Happy Monday everyone! Or probably Tuesday by the time most of you read this Don’t forget to enter the cookbook giveaway!
Off to the gym this morning to workout. It was really weird there today, as I overheard one of the new owners talking about pallbearers and funerals, and the other owner wasn’t there. That got me thinking about Saturday and how the gym was not open in the morning. I hope nothing happened, but it was pretty obvious something was wrong.
I did this:
- Chinups: 2
- Romanian barbell deadlift: 3 sets of 8 at 75 pounds
Alternating sets:
- Barbell bench press: 3 sets of 8 at 55 pounds
- Seated lat row: 3 sets of 8 at 55 pounds
Alternating sets:
- Reverse lunges with 1 dumbell on shoulder: 3 sets at 20 pounds
- Arnold press: 3 sets of 10 with 10 pound dumbbells
- Plank: 3 sets with 90 second holds.
I was going to then walk on the treadmill, but then a woman came in crying and hugging the owner. I felt so uncomfortable working out in this atmosphere and it felt disrespectful, so I decided to go home. I checked in the paper, but didn’t see anything. I don’t know them well enough to really ask much, you know?
I made some Cream of Wheat for breakfast:
- 35 grams of Cream of Wheat
- 1 ultraripe banana mashed
- cinnamon
- 1 tablespoon cashew butter
- 1 tablespoon blackberry jam
Unpictured cafe au lait on the side… So tasty. This is a new bowl, too. A local potter made it! I love pottery. I burned my tongue on this, too, because I was so hungry. I actually did not eat a snack preworkout today.
Thinking about finishing the year strong. I know Christmas is in there, but there is no reason I can’t make an extra effort on the other days. I am starting to get lazy. I set 2 mini goals for today. One goal was to not snack except for my planned snack. This is really hard for me as working at home I can go get a few chips or some nuts if I so choose at any time. And I have gotten into the habit lately of munching. No wonder I can’t get off the last 10 pounds!
My other goal was to have 2 vegetables at lunch and dinner today. So – lunch was a tuna wrap with lettuce mix, served with a side of baby carrots.
And the most tart kiwi ever! It was almost like a lemon
I drank a lot of tea today to help keep me from snacking. It worked pretty well. I was ready for the planned snack of a latte!
About an hour before dinner, I got really hungry and I told myself that I could have a clementine only. No nuts or chocolate chips or the like. So I had one.
I had another giant salad for dinner. This used up the last of the lettuce, so there won’t be any salads for the rest of the week!
Lots of protein on this salad. About 3.5 oz of chicken and an ounce of feta. And yummy pan sauteed broccoli. Kermit would be proud of me today
Ornament of the day:
Another horn ornament! This has a pretty stained glass appearance to it. I have had this one for a long time and it is one of my favorites.
Question: Will you challenge yourself to one thing tomorrow?