A little behind on this post, but it’s all good 😀  I did a lot in May, actually.  Biking really kicked into high gear and I finished a few furniture projects:
and the dresser!
I will post more detail on how I did this in another post. I am in love with it!
Here were the goals for May:
1. Continue with Female Body Breakthrough and continue my 45-60 minutes a day of exercise.  Done and done.
2. Â Eat with my guidelines of 6 eats per day with protein for all meals and snacks. Sort of. Â I started snacking too much later in the month. At first I lost my appetite with all the work stress, but then the stress eating came back.Â
3. Make some doctor appointments this month. Ooopsie.  I didn’t do this.
4. Clean more windows. DONE!!!  Actually, I will confess that we finished them up on Sunday the 1st, but close enough. It was starting to become a joke during the month about finishing the windows, but now they are done and it looks so much better.
5. Participate in Photo a Day. I sort of enjoyed this, but then I felt pressure to follow the prompts and I tend to be a more spontaneous photo taker. Then I would also forget about it with work.
6. Attitude adjustment about the house closing. I think maybe I did better this month. We are sort of laughing about the house closing and making jokes about it that are almost funny, but not quite – if you know what I mean.  On that note, we just signed *another* extension.  The definition of irony? That would be this:
Now on to my goals for June!
1. Â Continue the last stage of Female Body Breakthrough. Â I will be only lifting 2 days a week on good weather weeks due to biking. I am enjoying my workouts! They are tough:
2. Â Be more disciplined with eating. Â I really need to buckle down with this and quite futzing around.
3.Deep cleaning in rooms of the house. After doing the windows, I noticed things like baseboards and other dusty stuff. Â I am not going to set a particular number of rooms, but I will be working on them. Â Something that would have to be done when we put the house on the market anyway.
4. Keep doing my projects. I really enjoyed doing the furniture projects, which really helped me deal with the work stress and house stress. Not waiting on these until we move. Â I will do anything to keep my stress level down (which will help with goal #2)
5. Try to write a couple garden how-to posts. I have had a couple different requests and I keep thinking I will get around to it, so here it is.
Here’s to a great June!