Tag Archives: biking

Solo riding

It was a little chilly this weekend, but I wanted a ride. John was out of town, so I went solo on Saturday.  Some people don’t like riding alone, but I have no problem with it.  I took a rather circuitous route around. First stop was to bike out to a greenhouse and see if they carried any shrubs I am looking for.  I started out with road riding. Not my favorite, as you can see below.



When they redid this road last year, they ate up some of the bike lane to make a center turn lane. Boo.

I went out exactly 5 miles just for a nice even number and then backtracked to the greenhouse.  Ahhh I am aching for this much greenery!






This place is a little expensive, but they have a lot of unusual stock. Unfortunately – they did not have what I am looking for, but biking out here saved me a wasted car trip to find out.  

These are cute, too.  I may live under a rock as far as pop culture is concerned, but even I know these are minions.



Made of hay bales.


Then it was off with more road riding back in the direction of our old house. 



Not a ton of water over the dam. The one good thing about this cold spring is that it didn’t create any runoff flooding.

I hooked around to the old feeder dam bike path, and it was nice getting off the roads.



Did I mention it was windy and cold? About 50 degrees and I ended up with a wind chapped face.



Then 15 miles in, I stopped in downtown Glens Falls at the new coffee shop for a latte.



The guy that roasts the coffee made my latte 😀

Even though I was only a mile from home, I wanted a longer ride, so I connected to the bike path again.






If only all the riding could be path riding.  We are lucky to have this much, though.



The shoulders are fairly clean now in the streets since sweepers have made a pass in most areas.



Another 7 miles and I arrived home:



Another 22 miles in the books.  Think I am ready for a 30 mile ride.  We still have some conditioning to do before doing a Saratoga ride, but hopefully some time in May we can get down there (50 miles).

Riding and landscaping.

What a great weather weekend! We spent a ton of time outdoors doing yard work and riding. John got a mini chain saw and started cutting down some shrubbery. Then came the digging out of the stumps, which was really hard work. Here is the overgrown before:


And progress made:


It is a ton of work getting this down to a clean slate. We will be removing those other shrubs as well, but the half dead ones had to go first as they were such an eyesore. I do have to say that the soil is wonderful and it makes my gardener’s heart sing to have that to work with.  I don’t really have a plan quite yet for these beds, but some ideas. I would like to have some climbing roses around the front stoop, so I am going to get a couple Zephrine Drouhin, which are old-fashioned climbers that bloom in partial shade. Hopefully they will look something like this:


This landscaping is going to be years in the making. Not a bad thing about that, though.

Anyway, on to riding!  We decided to go all the way to the lake on Saturday since the paths were finally cleared of snow.  We are about 6 miles closer to the lake at our new house, so what used to be about a 32 mile round trip is now 19. It also cut out most of the flat part of the ride and plops us right into hills for a challenge.  

It’s still pretty brown, but I think buds are starting to appear on the trees if you squint really hard.

The marshy area is quite wet right now. 



We be biking!



The peak point of the climb.



It’s actually a little easier to get up this climb with a shorter ride in front of it. Still tough early in the season, though. Phew!  This is right by the outlet malls. Later in the season this road gets backed up with traffic going to the shops. We can just skate on over it.



They freshly paved this part. The tree roots were buckling the path in this section and it was really bumpy. Now nice and smooth for riding – and taking pictures while riding!




Arrival at the lake!




There was a surprising amount of people out and about. I guess all the locals got out to the lake before the tourists get here.  Only some shops are open. Most wait until Memorial Day, but not this place :





The phantom was playing on the second story. That’s him in the purple. Gotta love Lake George.

We stopped by the Lake George Baking Company for a snack and took it to sit near the lake.



The wind was actually starting to pick up pretty hard while we were here. We saw later that gusts were up to 49 mph, which seemed right. It was almost blowing us over a couple times waiting at stop lights on the way home.



We are still exploring different roads around our new place and when we took a loop home, we came across this nature preserve:



The cool thing?  It’s only 1.5 miles from our house!  I can’t wait to check it out.  We might try doing some cross-country skiing next winter.  I tried downhill and really didn’t enjoy it at all, but I did like cross-country when I tried it.  Then maybe we might get outside more in the winter.


