First off, thank you so, so much for all of your kind words! I am still over the moon about yesterday. Still feeling like this!
I spent the rest of the day relaxing. Took a nap for a while after we got home, watched some Tour de France, then we went out to dinner (let’s just say that I ignored calories yesterday). After that it was a nice walk in the park. I wanted to stay a little active so that my muscles would feel good this morning. I went to bed around 10:30 and slept for a little over 8 hours, which is a really long time for me. Normally I am around 6 to 6.5 (not by choice). That was awesome. I moved my legs around in bed to test the water so to speak, and they felt absolutely fine. How about that? In fact, I got up and John and I went for a brisk walk for about 40 minutes. Active recovery!
Came back to banana oats.
I was going to have pumpkin oats, but I found out the hard way that you can’t freeze canned pumpkin. It comes out as a fibrous mass that is like orange felt. Blech. So, banana it was.
Regarding the tri, I would probably do another one (pretty sure I will do the same one next year). Possibly this year, as there are several more sprint ones. However, the swim really is the sticking point. I’m just not very fast, and didn’t really enjoy that. Lessons would help, I’m sure, but I don’t want to shell out the $$ right now for that, and I doubt I would improve drastically in the next month or so.
I can certainly improve my running speed and biking speed. Biking will be a little harder, as I don’t have a road bike. Mine is a hybrid since we do some road riding and some path riding. I couldn’t take a road bike to my favorite destinations. And I love my old bike! Running can always be improved. I did 3.25 miles in 36 minutes, which I was pretty happy about. I would have been faster if it wasn’t for that darn 1/4 mile hill at the end!
Was I nervous? Hell yes! And also a little (okay, a lot) intimidated by the other competitors. There were a lot of serious people there, along with the average, everyday people. But I had every right to be there, just like the person that finished in under an hour!
I am a little glad to get back to weight loss mode, though. I did gain some weight during training, which I was mildly okay with (kinda, sorta). I was not really trying to lose during training, since I wanted to build strength and endurance. And the training paid off. I finished the triathlon comfortably. Yes, it was really hard – but I was not finishing it with my last ounce of strength, but finished strong and happy (my goal). However, that training also ate up a lot of time, probably 10 hours a week. On top of a full time job, that’s a lot of time. I am so lucky to have the most supportive hubby.
And I need to give John a shout-out for getting up really early on a Sunday, driving a long way, bringing his bike, and going around trying to catch us on various legs of the triathlon to cheer and take pictures. Now *that* is true love!
Now my goal is to get to goal at some point this year LOL!
Athletic goals? Back to lifting this week. I have missed it! I also am thinking about a couple longer races. I might commit to a half marathon in September. That was a race I did last year that had both a 5K and a half, and we did the 5K. Since I know I can do at least 6 miles now, I have a couple months to build up to 13. I could probably do it, the question is do I want to run for 2.5 hours?? Maybe just a 10K. I will be doing a couple more 5Ks this summer, the next one coming up at the beginning of August. Silk & Satins, which was the very first 5K I ever did. Maybe I will beat my time of 45 minutes
But, all that is in the future. For today and tomorrow at least, I am going to just bask in my triathlon good feelings.