This was a totally new veggie to me. Funny how I was just reading about them online about how they are in season, and what do I see at the farmer’s market yesterday? Fiddleheads!
I decided to try some, although the appearance seemed a bit like coiled worms to me, so there was a bit of apprehension.
Fiddleheads are grown mostly in the northeast, and are the unfurled frond tips of the ostrich fern, so obviously have a very short season.
Took them home and washed off the brown papery coating.
Cooked them thusly:
4 ounces of fiddleheads
1 tsp coconut oil
3 tablespoons minced onions
1 slice canadian bacon, chopped.
Steam the fiddleheads in a mesh steamer for 5 minutes.
In the meantime, saute the onions in the coconut oil and then add the bacon. When the fiddleheads are done, add them to the saute pan and cook for another 4-5 minutes.
They were actually pretty good, although anything with bacon in some form is going to be pretty tasty to me
They were very reminiscent of asparagus, but much milder in flavor and pretty tender. They were fun, and I would get them again, although keeping the price in mind.