I love all your habits of excellence from yesterday’s post! Any excellent habit doesn’t have to be physical either, it can be anything at all!
Woke up this morning to go to the gym and I see this:
What happened to spring?? It is bitter cold and windy, too. Brrrrr……… Not to mention I had to scrape ice off the car to go to the gym
I grabbed one of my protein cookies and munched before leaving.
Good workout this morning. It was tiring, though. Fridays are always hard.
- Chin ups: 3 sets of 2
- Barbell deadlift/row combo: 3 sets of 8 at 65#
- Prone Cuban Snatch: 3 sets of 8 with 10# DBs
- Dumbbell pliet squat: 3 sets of 10 with 40# DB
- Dumbbell pullover: 3 sets of 8 with 30# DB
- Lying flat chest fly: 3 sets of 8 with 20# DBs
Giant set:
- Decline sit ups: 3 sets of 15
- Ahnold press: 3 sets of 6 with 20# DBs
- Nosebreakers: 3 sets of 10 with 30# bar
Then finished with some leg lifts and then treadmill walking. Whew! John walked to the gym ( ~ 2 miles) to meet me and we went out for bagels! Hee hee – on my weekend!
Oat bran bagel with some cheddar bacon cream cheese (I know!!). It was okay. We keep trying this place and it is just m’eh. I miss Ridge Street.
Just a lot of goofing around today. I couldn’t get much more productive than vacuuming and reading blogs! I was hungry for an early lunch:
Last of the bagel thins. Those won’t be coming back anytime soon.
Decided to go out and do shopping. My sister’s birthday is next weekend, so it’s a good excuse to go shopping, right? Then I stopped at Starbucks and relaxed:
And then got my hairs cut:
All neat and tidy again! I keep getting it a bit shorter each time. By the end of summer it will be really short.
Dinner was pretty standard.
We need to get some meat. I haven’t had chicken in weeks! The freezer is empty enough now that we can go back to the smokehouse.
I still wanted to eat after this.
My appetite has been horrible today! It’s bad when you snack on plain mini shredded wheat out of the box…
Think we have a netflix movie planned tonight, or possibly going out for a snack (that appetite again…). Tomorrow we are going to tour some maple syrup farms that are open for sugar weekend!
Anyone have fun plans this weekend?
Fruit and veggie challenge:
F: pear, strawberries
V: carrots, 1 cup broccoli (a little lame today)