Category Archives: soap

Quick soap primer and who’s buying dinner?

I was ready for a Thursday morning run today!  Last night we had some fierce winds blowing through, and I had totally anticipated going to the gym for a treadmill run this morning as I don’t like running in the cold and wind.  Cold is okay, but not both (wuss).  It was 38 degrees and I saw the flags still, so I decided to run outside as the sun came up.  I had a Balance bar (desperately seeking any natural light here).

New flavor of S’mores and pretty yummy, I have to say.  I bundled up and headed out.  It was a nice run today.  Just through the neighborhood, passing kids waiting for the bus.  The sun peeked out over the horizon and I just zoned out with my tunes on.  4 miles later and I was back at home!

I was ready to eat a filling carby breakfast, so I made up some steel cut oats.  What I do with these is to put a serving of these in a container and cover with a cup of boiling water.  Then I put it in the fridge overnight.  The next day, they only take about 8 minutes to cook instead of the 20 it takes if you do them from scratch.  I am all about saving time, especially when I am hungry!

Done pumpkin custard style and topped with craisins (10g) and pecans (5 whole).  I add some molasses to the cooking water, which gives this a fabulous flavor (and some iron!).

Lots of work to do for job 2 today.  Well, pretty much every day with them.   It’s nice with them in that I don’t have to work holidays or even weekends unless I choose to, as an independent contractor.  Job #1 actually have to work on Thanksgiving since my regular work days include Thursdays as an employee.  We do get extra for working holidays and there is not always a lot of work except for the NICU, which never closes.  I don’t mind so much, though.  I can take my computer down to my sister’s house where dinner will be and check in from there.

Lunch time:

That”s gravy on that chicken!  I got some at the store for some unknown reason.  I was surprised at how low calorie it really is.  It was a nice change to add that instead of hot sauce.

Finally finished up the soap order.  Now I am feeling some relief from getting that done, although I am loving how the house smells.  Here is a quick chemistry lesson of how it is made.  Soap is a combo of oils, water, and an alkali (aka lye).  The lye combines with the oils and creates a chemical reaction called saponification – and the result are soap, water, and glycerin molecules.   Melting the solid oils (cocoa butter, shea butter, coconut oil)

The lye solution (must be extremely careful with this stuff – very caustic)

Melted solid oils, olive oil, and goat milk in a bucket and the added lye solution:

Scent and color added. Blended up until it gets to be a gravy-like consistency.  Then poured into molds:

Then it sits in the mold overnight.  During this time, the soap will actually get very hot as it goes through its chemical reaction.  Funny how such weird ingredients make some good stuff.  Pretty cool!

Snack time included a latte:

Plus a couple mint cups:

Unfortunately, my football picks let me down this week and I owed John dinner.  He chose Arthur’s:

Someone didn’t really want his picture taken:

I started off with a salad:

Then we split a cheese calzone with feta inside:

Come to momma!  The crust at Arthur’s is more biscuit like – similar to Chicago deep dish style.  Good stuff.  I went to pay and found out they didn’t take cards and I don’t carry much cash on me most days.  That meant John ended up paying.  Ooops!  That’s one way to cheat out a meal :mrgreen:

There will be a gingerbread donut from Dunkins tonight while we geek out to MST3K, but I don’t have a photo of it.  Just to let you all know…

Question: Have you ever had a job where you had to work on holidays?

Lifting and lazy.

Monday and time for lifting!

It was pretty chatty at the gym today. 4 people asked me if I was missing riding my bike. LOL. That’s cause I drove this morning. I didn’t want to have to unhook the bike again and lug it down the stairs <—- lazy.

Exercise Set/rep/weight Muscle worked
Barbell Squat 1 set of 10 at 45#

1 set of 10 at 65#

1 set of 8 at 75#

1 set of 8 at 85#

1 set of 6 at 95#

Lower body
Dumbbell Pull Over 3 sets of 10 at 25# Back
Push Ups <—- yeah! 3 sets of 10 Chest
Horizontal Wood Chop 3 sets of 10 (each side) at 30# Core
Calf raises 3 sets of 10 at 140# Calves
Face Pulls 3 sets of 12 at 30# Shoulders
Single Leg deadlift 3 sets of 10 each leg with 15# DBs (30# total) Hammies and balance
Triceps Pull Down 3 sets of 15 at 30# Triceps
Lower Back Extension 3 sets of 10 at 100# Low back

Nice, eh? Felt pretty good. I did pushups for the first time in a few weeks. I can’t quite go all the way down, but better than not doing them at all. Not that I don’t love the chest presses, but I was tired of just being able to do those. Pain in the shoulder is just mostly soreness now – yippee!

