I really hate it when I don’t sleep well. I know that I will be really hungry for the entire day and food will be a struggle (thank you ghrelin hormone). I slept horribly last night. We went out for coffee last night and I ordered a decaf latte, but there was a bit of Beavis and Butthead going on with the baristas, and it would not surprise me if I actually got regular, since they messed up John’s drink.
Whatever the reason, I couldn’t get to sleep, couldn’t stay asleep, and woke up way too early. So, I just got up and was at the Y before 7am. Stomach was already growling so I had 1/2 of a balance bar before working out.
When I got home, I was reminded of how much food is such an addictive thing for me at times. I had a teaspoon of peanut butter out of the jar to take the edge off my hunger while the oatmeal was cooking. I put it in my mouth and just closed my eyes as the peanut butter melted in my mouth and made my salivary glands go crazy. It was a blissful moment. I was kind of in a drug-like trance, savoring each bit of that spoonful.
Not sure if that set off something in my brain today, but I struggled with food today. I ended up around 1600 calories – so not bad, but I feel hungry still from lack of sleep. Guess I am going to have to go the bed early!
At least today was my last day of work for the week, the weekend starts tomorrow!