The temps here have cooled a bit and it seems a little less humid. Or it did until today when it rained. I was up just before the sun this morning and checked the weather. I noted rain on its way and I really wanted to get in a ride. So, I decided to go out then and there before breakfast and see how much I could get in. For safety, I have a blinking light on the back of the bike, but it wasn’t really dark. No sun, though.
This picture was taken just after I got home. I did 8 miles, which is about all I want to do before breakfast anyway. Right after I took this picture, it started raining! Talk about good timing.
I’ve been a bachelorette for the last couple days and keeping busy. I have the last few batches of soap to make. Then cutting them all:
Here is a new soap in the mold. This is Rosemary Lemon.
It has rosemary and litsea essential oils. Litsea is the lemon scent. Then I added finely ground rosemary. We’ll see how this sells at the show next month to see if I keep it.
Now to the title of the post. Being the bachelorette and lots of stuff to do, I’m needing quick and easy meals. I would love to do lots of cooking, but not right now. Anyway, I bought those patty pan squash at the market and I wondered if I could spiralize one. I chose the least flat one.
I cut off the green stem and put it on the spiralizer:
I used the smallest blade, but I’m thinking a bigger one would be fine. This is how it came out.
Towards the end, the spirals started to become tiny pieces, which you can see on the right. It almost looked like vermicelli! I don’t know if you have had patty pan, but it has a light slightly sweet flavor and actually is good raw. If I wanted to cook this, I would put it in the microwave for a minute or so. However, I had other plans.
I got suckered into another one of these. No more LOL. I actually didn’t care for this one so much. However, it is fast. Only 5 minutes and dinner was ready. I added the spiraled patty pan to this to bulk it up and let the heat of the pasta and broccoli warm up the squash:
That was actually a good way to do it. The squash didn’t get soggy like it can if you cook it in water and it had just a little firm crunch to it. Look at that, 2 veggies in one dish!
I have to show you this picture of a new flower. I didn’t want to wait until Friday’s blooming posts because it is just that cool. This is a passion flower.
Isn’t that amazing? The blooms don’t last very long, but they are stunning. It’s an annual climbing plant. For a long time, I didn’t think it was going to do anything, but it must have loved the heat and humidity because boom – flowers.