We have the hiking shoes now 😀



Not a bad ride for early in the season.  It was actually about 20, but my bike computer wasn’t working for the first part of the ride. We will likely be going to the lake a lot more rather than Saratoga, especially earlier while we build the distance legs.

Active weekend!

The weather has finally cooperated and we spent a lot of time being active and out!  Friday was Siblings day and while I didn’t see my sis then, we did get together on Saturday.  


Nice picture for Colleen.  I had to be a goof, of course:



Sunday was so nice out. It ended up in the 60s – even though the day started below freezing!  Eek!  We walked to breakfast and got 2 miles of walking in.  Then we tested out John’s new purchase for his bike – a trailer!



He got this for taking packages to the post office. At our old place, he walked to the post office every day (1.5 miles round trip) and he misses doing that here since it is farther and we have been using the daily pickup. Now he has this so he can get that exercise back again.  We can also use it for grocery shopping!  The store is only a shade over 1 mile from the house, so we tested it out today.



It fit about an average week of groceries in there. We can’t get anything huge, like a 20 pound box of cat litter or a meg pack of toilet paper, but we did get a gallon of milk in there with all the rest of our stuff. It also comes right off the bike for regular riding, which we did later!  Too bad Pixie can’t ride in it.

We headed towards Lake George on the path again and decided to take it to the top of the hill we call the B*tch, which is about 2 miles from the lake, which would be a good test for the legs.

Here is the country club.  No golfers out yet as there is still snow on some of the greens.



This part was snowy before and now is clear.  Still so brown, though. 



This is the part right before you start climbing up the big hill.


Nobody ever gets off their bikes here, either. Stop, yes. Get off the bike. No.

Going along gangbusters and then oops!



Not really surprised to see this because it just hasn’t warmed up enough on the treed section yet. So we turned around.  It was pretty, though, with the snow melt.


After riding back in, we decide to make the first yogurt stop of the year! 


This is the place that serves Only 8 and while they sell ice cream all year, they only sell the froyo from April to October. Not sure why.  Anyway, it wasn’t a super long ride, so I had a kiddy vanilla with some raspberry sauce:



It’s amazing how warm 60 degrees can feel after months of really cold temps. 

So great to be out biking again for real!


Today’s total?  19 miles.



Legs are doing pretty good. Riding the trainer over the winter helps keep the saddle area ready for riding, but it does nothing for the hill legs.  This was a somewhat hilly ride and my legs were a little tired. Not bad, but I have a ways to go before a 50 mile ride. Looks like the weather will cooperate this week with some nice temps for riding as well!

Lake Ride and Missing Link!

Another spectacular weather weekend.  Seriously, this has been the best summer weather ever!    Saturday was as perfect as a ride day can get – upper 70s, low humidity and no wind.  Can’t beat that!   We decided to head up to Lake George.  I had a hankering for a morning pastry, so we ended up leaving mid morning after breakfast.  It takes about an hour and 15 minutes or so to bike to the lake (16 miles).

Look how lush and green it is around here thanks to adequate rain:



It looks like June, not August, other than the goldenrod!



About 10 miles in, we stopped for a snack:



I do love dried pineapple when riding.  Quick energy without taking up much stomach space and making you feel full.

The shaded part of the path was just wonderful!  I could have stayed in there all day.



At mile 16, we arrived at that lake and what a pretty scene it was.






We hit up Lake George Baking company for our snack, along with an iced coffee.  I had a maple cinnamon roll.

cinnamon roll

Yes indeedy!  That was delicious!  John had a couple donuts that were out of this world good.  This company does it right.  Probably a good thing it is 16 miles away – although from our new house, it will only be about 10!  😀

We sat for a long time and just soaked up the gorgeous weather.



We did have to head home, though.  Lots of things to do around the house.   Back on the wonderful path when I started to feel a clunk in my chain.  I had a bad link it in, so we figured it was time to stop and look:



Not sure if you can see that pin sticking out, but it isn’t supposed to do that and the link was bent (which you can’t see in the photo).  That meant it wouldn’t got back together right and would definitely break climbing the hills.   When you are 12 miles from home, not a good feeling.  Luckily for me, I had some extra links that I purchased knowing that I had a bad one.



