Tag Archives: biking

Lake riding and blooms!

Saturday was a picture perfect day. It was in the upper 70s, sunny, low humidity with just a light breeze.  Days like this are why we live in the Adirondacks! It doesn’t get any better.

We decided on a ride to the lake. First, we had to make a pit stop. We were pet sitting this weekend and had to make a stop in for kitty feeding. This meant going on our old paths that we don’t take anymore.


These are cinder paths and kind of bumpy. Some parts are in disrepair as well.  When really heavy rains come, it washes away parts of the cinder and they only replace it periodically.  It is nice and shady, though.



The pet sitters!



I made that picture smaller because it was kind of scary bigger LOL!  Do I look afraid that John is about to get me?

Then it was off to the lake.  There was road riding until we got back to the lake bike paths.  We took a break around mile 13 ish or so for a snack. Thousands of miles have been shared between me and this bike.



Dried pineapple before we started the hill climbing.


There were a fair number of people out.  It’s tourist season, so the paths get quite a bit of use.  

It was great to be riding in the shaded areas. Even though it was in the upper 70s, you still get pretty hot riding in the direct sunlight.



The lake was picture perfect!





We stopped to grab an iced coffee and then to the Lake George Baking Company.  So glad this place is not in downtown Glens Falls or I would be in serious trouble.  I almost got a cookie because these were so durn cute.


However, I chose an apple pastry to have with my coffee.


Ride worthy.  Yes, indeed.

Doesn’t the lake look inviting?


It’s actually pretty cold, though. I have to tip my hat to the groundskeepers of the village. They do such a great job with the landscaping and everything was in full bloom.





Yeah, I might have taken a bazillion flower pictures…

Time to hit the roads!



Then home.  


Ride stats:

Total miles:  31.7

Average speed:  12.4 mph

Top speed:  30.7 mph

Calories burned: 1109

We did a bit shorter of a ride than normal for a Saturday. We were both a little tired and the lake ride is quite hilly.  I only need about 530 miles more to hit my goal for the year!



Last weekend was such an unpredictable weather weekend that we didn’t do our usual long ride, so I was looking forward to Saturday!



It was a mostly cloudy day and temps in the upper 70s, so a good day for riding.  There was a bit of breeze, but it was coming from the east, making it a crosswind which didn’t really affect the riding.  There is no path on the way to Saratoga, just road riding, so not terribly exciting for pictures.



We stopped around mile 9 or so? for a little rest and snack:



Yummy, yummy dried pineapple!

Tick and poison ivy country, right here…



We hit up Saratoga at mile 20 and checked out the Bread Basket for the first time in at least a year.



They have good cupcakes – or gut bombs as we like to call them.  These are big suckers.



Mine was peanut butter. It was filled with peanut butter mousse and topped with peanut butter frosting and ganache. John had a Boston Cream.  So yummy!  Especially after 20 miles of riding. Today was opening day for the Saratoga Race Track, so hardly anyone was downtown since they were all at the track.  That was quite nice, I have to say.

After eating, we walked over to Congress Park and looked around.  There is a section with a sundial surrounded by Pan and the Maenads:



Pan is a wee bit creepy:





We didn’t spend too long here and headed home, well-fueled by cupcakes!  We booked home.  This is around mile 32 or so on the day. It’s at the top of a small hill and overlooks a long way.






It was feeling a little humid and I was glad for the cloud cover.  Our arrival home:



Ride stats:  

Total miles:  41.5

Average speed:  13.4 mph

Top speed 26.6 mph

Saddle time:  3 hours 6 minutes

Calories burned: 1452.

It was a good ride. We are in good shape for the season and these rides feel pretty easy, even with the hills.  I really pushed on the one big long hill on the way home to see if I could accelerate on the climb, which I actually was able to do!  I think watching the Tour de France influences my riding LOL!

Speaking of le Tour, it was very good this year.  I was rooting for Nairo Quintana and if there was one more day in the mountains, I think he would have won.  He will win in the future, that is for sure.

Funniest quote of the tour came from Geraint Thomas.  There was one stage where he just had a really bad day and went down in the standings because he just didn’t have enough energy to keep up.  After the race he said “Sometimes you are the hammer and sometimes you are the nail. Today I was a cheapie little Ikea nail.”   :mrgreen:   I think we have all been there.

Saturday riding!

Temps were really hot this weekend! Now it feels like summer.  We headed down to Saratoga this Saturday.  We did try to stay in more shade on the way down as much as we could, but there was still a lot of sun.


