Welcome to Thursday! The week is almost over. Pixie says “Wake me when it is Friday!”
I have been using my steroid drops in the eyes for a couple days now, and they are starting to look better! After a couple months of redness, it is weird seeing more white in my eyes. What I don’t like? How nasty these drops taste. About 5 minutes after putting the drops in my eyes, I can taste them in the back of my throat and they are bitter, bitter, bitter! Plus it makes my nose run. Yuck. I have to use them 4 times a day. I’m not complaining too much, though.
I also want to take a moment to thank everyone for their comments and thoughts via email, on the blog or Facebook. To those people who think you can’t be friends with someone if you haven’t met face to face, I say pooh-pooh to them!
I made up some ricotta puffs for breakfast.
Topped with a wee bit of lemon curd. So good!
Work was a little slow, so I was able to catch up on some blogs and read around the internet today.
So, I am sure you all heard that Paula Deen came out with the fact that she has a diagnosis of diabetes. It’s not all that surprising. Whether or not her diet itself played a role, she has a lot of risk factors for developing diabetes. I have sort of been waffling on either side of the issue with regards to her keeping quiet for 3 years and then partnering up with a drug company.
I can understand why you might want to keep your disease private, because it really is nobody’s business – at all. Yes, she is a cook on TV, but she isn’t ever advocating to eat her foods to be healthy. I would highly doubt anyone looking to be healthy would be trying all of Paula Deen’s recipes. On the other hand, she is a very public persona and she could certainly use her platform for diabetes education more than partnering with Big Pharma.
John brought up a good point, though, that it might be helpful in a lot of ways because a lot of Paula Deen’s regular audience and fans are the people that probably would be needing diabetes medication and it is a good way to push them to get more information. I do like that she is not vilifying certain foods like Alton Brown did when he did a complete 180 on his diet.
Time for lunch break! I mixed up some cooked chicken with light mayo, curry powder, chopped apple and grapes.
With Nut Thins. It’s one of my GF days. I actually really like this chicken salad, but only make it when grapes are on sale and I buy them. I like to be frugal. My sister calls me cheap LOL!
Afternoon snack time!
I actually had 2 pieces of pineapple, but one went into my mouth before the camera got here.
I did win the fantasy football picks last weekend and normally we eat out Thursday nights, but I have not even thought where I wanted to go! So, we ate at home instead. That meant a go-to meal, which is pretty much an omelet for me.
That is sausage and Laughing Cow in there. The filling kind of fell out when I plated it up. Still tastes the same, though.
Tonight is getting old school with exercise! I am going to dust off the Leslie Sansone WATP 3 mile DVD to do.
Also of note, not sure how long this link will be valid for, but you can get a free kindle copy of a Weight Watchers Soup Recipe book here. So grab it while you can. And if you are like me and do *not* own a kindle, you can get the kindle cloud reader for free on Amazon as well. Good stuff. Free is good.