John had the chain tool:



It snapped right into place and was an easy fix, actually.  I really don’t like having to haul stuff around on long rides like spare tubes, links, tools and the like, but they have saved our asses more than once.

All better!



Happy Lori because I could keep going!



45 SPF sunscreen and I still get a ton of freckles 😀

The chain felt great and we continued on our way. This is the marsh:



A shot of my pensive husband:





Perfect, perfect riding day!  YAY!!



Ride stats:

Total miles:  35  (I am calling it LOL ).

Average speed:  12.6 mph

Top speed:  27.9 mph

Calories burned: 1229


John was actually going to be gone on Saturday, but all I had to do was mention that I was going to the lake and a check of the weather and he changed his mind 😉

Douple dip ride

We have been having the best biking weather this summer, which makes up for the poopy spring.  It’s funny, though, we don’t get projects around the house done since we save those for rainy weekends and we haven’t had a rainy weekend in a couple months! 😀 

Saturday we went garage saling via bicycle, which is good to keep you from buying whatever.  I have specific things I am looking for, one of which is a trunk. I want to use a trunk as a coffee table, but I have to find the perfect one.  I have been seeing a lot of them, and it was no exception on this day.


This one is a little big, though.  Too tall, but the look is right.  The search will continue.  John is really hoping that I don’t find one until after we move 😀

We rode about 15 miles and came home to eat some lunch before taking another ride.  We decided to head up to the lake.  The side of the path is covered with little wildflowers.  Wouldn’t you love a purple and yellow lawn?  I think that would be cool.






I was feeling a little fatigued, which has been the status quo as of late.  I was concerned about hills today, but I ended up okay.



We reached the peak point and could see all these cars backed up forever.



This is near the outlet mall, which always gets a lot of traffic.  Traffic is not well managed in this particular area.  Good thing we were sailing over it!

It was pretty much a perfect biking day. In the upper 70s and little to no wind. 



We just walked around a bit at the lake. Not long.  It wasn’t actually super crowded at the lake, but that could be because it was opening weekend for the Saratoga race track.

Unlicensed Walter White sighting:



Lots of tacky/touristy stuff in Lake George.

We decided to take our ride snack back in Glens Falls at Spot!  So, it was time to start the climb.  Once you get into the Adirondacks, the path is cool and beautiful.




We stopped by the marsh so I could take pictures of water lilies.


This was around 42 miles for the day when we stopped for the snack (15 of which came before lunch).



Yummers!   Love those ride treats!   It was a quick ride home from there.  When we aren’t on the path, this is a lot of what we ride on.







Total miles:  48.3 miles

Average speed:  12.5 mph

Top speed:  29 mph

Calories burned:  1463.  

This was a nice way to get in this many miles with a morning ride and an after lunch ride.  That way I wasn’t dragging at the end.  Then we had to get cleaned up and head out to the movies!



Quality time with my sis:



I have a big head LOL!  Planet of the Apes was an intense movie.  Really intense.   Very violent, too.  I think I liked it.  I was exhausted when it was finished.  I have seen 2 movies in the theater  in 2014, which is double the quota I went to in 2013.  I’m on a roll!  😀

Saratoga Ride!

Riding, riding, riding!  It was a biking weekend, that’s for sure.  I had barely any work on Friday – so I ended up with a much needed 3-day weekend!  Friday we went out riding and I ended up with a broken chain. That is really very uncommon to totally break a chain, but leave it to me.  Once we got the bike home, John was able to repair the chain, so all is well now.

Saturday was the usual long ride day.  We decided to head to Saratoga.  It was really a gorgeous day, sunny and in the 70s.  It was windy, however, and that is really the riding condition that I dislike the most.  Going to Saratoga is all road riding as there are no paths going down there.



Lots of sunshine today! River Road is really such a pretty route to take down.  It gets hardly any traffic, which is wonderful in itself, but it has some really great scenery.