Here is me pretending to take a selfie while riding.  I was actually stopped, but we can pretend 😀


We had to stop so John could fiddle with my derailleur as my gears weren’t meshing right. It’s a simple fix of tightening a screw, which is good.


Snack stop around 12 miles or so. John wanted to take my picture for a change.



I was trying to show off my date, but it just looks like I was trying to put it up my nose.  Klassy.  I was already pretty sweaty, too.

Arrival in Saratoga and waiting to cross route 50.


You can’t go on this road as a cyclist. Not totally sure why because it isn’t much different than the main road on the way down. Go figure. So we just cross over it and take the back way in to town.

I packed my lunch since I wanted a cupcake, but John bought his at a falafel place.  Here is my spread: PB and J sandwich, 1/2 pound of blueberries (!!) and Almond Thins.



It doesn’t look like much, but I had a protein bar just before we left and I wanted to save room and calories for my big cuppie! Not to mention I ate a bunch of John’s pita chips  :mrgreen: 

After we ate, we walked a little bit around the park.



Also by the natural mineral springs.



People bring all kinds of containers to fill up with the mineral water. I think it tastes terrible. It has a salty metallic taste.  Now, I love bathing in it, but I don’t like to drink it.

Time for cupcakes!  We went to Parkside Eatery, which has giant cupcakes that are really good. Mine was a lemon blueberry cupcake topped with lemon buttercream.



Yum!  We were talking about how much we enjoy biking season and part of it is the treats. I would never ride my indoor trainer for 3 hours in the winter to be able to eat a cupcake, but riding outside in the summer is one of my very favorite things!

We didn’t dawdle because it was hot out and only going to get hotter, so I lathered up with sunscreen again and we headed home.

This was after getting to the top of the hilly section and being glad that was done!






I freeze the coconut water so that by the time we ride home it is slushy and wonderfully cold. The baggie is to keep condensation from mucking up things in my bag.

Corn as far as the eye can see!



It was good to get home. 



Ride stats:

Total miles: 42.4

Average speed: 12.8 mph

Top speed: 30.8 mph (wheee!!!)

Calories burned: 1470

I spent the rest of the day hydrating.  It was so hot!  Even though I put sunscreen on twice, I still got a little bit pink. 3 hours in the sun sweating and that is going to happen.  We decided that if the temps are going to be this hot next weekend, we will do a breakfast ride on Saturday instead of a cupcake ride so we can get out and back before it gets too hot.

Hill riding

Wet weather was looming for the weekend, but seemed like it would hold off until the afternoon, so John and I decided to bike to lunch for our Saturday ride.  We ended up going to Warrensburg, which is past Lake George and would be around a 30 mile trip total. 


The sun was peeking out in the morning, but it wasn’t all that hot out.  I was saying to John that some people view the beach as their nirvana, but this is the view I love to look at.



We stopped in Lake George for a quick snack.



It was really crowded. There were 2 different festivals going on, one a craft show and the other a food and wine festival.  The main street is terrible to bike on.  Not bike friendly at all.  In fact, the village isn’t bike friendly. There is a great path leading to the village, but once there not so good.



As soon as we got out of town, we pretty much had the road to ourselves. We haven’t been to Warrensburg in a few years and had forgotten what a climb it was to get there from Lake George. Relentless climbing and climbing.  Tough, but a great workout!  This road had a really nice wide shoulder and since it skirts under the Thruway without having an entrance, it doesn’t get too busy.



We took a little respite after it leveled off.  John was suspicious of me taking his picture for some reason 😀



There was a nice downhill ride into town and we were both pretty hungry by that time. It was a little over 15 miles to get there.  We stopped at Willows bistro.



I had a great sandwich called the Blue Spruce panini, which had cheddar, blue cheese and thinly sliced apple.



I need to recreate this at home. John had a spinach quiche.  It seemed strange to eat lunch and not be having a cupcake! 😀

We checked the weather radar and decided we could walk around town a little bit before riding back.  Not too much going on here, but a few shops.





I did buy a couple things. Of course they have to be small to fit in the bike bag!



Then we had to get back to climbing again. 🙂   That’s what happens when you head further into the Adirondacks, I guess…  After we got the first climb done, then we sailed down that big climb from on the way there.  Hit a top speed of 29.5 miles per hour!  That is fast (for us) and kinda scary.  No pictures of this section because we didn’t stop and I would never try to use the camera at those speeds.

Through Lake George and back on the path system. Yay!



