Woke up around 6 am this morning, hearing Pixie playing out in the hallway. I think I dozed for a while and maybe slept more? Not sure if the balance bar I had later on in the evening mattered or not as far as helping me sleep better. Need to keep experimenting.
Regular readers know that Sunday is normally bagel day. I had a bagel yesterday, so I was unsure if I was going to have one or not today. We went out to Ridge St, where I decided on a bowl of oatmeal, since it was cloudy and snowy:
I definitely like the nana cooked into the oats rather than on top.
Then we hit up the grocery store. Our fridge was pretty much cleared out of food!
That looks better.
Need to control the eating today. All this fresh food makes me want to eat! Especially with a slow work day.
Lunch break was a egg/egg white wrap with laughing cow cheese. Lots of protein, lots of fiber (smart carb wrap), and lots of flavor!
I am going to try 1 new Indian recipe each week for January and here is this week’s try! Dinner experiment: Lentil Dal.
I cooked up 2 servings of lentils in about 2 cups of water with 1/2 a cinnamon stick and a bay leaf until they were very soft. Mashed those and transferred to a bowl. In the same pot, I added 2 tsp of coconut oil and pan fried 1 tsp of mustard seeds, 1 tsp cumin seeds, 1/2 tsp turmeric,1/4 tsp chili powder, salt and pepper, and 1/4 of a finely minced onion. Cooked those for a couple minutes and then added back the lentils and mixed thoroughly. Served along side brown rice (which John cooked yesterday). It was quite good. I have more for tomorrow!
Regarding the google analytics from my keyword post earlier – to use this, just go to http://google.com/analytics and sign up for a google account (if you don’t have one). Then add your website and give it a day to start tracking. It’s pretty neat.
Tomorrow starts a new set of lifting moves tomorrow for the month of January, which I will be working on tonight. Planned snack for later is a balance bar. My new sleeping pill
Pixie has been sleeping all day, guess she doesn’t care that she woke me up! I woke her up for a picture and she looks totally annoyed:
Question: Do you eat Indian food?