I never thought there were people who didn’t know what Netflix is! The ads are so ubiquitous, but guess that is just the US. I love that not only get you get movies, but you can get exercise DVDs, documentaries, classics, TV series, etc. Not to mention the instant download to watch movies on the PC! Guess I should get something from them for the endorsment….
I am glad you are all liking the videos! Wish the quality was better, but it is my digital camera after all. Of course, too fine of a quality and you will really see me in my morning state! Note the hat will almost always be on in the mornings 🙂
Rainy day today, so no biking to bagels. I caught myself almost starting to drive to the Y, as I have biked to my new gym since I joined there and it was weird to drive! I had to get John so we could have our bagel.
Mmmm….. don’t you want some?
At the coffee shop, I spied my pink item for the day!
A bar of pink handmade soap!
Work today was slow. It always seems like when I breeze through a day, the next day is full of tough files and my productivity takes a nosedive. Weird. It was chilly and damp, so I felt like something warm and comforting for lunch and decided on this:
I added some protein powder and did my blueberry layering technique (patent pending).
This really was comforting and warming!
Afternoon snack was a new (to me) Larabar flavor:
For some odd reason, this bar really, really reminds me of a raspberry zinger. Think it is the coconut texture. I used to eat those a lot. I remember the good old days when a Charlie Brown special came on TV and they were always sponsored by Dolly Madison. I’d say I was dating myself, except I have my age posted right on the sidebar anyway 😛
I had trouble deciding on what to eat for dinner, and decided on a wrap with sauteed broccoli, chicken and some Laughing Cow spread.
Looks boring, but quite tasty 😀
If the weather is nice tomorrow, I will take you on a bit of the bike path via video 😀
Question: Ever have Dolly Madison treats? Which one was/is your favorite?