This is farm country.  I took this picture as this llama was just going away.  He did not want his picture taken!



At mile 20, we stopped for a shade break and a snack:



Dried pineapple and mini chocolate bars.  I was getting a little hungry. We each had a protein bar right before we left the house, but that didn’t last long.

I think these are wild daisies?


It was only about 7 miles to go to get to lunch, so we moved on out.  We got to Saratoga and stopped at The Local to eat. I was hangry by this time!



They serve a lot of locally sourced products, which is nice.  I decided to get a breakfast burrito.  I almost got a sandwich with fries, but I didn’t feel like getting anything greasy.


I didn’t eat the beans. Why serve beans with a breakfast burrito that has eggs, potato and cheese? 

Anyway, a couple doors down from The Local was a bike shop.


We stopped here after lunch so I could buy a few spare chain links in case my chain ever gives me problems again.  Do you ever buy something you think will just be a few bucks and you are shocked at the price?  That would be me. I bought 4 links. They are half an inch, if that. Anyway, 4 links cost $20!! Not sure how much that would make a whole chain.  Anyway, I need to treat those links like gold.

We biked back into the downtown area and walked around the shops – and then you know what time it was!!


Now, this was a big cupcake. This picture doesn’t really show how big it is. Normally I get the smaller size and John and I will split another one and 1.5 of the smaller cuppies is still smaller than this single bigger one.  I was feeling still somewhat hungry and my burrito wasn’t that big – so I went for the big one.  Note to self – no matter how long the ride, don’t get the big one.  It was delicious, though.  Cookie dough – it had a ball of cookie dough at the bottom of the cuppie!

By this time, it was after 3:30 and time to head home, although I was really full LOL. I was a little concerned that my cupcake might revisit, but it stayed down.

This is when the wind really started to take a toll. Usually around here the wind will be at our backs for one way and headwind the other.  That’s fine.  The wind this day was a cross wind and a changing wind, so you hardly ever got a break.  It was relentless. Plus it would get gusty.  It’s hard having wind push you from the side because it can knock you over if you aren’t paying attention. Then it would suddenly change and be right in your face. Phew!

We ended up back at the Wildlife Preserve again for a break on the way home.  This would be a fun trail to hike some day.


Again, this is really such a pretty ride.


Here is a peak point of the ride.



We were swapping the lead so that one person could draft and the other would take the brunt of the wind. On a windy day, drafting can really help save energy, but we still stopped a few more times than usual. Not to mention this ended up being a really long ride. This was around mile 48 or so?



Then no more pictures. I was really starting to drag.  Normally in a ride I gain strength as the ride goes on and I finish really strong, but the wind just plum wore me out!  Not to mention I got a stinger in my shoulder blade. Do you ever get those? Ugh.

The last 5 miles or so, I really hit the wall and John told me to just stay behind him and he let me draft the rest of the way home. Now that is an awesome husband!

Finally home!



Ride stats:

Total miles: 57.4

Average speed: 13.1 mph

Top speed: 31.2 mph – downhill, baby!

Saddle time:  4 hours 28 minutes

Calories burned: 1477

Calories burned probably higher than that considering the wind, but what are you going to do? It’s just an estimate anyway.  This was a tough ride, but a pretty one.

We did our usual 20 mile breakfast ride on Sunday, which is good to do after a long ride to keep from being too stiff. All these miles helped put a dent in my 400 mile goal for the month. Only 285 miles to go!

Bagpipes and Sundaes

It really feels like summer now! We had a hot weekend around here.  Need to remember to do early rides on days like this, but we had stuff to do in the morning – and then there was the parade for our town’s Heritage Days.

As I have said before, we live on the main road in town, which is annoying for traffic, but gets us great seats for all the parades!


I love the bagpipes, too:


They are really good!

After lunch, we headed on out to the lake! Very sunny, so I loaded up on the sunscreen today.



I made us stop fairly often in the shade to keep cool.


That’s sweat on my nose and not sunscreen 😀

John was laughing at me taking a selfie, so I took his picture.


Now who’s laughing?  That would be me.

Now for the climbs to the lake!



The lake was busy!