The marsh has a lot of water lilies on it now.  When I get my uber camera, I am going to bike here and sit with a telephoto lens and watch the wildlife.





This ride was certainly a workout with the hills. Even my calves were feeling it by the time we got home, which never happens.  We were glad to be able to get a good ride in before rain came, too – bonus!

Good news on those escaped prisoners as well. Both captured this weekend, one alive, one not. They were terribly dangerous men and thankfully that is over. Kudos to law enforcement for being able to find them in the Adirondacks!

A shed and 49 miles!

We have shed!  Once John got the base built (2 xs and plywood), it was time to assemble the shed. It really didn’t take that long, surprisingly. It’s a Rubbermaid shed made of vinyl and snaps together, and then several hundred screws. 🙄  We put the walls up Friday evening:



Then finished it Saturday morning.


This went together surprisingly fast. It doesn’t look level in the picture, but the ground slopes, so it actually is level 😀  We had to dig out around the base to level it.

Now we are starting to fill it with stuff! We are going to put in some shelving and pegboard for hanging as well.


Happy, happy!  Then comes the reward of riding for a cupcake!  We left right after lunch.  The plan was to go our old River road route to Saratoga..  John said he thought it would be just a little bit longer than where  we leave from now (20 miles). Mistake 1 was not checking that for sure…



This is a beautiful road for scenery. The temps were in the mid to upper 70s, which was nice, but the winds were brutal on the way down. Head wind all the way.  I felt a little tired right from the get go. Ever have those days where you start exercising and just know right away it isn’t going to be your best?




Farm country.  We stopped at the very top after a climbing for a snack.  This is where we realized it was going to be a longer ride than expected. Where we would normally be  mile wise at this point was quite a bit farther.





No choice but to keep going!


We took another stretch break here, which was around mile 19.



We were planning the trip down to be around 21 miles or so, but when we were here, we knew it was another 7 miles to go! I was starting to get cranky with the wind and an unexpected extra 40 minutes to the ride down.

Finally!  28 miles later and we got to Saratoga.  Good thing it wasn’t a super hot day. That was the saving grace on not bonking. We both ran out of water. I had coconut water as well, but I had frozen it the night before and it was still rock solid LOL! 

I was sooooo ready for my cuppie.  This is a vanilla sundae cupcake. With a chocolate fudge filling.



Plus the biggest iced coffee they had, which I sucked down 😀

The good thing was that headwind on the way down meant a great tailwind on the way home!  We went home our usual way. With the tailwind, it was like dropping an instant 10 pounds!

Not many pictures on the way home. It was later in the day and we just booked our way home.  Stopping around mile 38 for some now thawed refreshment:



I was feeling a lot happier with cupcake energy and a tail wind






I was almost tempted to ride around for another half mile, but we were pretty tired by this point.    Longest ride of the year to date!  I am at about mile 830 on the year now.

Ride stats:

Total miles: 49.4

Saddle time:  3 hours 42 minutes

Average speed: 13.2 mph

Top speed:  25.4 mph

Calories burned: 1730

That was quite the ride! Note to self: Always double check the mileage for a new route 😀 It’s amazing how much easier the ride home was. Wind makes such a difference.


Ride and parade!


We had a super active weekend around here.  Seems like it is that way every weekend lately 😀

Saturday was long ride day, as per usual. We went down to Saratoga again.  I tested out a new sunscreen that I will be doing a review on this week:


It was a sunny day!  We decided to go early and have lunch down there.  We booked along and didn’t stop too much. Most of the ride is in the open sun, but there is a shady section where we go by a state park.



Quick stop for a rest and a date snack.


We got into Saratoga around mile 20 and hit up Comfort Kitchen.  We love this place.  The portions are large, so we split  an order of Mac and cheese with a slide of slaw and rosemary sea salt sweet potato chips.



I was loving the salt after a sweaty ride down.  Good thing we left early.  After lunch, we started walking around town and I thought I heard a band. Sure enough – we headed up the street and ran into a parade!


Saratoga is celebrating its Centennial this year, so this parade was part of that.  It was a long one!




One of my favorite parts:

After the parade was done, we went for our dessert 😀   You know it!


This was a gingerbread cupcake with maple frosting.  Really good, but the service at this place new to us was not very friendly… and the coffee was weak. 2 strikes.

Then it was time to head home.  Full tummies and all.  We made really good time on the ride, too. We took just one break riding home, which was around 30 miles.



Sunny, sunny, sunny!


How nice is that shot?

Home, very sweaty!



