Hello beautiful Saturday! Lazyish morning, although I was up too early. I made some protein waffles. I haven’t had blueberries all week!
Deeelicious! I spent a good chunk of the morning reading blogs and catching up. Then I actually worked for 1-1/2 hours. So lame….. While I was working, John was making up pizza dough! I thought it was bread, but he asked if I wanted pizza for lunch. Yes! I was hungry, though – so I nibbled on some cereal while he baked.
I swear, it does not matter what kind of cereal is in the house. I will snack on it.
The pizza was a complete success!
That’s ground beef on there. This was his best crust to date. It’s actually modified from a baked donut recipe. He changed it by using 1/2 wheat flour, reducing the sugar to 1 tablespoon of sugar (and made 1/2 of the recipe). It was nice and puffy and chewy. This would be a perfect dessert pizza crust too, as written.
So, another month has come and gone. Lots of things happened this month for me!
The good:
The bad:
The good pretty much outweighed the bad, but the injury took up 3/4 of the month!
I learned a few things this month. I don’t have to rely on exercise to maintain my weight – or even to lose, really. I also can handle stress pretty well. I can blow off steam and be laughing later in the day. Although, I am thinking about making a swear jar for the month of May (to which John replied that we could fund a vacation with it – he is hilarious, I tell you ).
I’ll get to May goals in a second, need to take a yogurt break:
Does this not look divine? It was! Coconut lime yogurt topped with toasted coconut. We biked there. I wore Triscuit outside for the first time this year, with plenty of sunscreen. Mid 80s today!
We did 15 miles today. I was actually 1 mph faster today and it felt really good. I kind of got a little weepy for a second on the path because I was so, so thankful to be able to ride again. Even if I am not 100%, I am so happy about this. I am taking tomorrow off, as I do not want to push it.
Came home and made some dinner! It’s the BBQ salad, only I had it with pork.
No nuts on it because I ate about 1/2 cup of cashews before dinner
I think I like the chicken better.
Now, where was I? Oh yes – May goals.
- The return to running. I hope this happens. It all depends on when the weakness in my leg is gone and the leg can support itself.
- Lose 3 pounds. There – I put a concrete number on the month! I actually lost almost 5 pounds in April, which is completely shocking to me. Who knew a herniated disk would actually help me.
- Go to the dentist.
- Really, really think about my current job. It’s fairly stressful, so I have to decide if all the great benefits it has are worth the stress and low pay.
- Try to make the blog more interesting with recipes and lifting stuff (or anything else you want to see!).
I am off tonight to my sisters house and work with Storm. I am doing something with rally or obedience tomorrow, but I don’t remember what LOL! So, I have to practice. I’ll have pics of whatever we are doing tomorrow.
Question: Do you have goals for May?