Hello from cloud 9 everybody!
I convinced John to make me some pumpkin custard oats for breakfast, and he just doubled the batch and shared with me. Yay – I got him to eat more superfoods!
I got in to see the doctor this morning. The pain had lessened enough so I can get around some, but my knee is numb and my thigh is really painful still. I asked John to take a picture of me in the parking lot on my crutches.
First time in my life ever on crutches. So, here is the deal on my injury: I herniated a disk in my back. When I twisted around, I pulled/popped the disk, which compressed the sciatic nerve. That’s why the pain started in my back and gradually moved down into my leg and my knee, and which is causing the numbness there. Fun, fun. So, this is going to take a lot longer to recover since it is more than just a muscle pull. I can progress activities as tolerated, and the doctor gave me some Vicodin and Flexeril.
I refused the prednisone. Former fatty does *not* want to take a steroid, thankyouverymuch. I would never re-lose that weight.
Of course, I do have to say that I have some real fear here about not being active. I have to be so very careful about what I am eating because I am burning so few calories not moving around. I made my way downstairs for the first time in a couple days, and the first thing I see is an open bag of chocolate chips on the counter. Of course I hobbled over and snagged some like the addict I am. John had to put them back up high again. Who knows what he was eating downstairs when I couldn’t get down there
I know that I am not going to wake up 100 pounds heavier. I know that. My rational mind knows that. But the fear is there, you know?
I actually was able to make my own lunch today! I kept it simple and somewhat random. Tortilla with some Nuttzo and jam as my sandwich.
I really like the Nuttzo, I have to say. It’s pricey, but quite good. It took me forever to make this while leaning on my crutches, and then I had to have John come carry my plate for me. I cannot tell you how hard this is for a fiercely independent woman….
I have been working some today to make up for Wednesday, but it is a relaxed kind of working. Those are good days, don’t you agree? Especially when a snack arrives for me:
Caffeine and chocolate!
200 calorie snack, which is just about perfect. And really is perfect taste wise
I also wanted to again thank every one you from the bottom of my heart for all your comments and emails the last couple days. I was bowled over by them, truly. I am so lucky to have so many wonderful people in my life, virtually and physically!
Dinner time came, and I was able to work on my salad bowl. I haven’t had a BBQ chicken salad in awhile!
After dinner, I was feeling pretty good what with the meds and all, so we went out to pick up some food for Pixie and make a pit stop:
This is the reduced fat berry coffee cake at Starbies. It’s pretty good. It was so great to get out of the house, too, although I am pretty slow.
Here’s to a good night’s sleep!
Question: Have you ever had sciatica symptoms?