Midweek time! Sometimes I cannot believe how fast time goes by, can you? Today was run day at the gym. I have decided that I won’t do speed work on the days that I run longer and do that on lifting days with brief runs. I think that will be easier on the legs.
So, I treadmilled (hey, I can make it a verb, right?) it for 6 miles today. It’s funny how I remember last year when doing 5Ks – it felt so far to get to 3 miles, and now that is half way through today’s run and it was pretty easy (the first 3 miles, that is). You can build up runing pretty fast when you work at it I have a long way to go to think about doing a 1/2 marathon.
Came home and made some custard oats. I have seen these floating around the internet and decided to give them a try since I had egg whites on hand. I was thinking the egg would scramble as soon as it hit the oats, but it didn’t!
- 40 grams oats
- 56 grams egg whites (1/4 cup)
- cinnamon
- 1 mashed banana
I mashed the banana and added it to the pot and brought 1 cup of water to a boil. I added the oats and cinnamon, then whisked the egg whites in very slowly. These kind of fluffed up and thickened like pudding:
Very nice. The egg seemed to mute the banana flavor, but the banana was also not as ripe as I usually like them. I do like the egg white better than protein powder in oats.
Speaking of protein powder, I will be doing a post on protein powders and how we use them in a day or so to kind of answer all the recent questions in one fell swoop.
Lunch consisted of the last of the whole wheat crust pizza (I added feta) and a fabulous pear.
Worked fast again today, even with a latte break in there! (unpictured). I love being able to finish by dinner time. I had a hankering for a big stir fry for dinner, so I chopped up a carrot, a bunch of broccoli and some chicken and stirfried in a bit of coconut oil with teriyaki sauce and a couple tablespoons of hot sauce (yeah, baby!).
Yum. That was a fun experiment with the fresh broccoli this week. Bunch broccoli was on sale for $1 a pound, so I had gotten some. Looks like broccoli is in season according to this chart that Steve pointed out today. Normally I buy frozen baby broccoli florets, as I prefer the florets only.
Played it old school tonight with a game of scrabble!
John always, always wins. Always….. sigh.
We had an extra player, though:
Pixie was in charge of the letter tiles. She wasn’t all that helpful
I started the day with custard, so I decided to end the day with custard! This is a quick and easy pumpkin custard snack:
- 1/2 cup canned pumpkin
- cinnamon
- 1 tsp agave nectar (could use honey or brown sugar)
- 1/4 cup egg whites.
Mix really well and put into a microwave safe dish or silicone muffin cup. Cook for about 2 minutes in the microwave until it puffs up and is uniform in color. Top as you would like – I used dried cranberries. For a more pie-like dessert, put a gingersnap or a graham cracker on the bottom of the dish before cooking.
This post was all about the food today LOL. Don’t forget the giveaway tomorrow! The post will be up in the morning some time.
Question: Favorite board game?