Came home craving the pumpkin! I made pumpkin custard oats today:

Topped with crystallized ginger and pecans. You will be seeing pumpkin a lot this week as we have a bunch to use up.

Have a busy week going on with the 2 jobs and I have a large soap order to make.  I am thinking I might start up the soap biz again, but I am still trying to talk myself out of that a little bit.

Lunch time included egg salad!  I haven’t had this in a while.

Normally people open up and stuff pitas.  I just folded the whole thing over my egg salad.  Again <—– lazy.  (And is that sandwich grinning at me??)

No files for job #2 as the doctors had meetings all morning.  We never know when this is going to happen until there is no work.   It then gets all batched over at night, so guess what I will be doing later? :mrgreen:   That meant some soapmaking happened during the afternoon.  Gotta be flexible if need be.

Peppermint, Citrus, and Sandalwood

The house smells quite good right now.

John brewed up some lattes for us when I finished, which I paired with a couple dark mint cups.

While waiting for more work, I decided to hop on the bike trainer for 45 minutes.  I am going to seriously love that this winter.  We don’t have a treadmill, so it is a nice way to get in quick cardio.  Happy purchaser!

The day has flown by and it was time to fix dinner.  Can I advise you not to buy a product?  These are evil!

John had these down while I was cooking dinner.  See my nice fresh salad bowl there by the picture?  Guess which I was eating? These chocolate PB bugles are ah-mazing.  Can’t be bringing these into the house very often (damn coupon).  Do you ever taste something and know immediately it will be a red light food?

I didn’t eat a ton, and thank goodness John put that back up out of reach!

Then dinner was ready.  I took a picture on our bamboo cutting board for some different background:

BBQ chicken salad.   Used up the last of the BBQ sauce, so I guess I will only have this once this week. 😀

I have a couple of hours of work ahead of me tonight, so I have my snack next to me ready to eat when I get hungry:

Hello Mr. Bartlett!  I may cut this up and put cinnamon on it if I feel like getting up from work <—– lazy.

NROLW and soap!

Hello again!  Did you guys make a plan yet?  I woke up before the sun today, which meant 5:30!  Too early.  The time change is messing with me 😕  I laid in bed for awhile before getting up.  Got dressed and stood outside for several minutes deciding whether to bike or drive to the gym.  It was 28 degrees, and I kept trying to talk myself into it, but wimped out and drove.

Last day of NROLW stage 6

  • Reverse lunge single dumbbell:  4 sets of 4 at 25 pounds
  • 2-point dumbbell row:  3 sets of 4 at 30 pounds, 1 set at 35 pounds
  • Dumbbell push press:  4 sets of 4 with 20 pound DBs
  • Back extension (machine):  4 sets of 4 at 100 pounds
  • Incline revers crunch:  4 sets of 4

Then I walked on the treadmill for 40 minutes.  Simple workout today.  I am going to dink around on the weights for Wed and Friday before starting the final stage of NROLW next week!

Came home feeling the pumpkin today!

Cream of Wheat with pumpkin, brown sugar, craisins, cinnamon, and toasted almonds.  Really good!


So, all that soap that I made last week was ready to ship out.  Here are the blocks ready to wrap:


Each of those blocks weighs 2.5 pounds.  So you are looking at 60 pounds of soap right there.  Each block yields 10 bars of soap (240 bars). It’s a little dull on the color palate, just due to what this customer ordered.  This customer cuts the blocks into bars.


Back when I had my shop, I would do this much or more every day!  It’s hard to do when you work another full time job LOL!  Too bad luxury soap doesn’t sell as well in tough economic times, or I might start doing it again on a regular basis.  Makes the house smell wonderful, I have to say – at least until it shipped out this afternoon!

Yesterday was shopping day, so waffles are back in the house and I got to have a waffle sammie for lunch!


Plus a kiwi and strawberries.  I’ve gotten on a bit of a kiwi kick lately.

I also had a coupon for more of these:



Had to flex some work time to get that order packed and out, so I’ll be working late tonight.  Took a break for dinner.  Clam strips!  Another oldie, but goodie.


All settled in now with my 10 kernels of candy corn (can you believe how long this bag has lasted??) and a cup of Constant Comment.  Hoping the Saints win tonight!