Category Archives: oatmeal

Nutella and bargains

It is really gorgeous here!  I have to say that I like WordPress a lot for blogging, so I will likely be posting more than once a day (you lucky readers 😀  )

Started off the day at the Y with a little brick workout.  I swam  650 yards (26 laps) then rode the stationary bike for 30 minutes, covering about 6 miles.  Somewhat of an easier workout today.  My legs feel a bit stiff from jogging yesterday.  Plus I think they still might feel something from the hills on Saturday.

Came back to a great bowl of oats:


Cooked with a banana and cocoa powder and topped with a bit of peanut butter and Nutella!  This was sooooo good.

I am a big bargain shopper  (right Mom??) and last Friday I hit my favorite consignment store and got a brand new shirt for $1 !! Here it is!


It’s actually pretty flattering, I think.  It’s almost a little big, but that’s okay.  Very comfortable.  It feels like moleskin, but it isn’t.  I normally don’t wear button up shirts, but you can’t pass up something that costs $1 and fits, right??  My thighs are looking chubby, though, better lay off that Nutella!

Oats part deux.

In response to the comments, here are some tips on cooking oatmeal and oat bran:

I never use instant oats, so don’t use these cooking directions for them. Rolled oats really only take 5 minutes to cook, and it really is worth it compared to the instant. I think they are much more filling and more volume for the same calories.
So, just get some rolled oats, old fashioned, or slow cook oats (not steel cut, that’s a different, albeit yummy, story). Boil 1 cup of water for each 1/2 cup of oats. Add the oats and lower the heat to medium and simmer. The trick for good creamy stove top oats is to stir vigorously while cooking, I think it mooshes up the starch or something to give them a creamy texture. Otherwise, they will be dry and stick to the bottom of your pan (and who hasn’t been there?). The oats will be ready in about 5 minutes or so, depending on how you like the consistency. Voila – basic oats ready for your creative hand.

Oat bran is for those of you that are even shorter on time. Oat bran cooks in only a couple minutes and is much thicker. So, it’s up to you. I love both.

For the ‘gourmet’ oats, top with whatever you like. The oats have a nice neutral flavor that goes with many things. Try topping with a bit of nut butter and jelly. Or cranberry sauce and toasted pecans (one of my favorite toppings). How about a sprinkle of dark chocolate chips, slivered almonds and toasted coconut? Look in your cupboard and be creative. Heck, you can do savory with turkey bacon, cheese or whatnot.

And it’s not just toppings, but fillings. I do the mix ins into the oats while cooking for bulk stuff. To sweeten your oats and get a fruit serving in, really mash 1/2 of a super ripe banana and add it right to the cooking water. Then add the oats and stir while cooking. This base is great for nut butter topping, or coconut, or strawberries. You can do this with other fruits as well, like blueberries, peaches, etc.

Another of my favorite fillings is canned pumpkin. It bulks up the oats, plus gives you a serving of vegetables and more fiber! Stir in 1/2 cup of canned pumpkin near the end of cooking along with some pumpkin pie spice. Top with cranberry sauce. Delicious!

Now, I also add protein powder to my oats on weight lifting days. Do not cook with whey protein, that has to be stirred in at the end or it will curdle on you. Most unappetizing! Soy powders and rice powders can be added right in with the oats and cooked in. I would start with 1/2 of a serving of your protein powder so the flavor doesn’t overwhelm or thicken the oats too much.

Also note, I don’t really sweeten my oats with anything other than an occasional brown sugar for the pumpkin oats, so you may want to add something to make them sweeter.

One caveat – you can really go crazy with toppings and add a *lot* of calories if you aren’t careful, so be sparing. Breakfast is always my most calorific meal of the day (did I just make that word up??) as it is after my workouts, and I will have a bowl of oats that can be 350 calories if I have the protein powder, pumpkin or banana, plus toppings.

There is also a breakfast oatmeal cookie recipe out there floating around that I have yet to try. It is an overnight one that is refrigerated, so I will try that in warmer weather.

Can one become addicted to oatmeal?


Do you ever get addicted to a food that you would not think could be addicting?  I really think I am addicted to oats.  Oatmeal, oat bran.  I have it for breakfast every day (that I am not eating a bagel LOL).  It’s in my protein pancakes, and then just straight up on other days.  I love playing with toppings and additions, and I love how full I stay when eating it.  There are times when I am tempted to have it for lunch as well!

I honestly never knew how great oatmeal was growing up.  Either I thought it was boring, or I only wanted the instant package of Maple and Brown sugar (always the first ones gone from the variety pack)

Just some of my fun creations this year:

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oats oats oats

Breakfast is my favorite meal.

Have I ever mentioned that breakfast is my favorite meal of the day? (Well… next to latte time). I get inspired with oatmeal by reading Kath Eats, and she has given me great ideas.
Today I had a wonderful, warm bowl of oats.

The mix:

1/2 cup oats, 1 small banana (mashed), 1/4 cup pumpkin, cinnamon – all cooked together. Makes the oats really creamy.

Topped with 2 tsp natural peanut butter and a dusting of unsweetened coconut. Yum!! About 300 calories for the bowl, which will last me all morning.
Don’t be afraid to play with your oats!!

What is your favorite meal of the day?

Pumpkin Love

So, you all know I have had to banish the granola for awhile. This was my new breakfast today, and I am in love!!

Rich and creamy tasting, and packed with lots of good, healthy stuff!
Pumpkin Oatmeal


1/2 cup milk (I use 2%)
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup (40 grams) rolled oats
1 tsp pumpkin pie spice
5 grams protein powder
1/2 cup canned pumpkin
10 grams Craisins, chopped
drizzle of honey

Prepare the oats on the stove top using the milk and water. I added the protein powder with the oatmeal and spices and let them cook together. No lumps, so that was good. When the oats were done cooking, I turned off the heat and stirred in the pumpkin to let it warm through.
Put it into my bowl (which I thought might be too small!), sprinkled with chopped craisins and drizzled with honey.
Yum! This is not a sweet breakfast, so those of you that like that might want to add splenda, stevia or whatever sweetener you use.

Stats with my ingredients.
Calories: 308
Fat: 6
Carbs: 50
Fiber: 10
Protein: 16