Category Archives: weigh in

Weigh in day!

A new decade!!!!!!

Woo Hoo! I squeaked into the 130s by a hair. The scale sits at 139.8. That’s down 1.2 pounds from last week. 110.2 pounds gone. That’s a whole person. Wonder where she went?

I am now in my final decade. My goal decade, as someone called it 😀

I am super motivated now. Need to stay on track for the next week. I went out and jogged today, which was total insanity. It was sunny, so I thought “What the heck, gonna run”. I get back and checked the temperature. 29 degrees! No wonder it felt cold.

This pic was taken just before I left for my jog. New technical shirt that kept my top toasty warm.

Weigh in day!

I lost again this week! 0.8 pounds, which plops me exactly at 140.0, scale couldn’t even give me that 0.2 to be in the 130s (bastard….).

I’m happy, though! That means barring any issues this coming week – next week should see me in the next decade. I’m only 5 pounds from goal!

Today is absolutely gorgeous out. Walked to the post office, and it is in the 60s. Sure doesn’t feel like November!

Weigh in day!

Well, I lost a pound this week! So happy about that. Less than a pound to go to get into the 130s! Actually, it would be exactly 1 pound to go to break the plane, so to speak.

I actually have made some progress in October, which I am quite pleased with. I should finish off the month down about 3.5 pounds.

Carved pumpkins tonight, not sure how well this pic will come out.

Weigh in day!

I fairly well survived my stress bingeing this weekend. Only showed a 0.4 pound gain, and I consider myself very lucky at that.

I also think the strength training has really helped keep my metabolism working at a higher level. Whatever the reason, thank you!

Wuss girl decided to quit being a baby and went out for a run today. It was 41 degrees, really windy and kind of spitting a bit of rain – but I needed to get this in. I did a hill/interval combo run, different than anything I have done before. I did part of my regular hill run, which ends up near the highschool after about a mile, then I veered onto the track and did 2 miles with intervals. I also had done a lower body strength training workout today, so my legs feel stiff tonight!

Chloe update (for those that want to hear!): I think she is turning a corner. She actually meowed (quite loudly) today when I brought in her wet food (aka kitty crack). She has better control over her back leg, it looks more like a limp now instead of her just dragging it. So, I don’t know how much she will recover – but I am so grateful that she seems to be progressing.

Weigh in day!

More movement – lost 1.4 this week. Inching ever closer to the 130s.

Maybe there is something to this calorie cycling thing LOL!


Weigh in day!

I actually lost this week! 1.6 pounds.

Maybe the calorie cycling is working, at least right now. I won’t feel like I have broken this plateau until I lose a few more and get into the 130s, because I can bounce around with a couple pounds. But – happy to see the scale moving at least! 😀

Weigh in day!

I have found the secret to maintaining apparently, since I am exactly the same as last week, which was the same as the week before. No gain!!
I don’t feel too bad, since I was pleased about my measurements. However, I do have some mild irritation going on. I really do hope to shake things up this month.

Mulling a little bit about what this month’s plan will be. I am keeping with this strength training program, because I really like it. I believe I will do some calorie cycling and see if that doesn’t move the scale along a bit.
I also have two 5K races scheduled for this month.

Weigh in day!


I stayed exactly the same as last Wednesday, down to the ounce! Now that takes talent LOL!

I had some ice cream today. We live within walking distance of a homemade ice cream shop. I have been there only 4 times since they opened in March (counting today). We usually bike for frozen yogurt instead. However, this shop has a wonderful gingersnap ice cream cookie sandwich. I said that I wanted one more this summer before they close for the year (in 6 days). Today was in the 70s, so seemed as good a day as any to go. It was nummy! It is really amazing how good something tastes when you just have it as a treat instead of all the time.


Weigh in day!

Well, I did gain, but only 1 pound. I was thinking it was going to be 3, but I must have gotten rid of some water or something. So, basically I have been at pretty much the same weight since the beginning of August.