We packed a lot of things into today! Absolutely stunning weather today. If I hadn’t hurt my back, we would have been biking miles and miles today. Oh well. I started off my day with some banana chocolate oats!
Cooked with a mashed banana, 5 grams of dark cocoa powder, and 2 egg whites. Topped with some nutzzo. And plenty of cafe au lait!
Then we headed out to do our duty:
We did this for our nieces at the health fair scheduled at the school. What we do for family, I tell you!
After leaving a pint behind, we hit up the Sports & Fitness Expo in Saratoga. If I can’t actually be active right now, I can at least look at active stuff
This was pretty neat! We talked to a lot of exhibitors about different biking routes in other parts of the county we live in. We have some new places to scope out! Lots of cool biking jerseys:
We were hungry at this point, so we ate some gumbo at the Esperanto stand to get prepped for later.
Plus we split this tiny Larabar:
Then popped back into the expo. I was totally drooling over some of the bikes, and for the second time in about a week, I touched a $10,000 bike! I’m gonna start wanting one pretty soon…..
I also saw these first hand:
These seem exactly like swim/water shoes, only with each toe housed. They do not look like they would fit my toes.
There are so many different kinds of races going on this year from 5K to marathons, to triathlons and trail runs. Too many things! I totally have the itch to get out there now.
I had forgotten it was Mardi Gras day in Saratoga today (or I would have worn my beads). So, we decided to stroll downtown. Or rather walk really, really slow. I’m still limping a bit, but at least I can walk around. Yay! Mardi Gras had some music – check it out, slide guitar!
This group was bluegrass, which is too close to country for me, but they started with a Django Rienhardt tune, which made me so excited! John called it country fried Django LOL! Then they got too country, so we went on to some samples. Many restaurants serve little cajun/creole samplings for $1 and you can vote on what you like. We went the dessert route today. First up was a bananas foster bread pudding:
The pudding itself was okay, but the sauce was really good. I am licking my cup:
Then we needed a drink and I needed a rest, so stopped off for coffee and a bit of reading at Borders:
Then a couple more samples:
This was really good, although a bit eclectic. The orange creme anglaise was the best part.
Then another sample, which was quite big, so John and I split it:
This brownie had bourbon whipped cream on top. Yummy! While not really cajun/creole, this was the freshest and best tasting of the 3, so that is what we voted for.
By this time, I had walked way more than I have in 2 weeks, so we decided to go and hit up Kohls so John could get some shoes, and he had success! I also got a couple things on sale, but I didn’t take a picture, so those will appear this week.
Home time and dinner time by this point! I roasted up some beets and parsnips along side some pierogies.
Not crazy about the beets, I have to say. I about fell asleep while eating. I am so wiped out! I can’t believe how much we crammed into today. I am also a little full – I ate a lot today LOL.
I also found the perfect cycling jersey for me:
I guess I am going to have to cough up the $75 for this, because I love it! Suits me pretty well, don’t you think?