Ride stats:

Total miles: 41.2

Average speed: 14 mph

Top speed: 27.1 mph

Calories burned:  1236

We are in pretty good bike form now. You can tell when the average speed for the same ride goes up.  40 mile rides are a good distance. Not so long that you get super tired, but long enough to get in a really good workoug. And cupcake 😀

Bike riding and finished path

Saturday was a warm and muggy day.  We wanted to get the slate path finished up before the rain moving in over the next few days.  Here it is pretty much finished:


We need to back fill in dirt on each side by the edging and will be putting in more sand as it settles after the rain.  It is slightly meandering around the garden bed.  At some point, we will be doing the other side – with lessons learned from this side 😀

Then it was riding time! We opted for a shorter ride since storms were supposed to be coming in the afternoon.  We thought a lake ride was in order.  At least the path sections were nice and cool to be on:



John trying to cause an accident:


The little theme park for kids is open in Lake George now.  Magic Forest.


It’s not a total rip off of Mickey riding Dumbo or anything 😉

The lake was surprisingly uncrowded. It was Elvis Festival weekend, so we thought there would be more people, but then there are the inside performances as well as outside performances.  We stopped at the park for lunch.



Another packed lunch:


I have been inhaling blueberries lately.

The sun was going in and out behind clouds and it was feeling pretty humid. We walked around town before having our treat.





We stopped by the Lake George Baking Company.  It was hot enough for ice cream, but the bakery is so good and we can get ice cream right near our house any time 😀

View from a cookie:



You could hear a few different Elvi singing around the village.  The better ones you pay to see, the ones that are free to see can be hit or miss.  This one was not bad, though.



Not sure Elvis wore too many flannel shirts, though…

Ducks all in a row:



I noticed after I took this that all of these are male. Wonder where the ladies are?

It was time to head home.  This is one of my very favorite sections of the path:



It was really starting to feel hot in the sun, too. You could almost feel the rain was going to come.



We took a longer route home just to get in a few extra miles.  It passes by this cool old barn.



And then we arrived home.  It started raining maybe 45 minutes later, so good timing!



Temperatures when from muggy mid 80s to 50 degrees and raining on Sunday. What a turn around!

House closing happens on Monday – we can’t believe it is actually going to happen!


Saratoga Ride!


We finally decided we were ready for a ride to Saratoga for the year.  That means cupcakes!  😀

Saturday was quite cool, actually.  More than cool. It got down to 31 degrees overnight.  I had covered up my plants that had new growth on them to help them make it through the night, and they seem to have survived.

Going to Saratoga is a 40 mile ride, so we left earlier.  We packed lunches since I wanted a cupcake and didn’t really want to spend the money on lunch *and* a cupcake.  When we left the house, it was around 50 degrees.  It was a little chilly, but at least it was sunny.

Leaving from our new house, it is all road riding to Saratoga and on the busier route 9, which is a designated bike route, but still fast traffic.  It goes down and crosses over the Northway, but we did that once and never again. Too dangerous – so we take a detour by one of the state parks to avoid the on/off ramps.





About 10 miles in, we stopped for a snack:



Another biker came by and chatted for a few minutes.  Then the lady that lived in the house we were stopped near came out and talked with us as well.  It was a chatty day!  She has a beautiful bridal bush in her yard.


10 more road miles and we got to Congress Park in Saratoga.  The working carousel:




There were some baby ducklings nearby as well!



Baby ducklings are just a ball of cuteness wrapped in feathers. I wanted to take them all home. 😀

We settled by a sunny fountain for lunch:





My sandwich survived being in my bag on the way down. Yay! It was also cold enough that the coating on the protein bar didn’t melt.  Score all the way around.

After walking around town for a while, it was time for cuppies!  We stopped at Parkside Eatery. They do a fantastic job with baked goods.  I saw a chocolate chip cookie dough frosted cupcake and new right off the bat it was what I wanted:



This picture looks smaller than it was, too. Seriously – this was so ride worthy!  It had ganache instide the cupcake as well.  Uber rich. Holy moly. Let’s take a closer look, shall we?


Riding always makes food taste really good as well.  This was probably 550-600 calories based on its weight, so not something I would be able to fit into a normal day of eating LOL!  That’s one of the reasons I love ride days 😉

This did sit a little heavy in my stomach and I just couldn’t eat the last couple of bites. 

By this time, it was mid afternoon and time to head back with cupcake power.


