Woke up to a big change in weather today! Cold and windy. Hit the gym for 4 miles on the hamster wheel. It went by so fast – yay! I think I like 4-5 miles as just a good solid run where I don’t get too tired, but feel like I got a great workout.
Came home to make some quick-cook steel cut oats made with a mashed nanner and a blob of PB and jelly!
Tasty. : It creeps and leaps and glides and slides across the floor: Anyone?
John is back at court again today for deliberations. They had better hurry up and finish! 😯
The weekend cannot get here fast enough! Today should have been my last work day of the week, but I am going to have to play some catch up tomorrow. We are getting trained on new software stuff for work, and the training was so superficial that it left a lot of us confused. So, we could ‘volunteer’ for extra training to help understand it, which means unpaid training. During the conference call, even the trainers were unsure of stuff. One of my biggest pet peeves I have is time wasting. It’s especially noticeable when you work on production.
Grrrrr….. that kind of made me angry and frustrated today. It makes my work day longer, because I still have to make my line commitments on top of the unpaid training. I talked to my supervisor about how I felt it was unfair and all she said was “I know it is”. ❓ WTH? I like working at home, but sometimes I think I would be better served doing something else.
Lunch was a tuna wrap and some baked lays, all of which I munched while I had the phone muted for the conference call today. Even if other people waste time, at least *I* can multitask.
My frustration led to some chocolate chip snackage. I hadn’t eaten any chocolate chips since Sunday! It doesn’t help that we ran out of milk this morning, so I did not have an afternoon latte as per usual. I knew I was doing it, but sometimes the “I don’t care” voice is stronger than the voice of reason….
Regarding the Attune bars – check for them in the refrigerated section of your grocery store by the yogurts. Or if your store has a ‘natural foods’ section, try there (again refrigerated).
Look at what it looked like outside at 2 pm:
Don’t you just get cold looking at this picture? It didn’t last long and the sun came back out, but it is cold and windy.
John came home for an hour in the afternoon as they got a break from deliberations, but he has to go back! Deadlocked since last night. They fed the jurors lunch and they are getting dinner for them tonight. I had some of the leftovers for dinner tonight. My tax dollars at work paying for 1/2 of a calzone!
I miss my hubby. It’s almost 7:30 and he still isn’t home yet.
Have to get back to work tonight and I have to start packing at some point 😀 Gotta find my shorts.
Hopefully I will get caught up on some blog reading tomorrow as well!
Question: What is one of your pet peeves?