Wow, that is interesting! I’m glad that the injury isn’t negatively impacting the scale. I’m guessing that having good muscle mass has kept your metabolism revved up.
Love all the flowers! I need to find some violets; I miss having them in my garden. (I had some really fragrant ones, but they got overrun by other things, sad to say.)
.-= Pubsgal´s last blog ..Weekly Update, 4/21/10 =-.
I’m glad you are continuing to improve! I love the spring pictures too. So pretty!
.-= Ang´s last blog ..I’m ridiculously lazy and I suck at blogging! =-.
Hmm, interesting about your weight loss. Sometimes the scale has a way of just throwing us for a loop doesn’t it?
.-= Josie´s last blog ..I Want to be a Runner =-.
I love the flower pics.. thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!! Beautiful! And that grilled food.. OK, I am there!
Interesting on the weight loss. But, sometimes I just stop for a few days & I do eat less like on my girls weekend & lost weight. The weight lifting does fill the muscles up so I guess depending on when you weigh yourself, that may be it. For a couple weeks I tested this. Weigh myself right after a workout & then again after my couple hours sleep & I always weigh less after the sleep even though I had a mini meal before the sleep.
Keep getting better!
.-= Jody – Fit at 52´s last blog ..Sun-Dried Tomato & Basil-Stuffed Chicken Rollitini =-.
I don’t think it is muscle loss either. Good to loss though without all the work eh? Too bad it wasn’t always like that!
.-= Karyn´s last blog ..My hubby…the snitch! =-.
Sometimes I think exercising less would make me lose more weight. But I am eating too much
.-= kilax´s last blog ..Maybe now I will make an effort with my hair… =-.