This was about 16.5 miles into our ride.  We didn’t go into Lake George Village, but just stopped here and had a snack and a rest:



Then it was time to turn around.  It’s all innocent looking, but this is the start of a 2 mile climb up.



Then zooming along in the shade.


Our destination was Martha’s!  Mile 22. John missed the first trip to Martha’s a couple weeks ago when I went by myself, so he wanted a visit.  Mine was a hot apple sundae with cheesecake flavored ice cream.  Yeah, baby.



Now I think Martha’s sundaes are the best. They don’t just put the ice cream in and pour a topping on it. They put in some ice cream, then a bit of topping, then more ice cream and the rest of the topping. Their sundaes are very ride worthy 😀

After a fill up of water bottles, it was time to head back home.  Someone had taken the time to work on their property that abuts the path. This was all new.





I am getting me some of these in our new house.  

This is the cinder part of the path that we don’t go on very often.  We stopped here to look at some ducks. 



Home, sweet home. You can see the settee project in the background, too.



Ride stats:

Total miles:  32.4

Average speed:  12.3 mph

Top speed:  31.3 mph

Calories burned:  1047.

Not a super long ride, but a good distance on a hot day.

46 mile ride

What a gorgeous, gorgeous weekend!  I was glad to have my biking partner back for Saturday 😀



We did just kind of a loop around ride aiming for 40+ miles.


Most of it was road riding, but we did hit a small portion of a path called the Betar bikeway. It’s only a little over a mile long, but it runs along the river and is so pretty.  You can peek to Glens Falls:



It’s a nice paved path and lots of people on it on Saturday.  There is a group that meets there monthly to do bird watching and I keep thinking I will try it some time, but never have gotten around to it.


Of course, all the birdies needed to look out because this guy was walking around like he owned the place!



He was talkative and friendy. I always find the kittehs.

We headed south then to Schuylerville.  

This goes along the canal and we saw a boat headed. We actually were biking faster than this boat was going. Not sure if that is sad or not LOL! 


Along route 4 is a an osprey nest. They currently have babies and the mom was not thrilled about us. We weren’t very close, but she was pretty vocal.


When we got to Schuylerville, we stopped at Espresso Huis for our ride snack!


This was a Boston cream cuppie and really, really good! Of course, riding always makes everything taste better 😀

I also admired the pottery for sale by a local artist.


Biking = no buying, right?

Powered by cupcakes and coffee, it was time to head back.  We actually were a little tired on this ride. I think it was because we went about 30 miles before our snack and we didn’t take a lot of breaks.

Fluffy clouds!


About 3 miles from home, I got a cramp in my left thigh (the weak one). I have never had that happen while biking before. We had to stop and stretch so I could work it out.  Thank goodness it was close to home.  Only 1 last steeper hill to get up before we were done.


Look at that – the 46 miles I didn’t get to do on my birthday, just a couple weeks late 😀

Solo riding!

John was boiling away in Vegas with temps in the 90s and higher (eek!) and we had upper 60s and low 70s. Perfect temps for biking, although it was a bit breezy. I was so glad the rain finally passed through so I could get on the bike!



Ready to roll!

The paths were still kind of wet, especially in the shady parts.


This is a coal silo restoration project along the path:


The canal is really high right now. I don’t know how they route the water because the Hudson can be really high and the canal will be low, even if it rains. However, now it is really full.


While I was riding, I got a call from John, so I stopped at some outside tables for a chat!


There is a cool building for sale nearby as well:


Wouldn’t it be cool to fix this up and live in the top and have some cool artist shops below?

I headed towards Lake George, but turned around before the big downhill parts because the path was freshly black topped last year and it gets mossy and slick when there are days of rain, so I just played it safe since I was alone.



It was time for my treat!  I headed to Martha’s for the first time this year.



Nom, nom, nom!


I swung back around to Glens Falls and decided to check out the LARAC festival. I was going to go on Sunday, but decided to scope it out on Saturday instead.


Always interesting stuff.



I love these little mushrooms. They look giant in the picture, but really are about a foot tall.


Someone also had handmade guitars there, which I haven’t ever seen at this show before.


