Category Archives: nrolw

Challenge Day 4 and the big move

Did really well today on my challenge. I even managed to not eat a protein bar today! I am trying to break my addiction to them. Could be worse, it could be chocolate chip cookies.

Sometimes really loving food sucks. My taste buds are way bigger than my stomach (or my caloric needs). I am not always of the mind that a taste or 2 is enough. Sometimes a taste or 2 just wets my appetite and gets the cravings really going. That is why certain foods can’t come into the house, like any type of Reese’s product. I can eat an entire bag of mini reeses cups without blinking an eye (and I think that is a pound bag).

John bought some dark chocolate peanut butter M&Ms the other day, and I told him that they must be super secretly hidden and not his usual hiding places (which I know), or I knew that I would be into them. I cannot eat just a couple of those and be happy. I will easily and happily eat a cup of peanut Ms. That is the food addict in me. So, he obliged and they are very hidden….. and I’m not looking… yet.

Had a good workout today. Did some swimming, then weights. I am just finishing up the NROLW Stage 1. I’ll post the totals this weekend sometime of my progress. I did barbell squat 110 pounds today! I have done 105, and thought I would try 110 on an extra set. It is surprising how much heavier 5 pounds is. I could only do 7 reps, I started to wobble on the last one and stopped, but think I did pretty good.

So – the big move will be happening probably tomorrow to move my blog to it’s own domain! I’ll make the announcement and then flip it over. The new blog is still a work in progress, but at least the basic frame is there. I need a good logo person to make me a butterly curling a dumbbell, though!

Sitting on my hands


I did not get enough sleep last night, so I am now sitting on my hands to keep from munching.  I ate really well yesterday, so that was a big victory, and I have done fine so far today, but those night time – I’m really tired – give me a snack feelings are here today.  Not giving in, though.

Still managed a good workout at the Y this morning, although I think I am still a bit tired from Saturday’s 40 mile bike ride.  I decided against running today and opted for more biking! LOL

So, 1/2 hour warm up walk, then my lifting workout:

Barbell deadlifts:

10 x 45 pounds

10 x 75 pounds

10 x 80 pounds

10 x 80 pounds


Dumbbell shoulder press:

3 x 10  @ 20 pounds.  I tried the 25# dumbbells on the last set, and couldn’t quite get them going.

Wide grip lat pulldown

1 x 10  50 pounds

1 x 10  55 pounds

1 x 10  60 pounds

Dumbbell lunges

3 x 10  25 pound dumbbells

Stability ball crunches

3 x 15


FYI – this routine takes me about 25 minutes ish, with a couple warmup sets without weights.

Next workout starts the lower reps and moving the weights up again.  I will be glad to change things up in a couple weeks with the next section of NROLW.

Then I did 60 minutes on the bike.  I was quite sweaty when all was said and done.

It’s really hard not to justify eating a lot more when I exercise hard.  While I do eat more on lifting days, it is not carte blanche for endless snacking.


Workout B today.

400 yard swim
30 minute jog with intervals.

Barbell deadlifts
10 x 70 pounds
10 x 80 pounds
10 x 85 pounds

Dumbbell shoulder press:
2 x 10 20 pounds
1 x 8 25 pounds

Widegrip lat pulldown
1 x 10 50 pounds
2 x 10 55 pounds

Dumbbell lunges
3 x 10 25 pounds

Stability ball crunches
3 x 15

The Squat Queen


I forgot to post yesterday that I did barbell squats with 100 pounds!  That’s how much weight I have lost, which was a little  ironic to put back on my shoulders LOL!

I had to do a little shimmie when I got done out of happiness.  I don’t care who noticed!

Hit that goal faster than I thought.  So – my new goal is to squat my body weight (140ish) by the end of summer.  Muscles rock!


Don’t forget to enter the drawing!


Great workout today! Sorry I haven’t been updating. I am going to move this to my new website in a couple weeks.

Cardio: 40 minute jog.


10 x 45 pounds
10 x 75 pounds
10 x 90 pounds
10 x 100 pounds (go me!!!)

Push ups:
3 x 10

Seated rows:
10 x 50 pounds
10 x 60 pounds
10 x 60 pounds

Step ups
3 x 10 30 pound dumbbells

Stability ball jackknife
3 x 12

Weight work out

Had a great NROLW strength training workout today!

Barbell squats:
1 x 10 75 pounds
1 x 10 85 pounds
1 x 10 95 pounds (almost to 100!!)

Pushups – man style LOL!
3 x 10

Seated rows
1 x 10 50 pounds
1 x 10 55 pounds
1 x 10 60 pounds

Steps ups
3 x 10 30 pound dumbells (these were really hard)

Stability ball jackknifes
3 x 12


Feeling even stronger, although much more tired than usual after the weights.  I did do HIIT on the treadmill, so that probably had something to do with it LOL!


30 minute jog with HIIT – 350 calories
30 minute walk at 3.5 mph – 125 calories

Barbell dead lifts:
2 x 10 at 65 pounds
1 x 10 at 70 pounds

Dumbbell shoulder raise:
3 x 10 at 20 pounds

Widegrip lat pulldown:
3 x 10 50 pounds

Dumbbell lunges:
3 x 10 25 pounds

Stability ball crunches:
3 x 15


Great workout today.

20 minutes of swimming
30 minutes on stationary bike
Afternoon bike ride of 12 miles outside!

Barbell squats:
10 x 75 pounds
10 x 85 pounds
10 x 90 pounds

3 x 10

Seated rows:
10 x 50
10 x 50
10 x 55

Step ups
3 x 10 with 30 pounds dumbbells.

Stability ball jackknife
3 x 12


30 minutes on the stationary bike, 30 minutes on the recombent.

1 x 12 with 22 bar for warmup
1 x 12 with 45 pound barbell
1 x 12 with 55 pound barbell
1 x 12 with 60 pound barbell

Wide grip lat pulldown: 2 x 12 50 pounds

Dumbbell shoulder press: 2 x 12 20 pound dumbbells (hard!)

Dumbbell lunges: 2 x 12 25 pound dumbbells

Stability ball crunches: 3 x 15


Cardio: 30 minutes stationary bike, 30 minutes recumbent bike.

Barbell squats:
12 x 45 pounds, 12 x 80 pounds, 12 x 85 pounds

2 x 12 – military style, go me!!

Seated lat row:
2 x 12 50 pounds

Steps ups
2 x 12 with 25 pound dumbbells

Stability ball jackknife
2 x 12

Found the base weights to work with now – it’s starting to get hard!