All pictures taken today were done while stopped. Too busy of a road for me to snap pictures while actually riding. Safety first 🙂

We are about at mile 30 on the day here. John was having a good ride:



We avoided the Northway interchange on the way back as well and go into farm land. This is one of my favorite parts of this route we take.



It’s an undulating road and almost never has traffic on it. Check out that sky!



We arrived home a little tired, but not bad at all for the first Saratoga ride.  Cooler temps help keep you fresher, too, I think.  It topped out in the mid 60s.


My bike computer actually got bumped and stopped recording for almost a mile, so the total was actually 41.7  😀

What does one eat for dinner after a long ride? BBQ chicken, corn on the cob and sauteed zucchini.



These longer ride days make it hard to get much else done because we spend most of the day on the bikes and then feel to tired to start any big projects.  So, we settled in with our new fire pit and an adult beverage 😀



Yard work can be done on other days, right?


Heritage trail

It was an outdoor weekend for us!  Good weather and lots of projects accomplished.

Saturday looked iffy for riding as far as rain goes, so we decided to keep it close to home.  We ended up splitting up for the first part of the ride because I wanted to check out some garage sales 😀

It looks so green around here now.  I love the older tree-lined streets.



I headed out to the heritage path we don’t go on much. I forgot how nice this is.




This goes by one of the logging companies still in operation:



This is close to the one of the little parks with a beach in the area:






It ends in a nice little picnic area overlooking the dam. We need to pack a lunch or dinner and bike out here sometime just for a nice little meal.





I rested a few an then texted John and we each headed out to meet points west from here.



The honeysuckle is now blooming:



This is really a nice trail. It’s just not very long.



It was a shorter ride Saturday and it turns out the weather didn’t turn bad at all. Go figure 😀  We ended up doing our 35 miler on Sunday, which was good because it left room for a pizza and cake party to celebrate my dad’s birthday!



I need another day for the weekend. It just went too fast.

Sundae Riding!

It was really a beautiful weekend. Spring has finally arrived.  After doing a lot of landscape work, John and I wanted a ride for some ice cream since it was so warm.

Ready for the riding season. It may be the first couple of days of May, but my skin is so sensitive and especially after this winter, I got out the big guns riding with exposed skin.


Ready for riding!


We had just gotten started on the ride and were on the main street.  I saw a cop car pull off the side of the road (no lights) and get out of his car. He then flags John and I over.  I was thinking “WTF?” What could we possibly be doing wrong? Well, turns out that he saw us riding with all the proper gear and obeying traffic signals and wanted to reward us for doing that. So, he gave us each a coupon for a free scoop of ice cream!



He said it was a new program (more aimed towards kids) to reward proper riding and educate. So, if anyone rides in Glens Falls – wear your helmet and you, too, might get free ice cream! This coupon will be saved for another day, though.

We did a fair amount of road riding.



I have always loved this old building.


It’s been for sale for years. I think it was an old schoolhouse that ended up being converted to a warehouse of some type. It would be a cool artist community building or something.

Finally back onto the path after 10 miles or so.



We took a lot of the same route that I did by myself last week, only we didn’t stop at the greenhouse…

Snack time!



Dates or dried pineapple are my favorite ride snacks. Quick calories and they don’t sit in your stomach like a lump.

My riding partner:


We had about 7 more miles to go to get to ice cream, so back to riding!



On to famous Martha’s!



Great Escape isn’t open yet, but Martha’s has been open for almost a month and it was packed on this beautiful sunny day. Lucky us, they opened a new window up right as we walked by it and got served right away.

My sundae:


I am in a rut at Martha’s. I love this sundae. It has hot fudge, raspberry sauce, and cookie crumbles.  Very ride worthy 😀

Also very filling.  We were at 20 miles at this point and wanted another 10, so we took another road loop around, so not too many pictures for safety sake.  We did stop at a pretty country club, though.



Note that the trees are starting to leaf out now! With the wamer weather, it’s like it happened overnight.

Home again!



Ride stats:

Total miles:  30.8

Average speed: 12.2 mph

Top speed:  25.7 mph

Ride time: 2 hours 30 minutes

Calories burned: 1067

Felt good. We almost were going to do a ride closer to 40, but I am glad we changed the route. 30 was a good point where it was a great workout and didn’t push the distance too much.  We will be there shortly.

And speaking of things popping out overnight, my tulips finally woke up! I had a bloom today:


I am sooooooo happy to see this. It has been a long time coming. There should be a bunch more opening this week, so I will actually have blooms for Friday’s What’s Blooming post!