They guy said “Go ahead and play!”  So I picked one up and noodled a little bit, even though it was not the type of guitar I play.  It had steel strings – owie!!. Then I asked the man how much they were and he said $4000!!  😯   He was letting anyone pick them up and play them, such as my sweaty bikey self, and I don’t know how he had the nerve to do that with how much they were!

Good thing about biking is that I think 3 times before buying something because it has to make it home 🙂  I decided I don’t really need to be buying anything right now as we need to save lots of pennies for the things we have to have in our new house. So, it was time to pedal home.


Quick detour to a part of the path I don’t go on too often.  You can see the path winding down. Those moutains way in the back are Vermont:






Bonus manicure shot!  I totally forgot to get my stats off the computer and then I reset it on Sunday for that day’s ride, so all I have is the total mileage of 30.1 miles! And a very enjoyable day!

50 miler!

Riding day!  John planned our route for us. I knew it would be in the 40s since we were going to Saratoga, but the actual amount depends on what way we go.  We did take a detour at the start because there is construction leaving town that we wanted to avoid, which ended up adding 4 miles onto the trip down.  Then we got onto River Road, called that because it follows the river 😀


I am getting good at taking pictures while pedaling!  I love going down this road because there is almost no traffic and kind of rural.  Okay, not kind of. It is rural.


We had a really good tailwind on the way down. It was really windy and I kept thinking about how coming back was going to suck LOL!

Around mile 13 was time for a snack!


Loves the dried pineapple when riding – or any time, really.  It was in the upper 60s and I couldn’t decide whether or not to take off my jacket as I would get warm and then the sun would go behind a cloud and with the wind it would feel colder. John shed his jacket, though.



Lots of farms on this route. You see horses, cows, sheep and llamas (or alpaca?):



I was getting pretty hungry by the time we got to Saratoga at mile 27! We had a big breakfast and the snack, but it was time to eat!  We hit up Comfort Kitchen, which is a place that sources local stuff and makes really good food.



I had a pulled pork sandwich with a side of sweet potato chips, which were flavored with orange and rosemary.  Yum!



Food tastes even better when you have worked for it! We then walked around Saratoga.  We stopped at NorthShire Bookstore and I was pointing out the cycling books to John.



I mentioned again how much I liked The Secret Race. Apparently one of the workers overhead me and asked if I would write a review of the book since they didn’t have one.  You know those little cards with a review on them that hang on the shelf? That’s it.  Anyone who shops here – you will be able to see my review, sloppy handwriting and all 😀

Good advice for all:



Time for cuppicakes!!! We stopped at Bettie’s. I had a Samoa cupcake, which was delicious!  John’s was key lime.


Not pictured was the chocolate cannoli we shared as well.  While those items are great, the coffee was terrible.  Mine was full of grounds, too.  Never getting coffee there again.

We also walked around Congress Park and saw baby ducks!



They are soooo cute!



I didn’t zoom in on these either.  Look at where these babies were:



Time to use that cupcake power to get home!  John had planned for us to go back the same route, but I wanted to take a more direct way since we would have been at about 55 miles if we went the same way – into the wind.  That is a really a bit big of a jump in mileage. We did head into the wind, which thankfully was less, but still pretty strong.  John and I switched front and back a lot for drafting purposes.

Around mile 40 and we took a break after a hill section.  I think we were getting a bit loopy and I tried to do a jazz hands pose while John took my picture.



All while trying to balance my bike on my thighs. Now that is talent!

One more rest at about mile 46 to stretch.  Kind tired at this point.


Final bit of the ride to go!



Done and done.  Longest ride of the year.



Ride Stats:

Total miles:  50.3

Average speed:  13.3 MPH

Top speed:  26.2 MPH

Saddle time:  3 hours 45 minutes

Calories burned 1540  (probably more with pedaling into the wind, but whatever).

This ride really felt good, I have to say. Both of us felt great.  Even my legs, while tired, could still have gone more.  Sit bones a little sore, but that is what happens when you increase the mileage by that much.  I felt Saturday’s ride more on Sunday morning when we did another 20 miles.  Monday is rest day 😀