On Thursday, the forecast called for some snow, but I think everyone was expecting a light dusting and that would be it. Well, it started falling fairly heavy and wet and by late afternoon, this is what it looked like!
Then it started to ice up after it got dark. I heard what I thought was a snow slide off of our slate roof (sounds like rumbling) and didn’t think much about it until 15 minutes later when our neighbor came knocking on the door that some big branches fell across the sidewalk and a little into the road. She helped me drag them onto our lawn. All night you could hear branches and debris thumping on the roof and such. A lot of the snow melted during the night, but so many branches had come down.
What a mess! John was out of town, so I did most of the clean up with our loppers and put all the debris at the curb for the city to pick up. There was one big one that had to be cut with a chain saw, which I left for John Unfortunately, a lot of trees in town suffered damage and falling branches knocked out the power for some people, luckily not us. The city work crew is going to be really busy this week.
Halloween is coming, so it was time for our annual pumpkin carving party!
Carvers busy, except for a couple missing people.
My niece had what had to be a 30 pound pumpkin!
My design was Oogie Boogie from Nightmare Before Christmas.
John did Jack Skellington
Of course, snacks were had and for dessert, we made a pumpkin monkey bread with chai glaze:
Recipe here for the bread. The chai glaze was just heating up a little milk, steeping chai tea bags and then adding powder sugar to make a glaze (removing tea bags). Delicious!
We had carved, painted with bling and sticker pumpkins this year:
Happy Halloween everyone!!