Yeah, more snow. This was taken after the snow fell last night. We got maybe 4 or 5 inches?

John was out of town this weekend and missed this snow.
4 or 5 inches isn’t enough to stop girl time for breakfast for us northern peeps, though 

Now we are supposed to get a lot more tonight and tomorrow. The snow wouldn’t be so bad if it got warm enough to melt off some before piling on new stuff…
Anyway, one week to the Healthy Heart Weekend! Here are the prizes that will be given away this year:
Locally made peanut butter:

A huge jar of Stevia. Please when you send me your photo, tell me if you would use stevia or not.

And – A hand knit hat from Shelley! I asked Shelley last minute if she would be able to knit something and she busted this hat out so fast!

It’s very cute and super soft.
The winner of this is going to be very lucky!
It’s been project weekend around here at Radiance Manor. John was away for the weekend and I seem to get super productive when he is gone. Hmmmm…
Anyway, my projects have long wait times in them, so I have a few going on at once. The trunk is getting lined now. There are time consuming stages with the trunk. Not so much the doing, but the waiting. Waiting to dry between cleaning, waiting in between coats of paint, waiting between coats of waterlox, etc. I spent the weekend working on the tray:

It was in decent shape, so I cleaned it, scraped off the old paper, glued any loose parts and put primer on it. I was going to do the tray in gray, but it looked out of place in the trunk, so I went black – which is pretty unusual for me. I am not so much the dark color person. However, it goes really well with the fabric I chose. Anyway, see there is a broken plank in the bottom of the tray?

I didn’t want to pull off the broken board because I was afraid the whole tray would break since it is probably 120 years old. So, I cut some fiberboard to fit in the bottom of the tray and then covered that with fabric. Adhesive and some weights:

All pretty:

I had a wee bit of trouble lining up the pattern since the insert wasn’t completey square, but it looks 100 times better.
I also have been working on the headboard while the tray was in various stages of drying, but I will save those pictures for another day.
I also got our bedroom paint color, except I didn’t get around to any painting of that.

I will have time with the snow coming in tonight and tomorrow!